Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1985: The actions of Emperor Wanlong

On the fourth floor of the attic, Shen Wanguo's cultivation forbidden area.

Sitting on the futon, Zhang Ziling flipped through the dossier that Gui Wuqing had brought, which contained almost all the movements of the people around the Emperor Wanlong. The information was so mottled that most of them were meaningless behaviors.

Although the file is more than half a meter high, there is very little useful information in it.

Compared with the complicated dossiers of other people, the Wanlong Emperor has much less. He collected a thin book in 19 years.

After all, Emperor Wanlong is a Taoist-level powerhouse, and his strength is unfathomable. The spies arranged in the palace on the black market cannot grasp too many traces of Emperor Wanlong.

However, the edicts issued by the Emperor Wanlong in the past nineteen years, or the relatively large impacts he has done, and the very few information he received from his concubines and heirs, are clearly written in the pamphlet.

Soon, Gui Wuqing flipped through the booklet, combined with his own memory and some information obtained from other channels, and gradually formed a clearer context.

"You start."

Zhang Ziling said to Gui Wuqing without looking up while flipping through the files.

"Let's talk about it since 19 years ago..."

"In fact, the Emperor Wanlong hasn't done much in the past nineteen years, just a few major things. After all, he is also a Taoist god, and the Wanlong Empire is just his inheritance. His main energy is still on cultivation."

"Like us, it is normal to practice retreat for decades. Emperor Wanlong is the emperor. Although he wants to manage political affairs, he will often close for several years."

"Say the main thing."

Zhang Ziling raised his eyes and glanced at Gui Wuqing, then said angrily.

He naturally understood the words that Gui Wuqing said just now. In the big world, a monk at the level of Taoism, in addition to external power and punishment, can live for millions of years without any pressure. Find countless life-prolonging elixir, in other words...

As long as Taoism doesn't make a big death, he will basically not die.

Living long enough, they will gradually become indifferent to foreign objects such as power. Presumably, the Wanlong Emperor managed the Wanlong Empire only to inherit the will of his ancestors. It is quite rare to be able to issue a decree every few years.

Like the Dao God-level ancestors of the major sects, it is estimated that they will not come out once in thousands of years. Ordinary sect disciples and elders have no chance to see the Dao God ancestors, and only the sect sect masters are lucky enough to see them.

After Zhang Ziling said such a sentence, Gui Wuqing was taken aback for a moment, and he quickly turned to the topic: "Nineteen years ago, after the taboo left Wanlong City and disappeared completely, the Emperor Wanlong proceeded to order a cleanup of the government. The dignitaries, the clan powers of those dignitaries have all been hacked, and their sect resources have also been sealed in the Ten Thousand Dragon Empire treasury."

"After that time, the ruling and the opposition shook, and many important officials were frightened and dared not to talk and do nonsense. The entire Ten Thousand Dragons Empire also fell silent. The major forces feared that disaster would fall on them, and the Emperor Ten Thousand Dragons was behind. Also completely closed."

"In the following five years, the Emperor Wanlong went out again and issued a second decree to destroy five cities in the Wanlong Empire, including two small cities, two medium-sized cities and one county city! "

"And the county town?"

Zhang Ziling was stunned for a moment, looked at Gui Wuqing with some confusion, and asked in confusion.

The prefecture is a metropolis second only to the imperial capital. Every city is an extremely important defensive fortress of the Ten Thousand Dragon Empire!

Among them, there are countless people, many large sects, and even Taoism-level powerhouses inhabit!

Like the Wanhua Palace in Qingling County, there is a Taoist ancestor.

It is not surprising to destroy Zhang Ziling, a small city of the level of Red Maple City, but it is impossible to destroy a big city of the level of Qingling County City with the title of a sage alone.

Moreover, even if the Wanlong Emperor had a secret method and succeeded in the end, the result would also cause the Wanlong Empire to fall into great turmoil.

"Yes... But what the Emperor Wanlong destroyed was only the upper forces in the city. The major sects that ruled those cities were wiped out one by one, and a Taoist **** died."

"The impact of that incident was much greater than that of the Wanlong Emperor's killing of the court officials. This also caused many forces in the Wanlong Empire to secretly seek refuge in neighboring countries."

Gui Wuqing said, in fact, he didn't really understand the purpose of the Wanlong Emperor doing this. The destruction of the upper forces in the county city was nothing but to make the Wanlong Empire hurt and turmoil. benefit.

Zhang Ziling pondered for a while, then said, "Go on."

"After that incident, the Treasury of the Ten Thousand Dragons Empire has been enriched again, and the Emperor Ten Thousand Dragons retreats again for ten years.

"During the period, the Wanlong Empire was in turmoil, but because the Wanlong Emperor showed great strength in that incident, this also made other forces afraid to move, but in a disguised form stabilized the Wanlong Emperor's imperial power."

"However, the Heavenly Martial Kingdom, which is close to the Ten Thousand Dragon Empire, seized the opportunity of the Ten Thousand Dragon Empire's turmoil. Over the past ten years, it has continuously harassed and eroded the Ten Thousand Dragon Empire and seized several border cities of the Ten Thousand Dragon Empire.”

"After that, Emperor Wanlong went out again and personally led the Xiaolong Army to the border, killing the troops stationed at the border by the Tianwu Holy Kingdom."

"For this reason, Emperor Wanlong also played a battle with the Emperor Tianwu during the Warring States Period. In the end, the two lost both and returned to their homeland to recover. Their battle also left a huge canyon on the border between the two countries, which was later named Longwu Grand Canyon. , Separated the Ten Thousand Dragon Empire from the Holy Kingdom of Tianwu."

"Behind is the feud between the Wanlong Empire and the Heavenly Martial Saint Kingdom. Up to now, the two countries have been fighting both large and small, and the Wanlong Emperor has never retired, and occasionally leaves the palace, but where to go, our black market spies cannot grasp him. Whereabouts."

Gui Wuqing also talked to Zhang Ziling about some strange things that Emperor Wanlong had done. Although Gui Wuqing felt that the Emperor Wanlong was like a different person after the taboo left, and his actions were unpredictable, but However, Gui Wuqing couldn't connect these things done by Emperor Wanlong.

"These are probably some of the more influential things that the Emperor Wanlong did 19 years ago, and some are for things in the Wanlong City. Those are also described in the dossier you read, your lord. They are all related to those around him. related."

"Well, you step back, and then come to me to sort out a detailed information."


Zhang Ziling ordered Gui Wuqing to retire, and he began to quickly flip through the files, browsing a lot of information.

Obviously, Xie Wushuang must have made Wanlong Emperor do something, and in exchange, Wanlong Emperor's strength has also been greatly improved, otherwise it would be impossible to destroy the upper forces of a county city.

As for the things Xie Wushuang asked Wanlong Emperor to do, he probably wanted to imply something about Zhang Ziling and at the same time buried certain clues in it.

"It seems that the next step is to go to the palace to meet the Wanlong Emperor."

Zhang Ziling closed the file, digested the information he had received, and muttered.

But at this moment, Zhang Ziling received the little soul's call for help!

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