Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 2014: Tianyou King reappears

Before long, Zhang Ziling put all the pills he could use into his own pocket, and the entire fourth floor was half empty!

The children of the Bi family looked at the somewhat empty fourth floor, with a trance.

It is extremely uncomfortable to watch outsiders take their own rare resources without any other means!

After Zhang Ziling finished taking the pill, he walked to the fifth floor contentedly.

Five gods of Taoism and ten gods, this is his highlight today!

With these Dao God level magic weapons, plus the ones collected before, most of his ten magic weapons can also be upgraded.

"He, he is going to the fifth floor!"

"God! That's a forbidden place that only the holy can go to. Even the princes are not qualified to enter, so he wants to go?"

"The fourth layer is all Taoist-level items, and the value of each item is immeasurable, and it must not fall into the hands of thieves!"

"Where is the Treasurer? Why hasn't he shown up yet?"

When everyone saw Zhang Ziling walking towards the fifth floor, they suddenly exploded and the crowd boiled.

"Can't let him go up, you all go up, stop him and buy time for my father!" Bi Mofan snarled when he saw Zhang Ziling's back.


Hearing Bi Mofan's words, the faces of everyone who was filled with righteous indignation showed hesitation, and no one dared to go forward for a while.

Although no one wants to watch Zhang Ziling's fifth floor, Bi Mofan himself is now crippled, and they have to stop them when they go up, I'm afraid they will have to fill it with lives!

Although the Dao God level soldiers are precious, in their opinion, those Dao God level soldiers do not belong to them, but they are their own.

They don't need to lose their lives for the Taoist-level magic soldiers!

"A bunch of trash!"

Seeing that no one moved, Bi Mofan couldn't help but yell out angrily, and his swollen face couldn't conceal his anger!


Just when Bi Mofan didn't know what to do, one or three powerful auras struck from the third floor, and three emperor-rank monks suddenly rushed up, instantly squeezing all the Bi family juniors.

"The Treasurer!"

When everyone saw the appearance of the three old men, they all exclaimed, and they couldn't stop the surprise in their eyes!

The one among the three old men is the old man who guarded the gate at the gate of the treasury before!

Now that the three treasury guards in the heavy land of the treasury appear, they will not let the thieves continue to run wild!

"Predecessors, a thief broke into the fourth floor of the treasury and swept half of the spirit pills, and now we are going to the fifth floor, we must take the thief!"

The crowd yelled, calling the keeper to capture Zhang Ziling, and at the same time, they broke into the fourth floor without permission to get rid of their charges!

They are now trespassing to the fourth floor to protect Bi family assets!

Bi Mofan was also full of excitement, and hurriedly asked the three treasury guards: "Senior treasury guard, is my father here? I must let my dad be fair to me!"

Now Bi Mofan is no longer just thinking about the "Purple Lightning Wind and Thunder Walk" on Zhang Ziling's body. Now he was beaten so badly by Zhang Ziling. If he didn't avenge his revenge, he couldn't swallow his breath!

Zhang Ziling glanced at the three guards, then walked straight to the fifth floor without paying attention to the three.

Seeing that Zhang Ziling didn't stop, Bi Mofan couldn't help but flashed a trace of hatred in his eyes, and hurriedly called out to the three treasury guards: "Senior, my dad will not say it for now, you stop that guy first, don't let him enter Five floors!"

"He also snatched my Purple Power Wind Leibu, and asked three seniors to help me get it back!"

Bi Mofan yelled, but it was a pity that the three treasury guards seemed to be deaf. They just stood in place and watched Zhang Ziling enter the fifth floor.

Seeing that the three treasurers did nothing, all the children of the Bi family were stunned, looking at the entrance of the fifth floor with an incredible face, the boss with an open mouth.

Just go in like this?


Everyone couldn't understand why the treasury guard would watch an outsider enter the fifth floor of the treasury, the core of their Bi family?

There is the place where the most treasures are stored in the Ten Thousand Dragon Empire. Any treasure can be used as the treasure of other sects. It is extremely precious!

How can you let an outsider in in this place?

"Senior Treasurer...Why would you let the thief go to the fifth floor?" Someone wondered.

"Perhaps the senior keeper of the treasury believes that the thief cannot escape? After all, there is only one exit on the fifth floor. If the thief wants to come out, he can only return to the fourth floor!"

"Yes! The senior keeper of the treasury must want to wait for the thief to come out! After all, the fifth floor is a forbidden area. Except for the holy master and those who possess the sword charms, no one else is allowed to enter, including the senior keeper of the treasury! It was already at the entrance of the fifth floor, and Senior Treasurer knew that he could not stop the thief's footsteps, so he let him go!"

The crowd quickly found a reason for the behavior of the three treasury guards and comforted themselves.

Even Bi Mofan found such a reason for himself, forcibly calming himself down and adjusting his injuries.

"How's it going?"

At this moment, a slightly gloomy voice sounded on the fourth floor, and the expressions of many Bi family children suddenly became tense, and their muscles tightened.

On the contrary, Bi Mofan showed ecstasy on his face. He looked around and asked in surprise: "Father, are you here?"

The three treasury guards respectfully saluted in an empty direction, and then the space there was slightly distorted, and Tianyou King Bi Qintian walked out of the void.

"King Huitianyou, he has entered the fifth floor, but he doesn't know when he will come out." The old man who had been guarding the gate of the treasury said respectfully.

After he knew that the devil emperor Zhang Ziling was holding the sword amulet, he immediately rushed to the Palace of Heavenly Capital and told the king of Tianyou who had just awakened.

And Tianyou Wang Bi Qin Tian also rushed over after hearing this, and hurriedly took the Shen Dan. After adjusting his breath, he hurried over.

His own Tianyan Guling Spear was still in the hands of the Devil Emperor, and he would never give up before he returned the magic weapon!

When Bi Mofan saw Bi Qintian coming, he thought it was his own message. Bi Qintian came to give him a shot, and quickly shouted to Bi Qintian excitedly: "Father! You have to be the master for me! I am! Zidian Fengleibu, who had been chasing for a year, was snatched by that guy, and I was beaten up like this. That guy didn't even see our Bi family in his eyes!"

"Father! When he comes down, you must kill him and give the child a breath of anger!"

Hearing Bi Mofan's yelling, Bi Qintian frowned slightly, and a cloud of haze flashed in his eyes.

Although he was also angry that the Demon Emperor had branded Bi Mofan like this, the Demon Emperor's strength was above him, even if he wanted to avenge Bi Mofan, he could not kill the Demon Emperor...

The important thing now is to get the Tianyan Guling Spear back first!

After being defeated by the Devil Emperor in public, the divine weapon was seized, and Bi Mofan shouted in his ear again, and Bi Qintian's mood suddenly became extremely bad.

"Nizi, shut up!"

Bi Qintian waved a spirit power on Bi Mofan's mouth, and directly drew Bi Mofan over.

The children of the Bi family behind Bi Mofan were also dumbfounded, their brains blank.


what is the problem?

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