Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1993: Heavy bleeding

Bi Qintian made a move, and the power of the Tao God instantly crushed the audience. Many monks were even directly injured by Bi Qintian's aura!

Zhang Ziling and Bi Qintian have not yet played each other, and the rest of the prestige has injured many cultivators present. The power of Taoism is evident!

Many people wanted to escape, but under Bi Qintian's momentum, the cultivators had difficulty even getting up, so how could they escape?

All the monks can do now is to pray that the battle between the two Taoism gods will not involve them.

As for whether it can survive, it can only depend on fate.


Bi Qintian's body was full of light, and his terrifying spiritual power turned into a dragon, roaring towards Zhang Ziling!

The golden spiritual power dragon tore the earth, and the strong hurricane blew away countless monks.

Seeing the dragon whose spiritual power had turned into it, Zhang Ziling didn't make any movements, only some devilish energy spread out around him, condensing into a round shield in front of him.

The spirit power flood dragon suddenly slammed into the devilish buckler, without causing any waves, and was directly swallowed by Zhang Ziling's devilish energy!

"what is this?"

Bi Qintian's pupils shrank suddenly, and he never expected that Zhang Ziling would completely absorb his spiritual power, but he had already exploded with this punch. Even without the spiritual power increase, it was impossible to recover it.

Bi Qintian can only bite the bullet and win with strength!

Even if Bi Qintian focuses on spiritual power cultivation, he is also in the realm of Taoism. Its divine body is far stronger than an emperor monk, and one punch is enough to smash a large mountain.

Bi Qintian's fist directly blasted the devilish buckler and slammed it into Zhang Ziling's face.

"The strength is too weak."

Zhang Ziling spit out four characters lightly in his mouth, blocking Bi Qintian's fist with one hand, his body tattooed still.

On the contrary, Bi Qintian felt like he had hit a piece of divine gold, his fists were aching, and his bones were shaking.

"What kind of weird power is this?"

Bi Qintian whispered, trying to withdraw his hand, but suddenly realized that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't move his arm by half!

"You?" Bi Qintian looked at Zhang Ziling in shock, his face full of incredible.

If Zhang Ziling's power was still within Bi Qintian's acceptance range, then he was pinched by Zhang Ziling and couldn't move... This kind of powerful strength made Bi Qintian a little hard to accept.

Although Bi Qintian is slightly weaker in physical strength, he can reach the average level of Taoism no matter what, even facing the power Taoism, it is impossible to have such a huge power gap!

Seeing Bi Qintian's shocked look, Zhang Ziling's eyes were still flat, slightly let go of Bi Qintian's fist, and then his whole body instantly went to the back of Bi Qintian, held his head with his big hand, and slammed it to the ground!


The rubble was splashing everywhere, and Bi Qintian's head was directly pressed into the ground by Zhang Ziling!

"This this……"

When Yue Gucheng saw this scene, his face was completely scared and his brain was blank.

The monks who had not been bombarded by Bi Qin Tian’s spiritual power were also stunned. Bi Qin went to Zhang Ziling in a fierce manner. Everyone thought that there would be a fierce battle next, and perhaps Wanlong City would have to be destroyed. How many people around here can survive is unknown...

But now, Bi Qintian was pushed into the ground by the Demon Emperor before he even broke the Demon Emperor's defenses... With such a huge power gap, it is hard to believe that the two present are in the Taoist God Realm!

"You should calm down inside first."

Zhang Ziling said faintly, the pitch-black demon energy gushed from his palm and quickly attached to Bi Qintian's body. Before Bi Qintian could struggle, he was directly wrapped in the cocoon of demon energy by Zhang Ziling.

Seeing Zhang Ziling ban Bi Qintian in two or two, Yue Gucheng was even more frightened to the Liushen Wuzhu, and quickly kowtow to Zhang Ziling's head and apologize: "The devil's majesty, the junior is stupid, and he smashed the adults with the previous words. The juniors are willing to pay any price to compensate. Lord Devil, please let me go, Bai Yuezong!"

Yue Gucheng was completely frightened. The Tianyou King was already enough to crush his existence. Now the Devil Emperor can easily ban the Tianyou King. Although the Devil Emperor is taking advantage of the power of the Tianyou King, for them Bai Yuezong, the Devil Emperor The power is enough to bring destruction to their entire sect!

In the past, because of ignorance, it was a disaster. Now Yuegu City can only spend a lot of money to save the situation!

Zhang Ziling kicked the banned Bi Qintian aside, and turned to look at Yue Gucheng, which was constantly kowtow to him. With a cold expression on his face, Yue Gucheng felt that he had fallen into a bottomless abyss.

Yue Gucheng's eyes watched Zhang Ziling's feet keep approaching, a lot of sweat dripped on the ground on his forehead, his body trembled slightly, and his heart twitched.

The surrounding cultivators couldn't describe their current mood at all, whether it was King Tianyou or Sect Master Baiyue...These characters are usually unattainable big figures in their eyes, and stomping can make Ten Thousand Dragon City shake the terrifying existence!

But now, King Tianyou was banned, and then kicked aside by the Devil Emperor as a ball...

Sect Master Bai Yuezong was even more miserable. He was still kowtow in front of the Devil Emperor, and he didn't even dare to look at his head and lost his face.

In the future, how Baiyuezong should gain a foothold in Wanlong City is a problem.

The cultivators had never imagined that they would see such an exciting picture in their lifetime!

"Demon, Lord Demon, I'll wait until I know what's wrong... Please wait for a way out for me..."

Yue Gucheng humbledly said to Zhang Ziling, his forehead stayed the ground.

Zhang Ziling looked at Yue Gucheng calmly, and said, "Look up."

Yue Gucheng trembled, her muscles tightened, and she raised her eyes to look at Zhang Ziling.

"The emperor can give you a chance." Zhang Ziling said lightly, "If the price you offer satisfies the emperor, the emperor will let you go to Bai Yuezong."

"If the price difference you opened falls short of the emperor's psychological expectations, the emperor will immediately slaughter you Bai Yuezong, and there will be no one left!"

"You have to believe that if the emperor does it, no one can stop it!"

So cruel!

When the surrounding cultivators heard what Zhang Ziling said, only those two words popped out of their hearts!

Let Yue Gucheng make its own price... If it is low, you will have to destroy the sect... This kind of bottomless pit, Yue Gucheng can only dare to bid higher!

In order to keep the Baiyue Sect, it is necessary to satisfy the appetite of Taoism...

This time, Yue Gucheng might not be as simple as bleeding heavily.

For a time, everyone looked at Yue Gucheng with incomparable compassion, and many people even gloated.

It's not good to provoke, but I must provoke a demon god!


Yue Gucheng swallowed fiercely, and looked at Zhang Ziling nervously, only feeling dry and dry.

If the price is low, he will have to destroy the sect. He only dared to go higher now, but if the entire White Moon Sect is paid out, then besides recovering a bad life, what is the difference between him and the sect?

Yue Gucheng is now very entangled, and really wants to know what the Devil Emperor's psychological expectations are.

After struggling for a while, Yue Gucheng thought about the end of Sancunzong again, and the whole person was suddenly excited!

What he thought of, tremblingly took out a black armor from the space ring, looked at Zhang Ziling, and said with great reluctance: "Big, sir...This is my Bai Yuezong inherited for thousands of years. Void Spirit Armor is the treasure of our sect, do you think this works?"

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