Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 2011: Treasury powerhouse

When Zhang Ziling said this, Bi Jiutian was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that he had promised Zhang Ziling before that he would pay him a Taoist God-level soldier for the King of Heaven.

From Bi Jiutian's point of view, Zhang Ziling was already an extremely strong Taoist, and the Taoist God-level soldiers were of no use to him, so Bi Jiutian also subconsciously ignored this matter.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Ziling kept thinking about it.

Although it is not clear why Zhang Ziling wants a Dao-shen-level magic weapon, Bi Jiutian can't think of so much. Now is a great opportunity to please the Devil Emperor, he naturally wants to seize it!

Bi Jiutian smiled and said: "It's all weird that the disciples have made mistakes, and they have forgotten such important things. Master, what kind of Dao-shen-level magic weapon you want is available in the treasury."

"Master has a great kindness to his disciples, and he should be retributed by a spring. Now there are more than ten Taoist soldiers and several sacred stones in the treasury. Master is free to choose five Taoist-level sacred soldiers and ten sacred stones at will!"

The sacred stone is a necessary material for building a Taoist-level sage soldier. Generally, if you want to forge a Taoist-level sacred soldier, you need about five sacred stones. Bi Jiutian is now equivalent to taking out seven Taoist-level sage soldiers to honor Zhang Ziling. , This is also bleeding for the entire Ten Thousand Dragon Empire!

However, Bi Jiutian knew the value of Zhang Ziling very well. Even if Zhang Ziling was to empty the treasury, Bi Jiutian would not blink.

The entire Ten Thousand Dragon Empire may not be comparable to a Dao Ji relic, and the Devil Emperor is a living Dao Ji, and the value of a Dao Ji is beyond measure!

Zhang Ziling can naturally see Bi Jiutian's thoughts, but the magic weapon materials sent in vain, don’t need it, Zhang Ziling didn’t hesitate, and smiled: "Since you are so kind, then I won’t shirk it. Take me to the treasury to get it. ."

Bi Jiutian's face suddenly appeared embarrassed, and he respectfully bowed to Zhang Ziling, saying: "Master, I ask for something..."

"what's up?"

"Over the past week, the master has taught the apprentice too much knowledge, and the apprentice can't fully digest it for a while. If you don't take advantage of the current study and consolidation, I'm afraid the apprentice will forget too much."

"So...Tui'er implores Master to go to the treasury alone to fetch things. This is a sword talisman for Tzu'er. Having this talisman is equivalent to being there. The treasurer will not embarrass Master."

Bi Jiutian presented the sword talisman with both hands, and the whole person respected to the extreme.

It's not that Bi Jiutian deliberately didn't want to take Zhang Ziling. He had memorized most of the knowledge this week, and now his whole head is about to explode in pain!

If you don't write down those things in time, especially those extremely advanced swordsmanship of Professor Zhang Ziling behind, for future comprehension, I am afraid that most of them will be forgotten before long.

That kind of loss is not comparable to a mere treasury!

Zhang Ziling naturally knew that Bi Jiutian needed time to digest what he was talking about, but he didn't make it difficult for Bi Jiutian. He took Bi Jiutian's sword talisman, asked the location of the treasury, and decided to go by himself.

"There are so many rare and exotic treasures in the treasury. If Master has anything to admire, just take it, don't worry about disciples."

Bi Jiutian was overjoyed, and after sending another gift to Zhang Ziling, he couldn't wait to sit on his futon and began to study.

"Take it whatever you want?"

Seeing Bi Jiutian's hard cultivation, Zhang Ziling whispered, a smile flashed in his eyes.

"Then I'm not welcome..."

When the words fell, Zhang Ziling disappeared in place, and Bi Jiutian shivered inexplicably.


Wanlong Palace, the powerhouse of the treasury!

The guards here are extremely strict, with the Forbidden Army guarding them outside, and there are more than three emperor monks sitting inside, and there are several killing formations buried in the treasury. It can be said that even a fly can't fly in!

This treasury important place is the most important place in the Ten Thousand Dragons Palace. There are countless treasures in it. Anything taken out is priceless, and it can be called the most valuable place in the Ten Thousand Dragons Empire!

The first three floors of the National Treasury are all kinds of martial arts and martial arts. The fourth floor contains elixir, including emperor-level spiritual materials. The fifth floor is the place where Taoist-level items are stored, regardless of the gods or gods. Soldiers, or Taoist-level techniques, healing dead flesh and bones, are all here!

On the first three floors, members of the Bi family and ministers of merit can go to borrow and learn, and on the fourth floor, only princely-level figures can step in, and the fifth floor...

Except for Bi Jiutian, only people with Bi Jiutian Sword Talisman can enter. No one else, including the Taoist God of Tianyou Wang Bi Qintian, is eligible!

Moreover, any items taken out of the sword talisman must go through strict inspection by the pavilion guard.

"This is the Treasury Place? It looks more like a library..." Zhang Ziling came to the Treasury Place, looked at the tall buildings in front of him, and laughed in a low voice.

Along the way, Zhang Ziling was holding a sword talisman, and the imperial army outside did not dare to stop him, but Zhang Ziling was unimpeded.

After weighing the sword charm in his hand, Zhang Ziling gave a chuckle, and then strode towards the treasury.

"Kid wait a minute, this is a strong place for the treasury, and irrelevant personnel are not allowed to enter."

When Zhang Ziling was about to step into the gate, an old gatekeeper stopped Zhang Ziling with little energy.

The old man at the gate seemed unpredictable, like an old beggar, but Zhang Ziling could feel the power he deliberately hidden from the old man.

Moreover, the hidden power of the old man is not weaker than the peak of the emperor rank!

"This Bi family is really a Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and any gatekeeper has such cultivation skills." Zhang Ziling chuckled, then threw the sword charm in his hand to the old gatekeeper, "Let's see what this is?"

"Holy Sword Talisman?"

Seeing the sword charm thrown by Zhang Ziling, the old gatekeeper shrank his pupils, subconsciously exclaiming.

Bi Jiutian hadn't given anyone a sword charm for more than ten years, and this was the first time that the gatekeeper had seen someone come with a sword charm in these years.

In an instant, the old man at the gate took a 180-degree turn towards Zhang Ziling. He quickly returned the sword talisman to Zhang Ziling and said respectfully: "Your own sword talisman is equivalent to your presence in person. You can enter and leave the treasury at will, including Fifth floor!"

Speaking of this, the old man at the gate looked at Zhang Ziling with envy in his eyes.

Fifth floor...All the treasures hidden there are Taoist-level treasures. Anything that can be taken out can be used as many large inheritance treasures. He has kept the treasury for hundreds of years, but he has no chance to go to the fifth floor!

"However, according to the regulations, I still need to register your name and dare to ask your name..."

"My name is Zhang Ziling."

"Zhang Zi..."

The old man at the gate had written down Zhang Ziling's name as required, and halfway through it, but he was taken aback for a moment. He suddenly looked up at Zhang Ziling and exclaimed, "Are you Zhang Ziling? That demon Emperor Zhang Ziling?"

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