Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 2009: Zhang Moyun!

A loud roar came from a distance, and the monster owner who was laughing suddenly froze, and the laughter that echoed between the world and the earth stopped abruptly.

Zhang Ziling could clearly see that the wild smile on the face of the monster owner turned into fear after the sky-shaking roar came!


The overwhelming spiritual power rushed from a distance, and Zhang Ziling was shocked, and suddenly looked into the distance.

"This is... the supreme prestige?"

Zhang Ziling said in shock, just from the momentum that was coming, he could judge that the person was the supreme!

"Unexpectedly, there will be other supremacists on this wild continent before!"

Zhang Ziling whispered, and as soon as his voice fell, he saw a man who was 80% similar to him was rushing towards here with a billowing black cloud.

The man was wearing a mostly torn scarlet armor and holding a blood-stained dark spear, surrounded by a terrifying aura.

"He, why is he here?"

The monster owner saw the man appear, his eyes filled with infinite fear, and he didn't even care about being too green, and fled away like crazy.

The other few were shocked by the man's appearance. There was no immediate escape. One inadvertently was bombarded by the man's momentum, like a kite with a broken line!

The man threw the dark spear in his hand and turned into a thousand spirit spears, and directly annihilated the few blown away in the thousand spirit spears.

The monster owner saw his companions disappear in an instant, and even scared the urine out. He quickly digs through the ground and rushes in!

Taiqing saw the man appear, but there was no surprise on his face. Instead, he was panicked.

The man came to Taiqing in an instant, and the dark spear reappeared in his hand, easily splitting the cross that tied Taiqing.

"Qing'er, I am here."

"Why are you here? Didn't I let you escape? Escape to the small world!"

Taiqing looked at the man anxiously and said, tears instantly wet her face.

The man hugged Taiqing into his arms and whispered, "Ziling and Ziyou, I have been sent to an inconspicuous planet in the small world. I'm here to pick you up."

"Their two children were just born, so you can't live without your mother."

"But they won't let you go!" Taiqing cried, "I can't escape. You came here, just to die for nothing!"

"No." The man smiled softly. "If you can be rescued, how can you die for nothing?"

In the palm of the man, the dark spiritual power gradually poured out, enveloping Taiqing.

Seeing the strangeness, Taiqing's expression changed slightly, looking at the man and exclaimed: "Mo Yun, what are you doing?"

Before Taiqing resisted, the man took out the godhead from Taiqing's body, and at the same time injected part of his spiritual power into Taiqing's body.

"This broken Godhead is a disaster for you, just leave it on me." The man smiled at Taiqing, "I have left part of my power in your body, which is enough in that small world. I am now I will send you there."

Hearing what the man said, Taiqing was completely panicked, and said in shock: "Zhang Moyun, what are you going to do?"

"I forbid you to do this! Hear you!"

However, no matter how Taiqing cried, Zhang Moyun ignored it and called out a strange beast directly, and tied Taiqing to it.

"Qingyun will send you to the place where Ziling and Ziyou are, so you can live there."

Zhang Moyun looked at Taiqing and said softly, two lines of tears falling from his cheeks.

"If you can... don't let them know the truth."

"No! No... they are looking for me, you don't need to die because of me! You let me go!" Taiqing struggled on the back of the alien beast, but couldn't break free anyway.

Zhang Moyun did not respond too green, but patted Qingyun's head lightly, and said softly: "It's time to go, they are coming soon."

Qingyun glanced at Zhang Moyun extremely reluctantly, sighed, and finally turned into a light and left, disappearing into the sky with Taiqing.

Seeing Taiqing's departure, Zhang Moyun sighed slightly, then looked at the dilapidated Godhead in his hand, his eyes became firm.

Zhang Moyun swallowed that godhead in one swallow, and the whole person was immediately enveloped by an extremely powerful force, and an unusually strong light escaped from his body!

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Zhang Moyun roared bitterly, as if he was suffering from heartbreaking pain.

"Forced into a god? Is this guy crazy?"

Seeing Zhang Moyun's painful look in the sky from the monster owner hiding in the ground, his face was full of incredible, I couldn't believe Zhang Moyun did such a thing!

"Forcibly swallowing the godhead will only cause the backlash of the godhead, with a great probability of falling, and it is impossible to become a god!"

"Even if you become a **** in the end, without the consent of those adults, you are still a slave after all, and you will die sooner or later!"

The monster owner looked at Zhang Moyun and said to himself, but he didn't mean anything, for fear of being discovered by Zhang Moyun.

Zhang Ziling stood by, silently looking at Zhang Moyun in front of him, feeling extremely complicated.

Zhang Ziling never thought that his father turned out to be a supreme one!

He never thought that his parents' experience would be so bumpy...


Zhang Ziling looked at Zhang Moyun curled up in the air and called out softly, his body trembling slightly.

Suddenly, Zhang Ziling's hair was blown away by a slight wind. He raised his eyes and looked at him. He saw that there were black and dense powerhouses on the horizon, and he looked at it, endless!

"Zhang Moyun, you dare to steal the Godhead, so bold!"

A roar rolled from the horizon, and Zhang Moyun also roared up to the sky at this time, his blood-red armor was shattered, and a dazzling light burst out from his body, illuminating the entire sky.

An aura of astonishment filled the entire space instantly!

Zhang Ziling was wondering what happened next, and suddenly felt that his eyes were spinning around, and then he found that he had returned to the Tianxin Temple.

All the previous pictures disappeared instantly!

Everything returns to nothingness.

"My lord?"

Seeing that Zhang Ziling had broken through the light group, Bi Jiutian stood in a daze and couldn't help but muster the courage to step forward and call to Zhang Ziling.

At this moment, Zhang Ziling's mind was full of the pictures just now, and he wanted to know what happened to his father in the end.

Moreover, even if he saw this clip, he still didn't figure out how his mother disappeared on earth?

"What happened during this period? Are they... still alive?"

Zhang Ziling muttered, in a daze.

"My lord! My lord!"

Bi Jiutian called out continuously, but Zhang Ziling was still lost in thought.

Obviously, this memory fragment was deliberately cut by Xie Wushuang, chopped off the head and tail, so that Zhang Ziling could not see the whole picture.

However, Xie Wushuang's intentions are also very obvious...

In this memory segment, Xie Wushuang erected a very obvious enemy for Zhang Ziling!

"Go to the monster!"

A gleam of cold light flashed in Zhang Ziling's eyes, and an ice-cold aura suddenly escaped from Zhang Ziling's body, causing Bi Jiu Tian to fall like a nine secluded, scared to death!

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