Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1977: Tianshu Forbidden Source Array

After leaving the room, Shen Wanguo took Zhang Ziling downstairs, while Gui Wuqing followed Zhang Ziling with a slightly unnatural expression and didn't know what he was thinking.

Without a word, Zhang Ziling followed Shen Wanguo in silence, walking from the first floor into the basement, and at the same time, he kept walking deep down the stairs.

Oil lamps hung on both sides of the stairs, but the lights were so dim that the stairs could only be seen clearly.

Below this basement, it seems that there is a special magic circle, which can hinder the investigation of the monk's spirit, so that the monk does not know the specific appearance of this space.

Zhang Ziling didn't forcefully break through the restrictions, so he followed Shen Wanguo so freely, not caring whether he fell into a trap.

The three of them walked for about a quarter of an hour, and there was also a considerable distance from the ground.

It is hard to imagine that there is such a huge space hidden under this black market attic.


Shen Wanguo walked to the end of the stairs and pushed open a dusty bronze door. A decayed breath came from the door, piercing ears and nose.

"It can be seen that no one has been here for a long time."

Zhang Ziling glanced at the empty space behind the bronze door, and the surrounding walls were covered with thick dust, but the lights on the walls were always on, as if they had never been extinguished.

"Your Excellency, please come in." Gui Wuqing, behind Zhang Ziling, said to Zhang Ziling in a please gesture.


Zhang Ziling nodded without hesitation, followed Shen Wanguo and stepped into the bronze gate.

Cang Dang!

After Zhang Ziling and Gui Wuqing stepped on the door, the bronze door suddenly closed, the walls lit up, and it was obvious that a strange formation was rising.

The spiritual power in the surrounding space seems to be imprisoned.

Zhang Ziling glanced around, then looked at Shen Wanguo without changing his face and asked, "What do you mean?"

"Guest, there is one thing you may not know..." Shen Wanguo turned around and looked at Zhang Ziling with a smile, his eyes gleaming.

The surrounding walls gradually faded, and then disappeared. The entire space seemed to be placed in a starry sky, with no edge.

The Ghost Wuqing behind Zhang Ziling turned into a phantom and disappeared into the starry sky, and then appeared beside Shen Wanguo.

"Your Excellency, although the old man likes dealing with you very much and wants to make your friend, but it's a pity... you insist on asking something you shouldn't ask." Gui Wuqing looked at Zhang Ziling and said lightly. There is mercy in it.

"The incident nineteen years ago was a taboo for everyone who knew the truth."

"Although I don't know the whole picture, the power of that adult is far beyond your imagination. If you insist on exploring, it will only bring destruction to yourself and us."

At this moment, Shen Wanguo also smiled faintly at the corner of his mouth, and said to Zhang Ziling: "Nineteen years ago, no living person can know about it. If you insist on exploring, you will have to die."

"It's a pity that a Taoist-level alchemist, such a precious figure, is going to die here, it is really a violent thing!"

Although Shen Wanguo said so, the look in Zhang Ziling's eyes seemed to be looking at a dead person.

"You are so confident that you can kill me with the two of you?"

Zhang Ziling never felt any sense of crisis from beginning to end, and the eyes of Shen Wanguo and Gui Wuqing were full of playfulness.

In fact, when Shen Wanguo's lion opened his mouth, Zhang Ziling understood that Shen Wanguo did not intend to tell him the truth from the beginning.

He also knew the purpose of Shen Wanguo for bringing him here.

As for why Zhang Ziling has not dismantled Shen Wanguo, but came here with Shen Wanguo, just to see what tricks Shen Wanguo is playing, and then deal with Shen Wanguo.

At this time, it doesn't matter whether Shen Wanguo tells the truth about Zhang Ziling, what matters is... Shen Wanguo knows what happened 19 years ago.

With this alone, Zhang Ziling could slowly search for his soul after suppressing Shen Wanguo.

"You may not know that there are already five Taos who died here... Before they came here, they were as confident as you."

"And you, will become the sixth." Shen Wanguo seemed to have become accustomed to Zhang Ziling's self-confidence, and smiled indifferently.

Under normal circumstances, if two Taoist gods join forces, it is true that one Taoist **** may not be able to kill.

If the Taoist God insists on fleeing, it is difficult to stop it without more than three Taoists.

Gui Wuqing seems to have stood up and said to Zhang Ziling at this moment: "This is the center of the Tianshu Forbidden Source Formation. In this formation, the spiritual power in the monk's body will continue to disappear with the passage of time, and this Tianshu There is an independent space in the Forbidden Source Array. No one except us knows where the exit is."

"In this battle, my eldest brother and I don't even need to do anything. We just need to wait for your spiritual power to drain away. You will be like fish on the chopping board, without any resistance."

"Tianshu Forbidden Source Array..."

Zhang Ziling did not listen to what Gui Wuqing said afterwards. After he heard the Tianshu Forbidden Source Array, he began to investigate the lines and construction methods of the entire array.

With Zhang Ziling's strength, it is easy to analyze a Taoist-level magic circle, and even violent destruction is just a punch.

But this time...

Zhang Ziling frowned slightly.

The genre of lines portrayed by this Tianshu Forbidden Source Formation is really not like what a monk on the Great Wild Continent can portray.

It's not that the lines used by this Tianshu Forbidden Source Array are superb or complicated. This Array itself is also a Dao God-level Array, which is not much different from other similar tiers on the Great Wild Continent.

However, the style of this Tianshu Forbidden Source Array is not at all like the style of the monks in the Great Desolate Continent, but more like his depiction of the monks in the three thousand universes.

"how is this possible?"

Zhang Ziling shook his head and threw the idea out of his mind, thinking that it was because he had been thinking too much.

After all, the Great Desolate Continent is far broader than the three thousand universes, and the formation techniques are naturally as many as stars, and it is normal to have a style that is familiar to you.

Shen Wanguo and Gui Wuqing saw Zhang Ziling's frowns, but Shen Wanguo regarded Zhang Ziling's performance as fear, and the smile on his face became stronger.

"Guest, if you are willing to voluntarily hand over the spirit-changing pill in your hand and all the treasures in your space ring, I may give you a way out. After all, this god-level alchemist is too rare, and the guest is dead. It's a pity here too."

Shen Wanguo pretended to be pitying, but his eyes were full of joking.

He was just talking about these words. The Tao God-level alchemist's connections were beyond imagination. If they really released Zhang Ziling today, I am afraid that Zhang Ziling would have to bring more than a dozen Taoist gods over and get them in a pot!

There is a word circulating on the Great Wild Continent.

If you offend the alchemist, there are only two solutions...

Either you desperately killed the alchemist, or the alchemist took a large number of people and killed you easily.

Hearing these words said by Shen Wanguo, Zhang Ziling also recovered and turned his attention to Shen Wanguo.

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