Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1990: Great Tianming King Seal

Young Master Bai Ming roared so loudly that even the little soul hiding in Ye Zi's arms jumped out of his head in shock, staring at Young Master Bai Ming in shock.

Xiaoxun was not afraid of Young Master Bai Ming's fierceness, but she felt that Young Master Bai Ming's brain was broken, so she dared to say this to her father!

The expressions of the monks watching the theater around became more exciting. Everyone could see that the words of Master Bai Ming directly deteriorated the situation to the extreme, and the two sides became immortal at once.

Although there are countless fights in the Wanlong City every day, there are not a few deaths, but the death of an emperor or Bai Ming was killed, that is all great news!

No one thought that what was originally a trivial matter would have evolved into this situation!


Fairy Biyue saw the madness of Young Master Bai Ming, and couldn't help whispering. He stepped back again and signaled to Zhang Ziling that he was not with Young Master Bai Ming.

Fairy Biyue was completely frightened by Zhang Ziling, she didn't dare to be an enemy of Zhang Ziling at all, and she didn't even have the courage to move her father, the King of Heaven, out of the mountain.

During the time when Zhang Ziling's neck was pinched, Fairy Biyue had seen Zhang Ziling's deep eyes.

The vastness, as deep as the universe, made Fairy Biyue deeply aware of how powerful Zhang Ziling really is!

"Do you want me to die?" Zhang Ziling snorted, and the look in the eyes of Master Bai Ming became more and more playful, as if he was looking at a fool.

"It seems that you are too easy to live, don't know how to write death?"

Zhang Ziling shook his head, directly raised his hand and sucked Young Master Bai Ming in front of him, slapped casually.


Young Master Bai Ming was directly flew out by Zhang Ziling, blood spattered out of his teeth, and his whole person smashed to the ground, half of his face swelled.

Before Mr. Bai Ming got up again, Zhang Ziling slammed his head on Mr. Bai Ming's head, and directly stepped his head into the ground!

The ground broke!

Young Master Bai Ming's lower body kept twitching.

"Damn! So cruel?"

Seeing the miserable end of Master Bai Ming, the surrounding cultivators felt their scalp numb, and their eyes looked at Zhang Ziling with awe.

Those who dare to do this after knowing the background of Master Bai Ming are not true warriors, or true big shots!

No matter what kind of person Zhang Ziling is, he is worthy of admiration!

"You crap...I want you to die!!!"

Young Master Bai Ming roared, violent spiritual power erupted from his body, and the whole person flew out of the ground suddenly, and rubble splashed everywhere!

A golden seal flew out of the ring of Young Master Bai Ming and suddenly became bigger in the sky!

"Big Tianming King Seal! This is the treasure of Sect Master Baiyue, a magic weapon of the emperor rank! I didn't expect it to be in the hands of Young Master Baiming!"

There was a burst of exclamation from the surrounding monks, and everyone looked at the big seal in the sky in shock, their faces could not hide their excitement and shock!

Da Tian Ming Wang Yin is a famous emperor-rank magic weapon, its power is extremely terrifying, and a single blow can even severely wound a monarch monk!

"This Great Tianming King Seal is attached with the spiritual power of the White Moon Sect Master, and Young Master Bai Ming can use that spiritual power to exert all the powers of the Great Tianming King Seal! That monarchy monk might be in danger!"

A monk sensed the breath of Sect Master Baiyue from the huge seal in the sky, and exclaimed again.

As the Great Heavenly King Seal came out, the sky became pitch black, violent winds raged, and a shock of power filled the air.

"This is the magic weapon passed to me by Master, you will die for me!"

Young Master Bai Ming roared, manipulating the Great Tianming King Seal to smash at Zhang Ziling!

Looking at the big seal hitting him in the sky, Zhang Ziling couldn't help but smile: "This material can be used to upgrade the Imperial Dragon Seal. Anyway, you are going to die, then I will accept it unceremoniously."

After the words fell, Zhang Ziling's figure was slightly distorted, and then disappeared in place.

"Disappeared? Did he run away?" Everyone found Zhang Ziling suddenly disappeared, and they looked around, looking for Zhang Ziling's figure.

"Look! He is there!"

Suddenly, a monk yelled, pointing to the sky and yelling.

Everyone quickly looked up and saw Zhang Ziling holding the Great Tianming King Seal with one hand, his robe dancing with the wind.

"This is? My Great Heavenly King Seal?"

Young Master Bai Ming suddenly felt that he had lost contact with Da Tian Ming Wang Yin, and his crazy face couldn't help flashing infinite fear!

"Little guy, I will accept this seal. As a gift, I will let you personally feel the power of this seal."

Zhang Ziling smiled, but his eyes became extremely cold, holding the seal and slammed it at Young Master Bai Ming.


In the distance, there was a roar like thunder rolling in, followed by a powerful momentum overwhelming the sky, setting off a layer of ground, like a shaking tsunami!

Countless monks fled frantically, for fear of being involved in that terrifying aura!

It's a pity that that roar didn't affect Zhang Ziling at all. Datianming Wangyin smashed at Young Master Baiming without slowing down, and the violent power swept the hurricane!

Fairy Biyue quickly sacrificed a white snow lotus, and quickly moved away under the load of the snow lotus!

But Young Master Bai Ming was completely locked by Zhang Ziling's Qi machine, unable to move at all, he could only watch his Great Heavenly King Seal hit him.

"Master!!! Save me!!!"

The screaming cry echoed in the sky, and Young Master Bai Ming knelt on the ground in despair, his eyes were scarlet, and the surrounding ground was crushed by the seal of the Great Heavenly King!

boom! ! !

The Great Emperor Ming Wang's seal was smashed down, the ground shattered, and the power poured out, and the son of Bai Ming was directly crushed into powder!


A heart-piercing roar came from a distance, and the surrounding monks changed their expressions, only to see an old man in white rushing in the distance, and the streets of Wanlong City became fragmented because of the aura of the old man in white!

Behind the white-clothed old man, there are several middle-aged men with strong aura, carrying a white sword, with awe-inspiring aura!

Endless hurricanes follow them!

"It's Sect Master Baiyue, Yue Gucheng!" A monk recognized the old man in white and exclaimed.

Many monks who watched the excitement also felt that things were getting worse, and they didn't dare to stay where they were. They withdrew away from a distance, for fear that they would be involved in the storm.

The death of Young Master Bai Ming has pushed this matter to an unknown direction of development, and then the anger of Bai Yuezong will burn everyone present!

"You are so courageous!!! To die!!!"

Yue Gucheng's eyes were red, and he rushed straight towards Zhang Ziling. The imposing momentum of the peak of the emperor rank burst out, and countless monks could not breathe!

"This is a big deal!"

When Fairy Biyue saw Yue Gucheng had also come, his face was pale and panic.

Knowing this, when she was in the Thousand Fang Restaurant, she shouldn't have watched Master Bai Ming attack the heavy armored cavalry's horse and let him hit Ye Zi.

Now this situation can no longer end!


But at this moment, a low voice fell from the sky, and with it came the power!


Yue Gucheng was directly overwhelmed by that power, and his violent aura also dissipated in an instant!

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