Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 2023: Godsend

Bi Jiutian's sword was cut out, and Bi Qintian, who was in extreme anger, was shocked by Bi Jiutian's sword power in an instant, his whole body became stiff, and his aura collapsed!


That sword power passed by Bi Qintian and shot directly into the nine heavens, as if it had cut the sky in half!

Bi Qintian stood sluggishly on the spot, Dou Da's cold sweat slipped off his cheeks, his hands trembling involuntarily.

The cultivators around were also dull and unable to get out of Bi Jiutian's sword, and their heads were full of swords that seemed to split the world.

How amazing?

"Compared with before, it has improved a lot!"

Standing on the fifth floor of the Treasury, Zhang Ziling commented with a smile, looking at Bi Jiutian with playful eyes.

Zhang Ziling naturally knew that although Bi Jiutian was trying to attack Bi Qintian, he was actually saving Bi Qintian.

If Bi Qintian continues to make trouble like this, it will be impossible for Zhang Ziling to let him go!

After restraining Bi Qin Tian, ​​Bi Jiutian also took a deep breath, took away his magical soldiers, flew in front of Bi Qin Tian who was dumbfounded, and slapped his hand fiercely!


Loud slaps resounded all around, and everyone's soul trembled, staring at the sky with shock.

This this……

No one could have imagined that after Bi Jiutian killed Bi Mofan's son, instead of giving any explanation, he used a powerful force to restrain Bi Qintian and then slap Bi Qintian severely?

This was an extremely insulting move. Bi Jiutian slapped Bi Qintian in the face in public, and where would Bi Qintian's dignified Taoist face look like in the future?

"Could it be that Tianyou King has been rampant recently, and the sage can't bear it anymore, so he started to punish?" You Gongqing Dacheng muttered, his expression constantly changing, it is really impossible to guess Bi Jiutian's thoughts.

"Sacred Swordsmanship has greatly increased, and his strength has been called the first person in the Southwest. It is not a day or two for Tianyou King to act arbitrarily with his identity as a Taoist god. The Sage used to protect the overall situation, so he tolerated the Tianyou King. It is possible to have the current strength. , I’m afraid Tianwu Holy Emperor Wei Qing is not an opponent either, the Holy Master no longer needs to bear it now!"

"King Tianyou, he doesn't know how to judge the situation and evaluate the situation!"

Some people think that Bi Jiutian's strength has soared, and the Bi family no longer needs such an unstable sting like Bi Qintian.

Bi Jiutian's handling of Bi Qintian can also make his power in the Bi family more stable!

There was a lot of discussion around the national treasury, everyone was speculating about what Bi Jiutian's behavior was for, and most of them imagined Bi Jiutian as an emperor who is good at strategy and cruel.

Bi Jiutian didn't care about the people who were talking about it. He looked at Bi Qintian and asked coldly, "Is there enough trouble?"

"Bi Jiutian, are you asking me enough trouble now?"

Bi Qintian clutched his cheek, staring at Bi Jiutian resentfully and roared: "You are really a poisonous heart! You and I are brothers, and Mo Fan is your nephew! Blood is thicker than water, but you Brotherhood, killing the younger generation... You are cruel, killing my heirs, but now you ask me if I have enough trouble?"

Bi Qintian's voice was hoarse, and his voice was trembling.

Hearing Bi Qintian's question, Bi Jiutian's expression was also a little ugly, and he didn't know how to answer Bi Qintian for a while.

Not to mention that Bi Jiutian didn't dare to reveal Zhang Ziling's identity without authorization. Even if he told Bi Qintian of Zhang Ziling's strength, Bi Qintian would never believe it before Zhang Ziling made a move.

But if Zhang Ziling is allowed to make a move, then everything will be too late...

Thinking of the terrible Zhang Ziling, Bi Jiutian trembled all over, and quickly said to Bi Qintian with a straight face: "I will talk to you slowly in the future. You will apologize to the Devil Emperor now!"

"Bi! Nine! God!"

Hearing Bi Jiutian's words, Bi Qintian was hysterical again, but before he could break out, he was suppressed by Bi Jiutian.

"Don't listen to what I said? There is no room for you to make a fool of yourself, so kneel down for me!" Bi Jiutian didn't dare to let Bi Qintian go on, so he shouted, and the violent aura directly crushed Bi Qintian's shoulders.

Bi Qintian accidentally fell from the sky, hit the ground fiercely, and knelt in the broken hole.

"Bi Jiutian... I am at odds with you!"

Bi Qintian stubbornly supported the ground with his hands, shaking violently, and his whole body was resisting Bi Jiutian's pressure with difficulty.

But Bi Jiutian had just taken the opportunity to infuse his spiritual power into Bi Qintian's body, and now most of Bi Qintian's meridians are blocked by Bi Jiutian, and the spiritual power he can mobilize is less than one or two, and there is no way to resist!

Bi Qintian was crushed to the ground by Bi Jiutian!

There was silence around, everyone looked at Bi Qintian with complex expressions.

No one expected that Tianyou King, who was once prosperous for a while, would now end up like this!

"If you do this like this, won't you be afraid of the chills of other tribesmen?" Some other princes sighed in a low voice, the light in their eyes was uncertain.

Bi Qintian is the highest rank among many princes, but now Bi Jiutian killed his children, and he was forced to kneel and apologize for inexplicable reasons...

Bi Qintian is like this, so what about these people?

No one can imagine.

"It's really a good show..."

Zhang Ziling looked down at the crowd below, seeing the uncertain expressions on their faces, and the smile in his eyes became more intense.

"However, Bi Jiutian has done so much. If I don't come out to clean up the mess, it would be too much." Zhang Ziling smiled, ready to come forward and let Bi Jiutian end the farce, but Zhang Ziling couldn't help but slightly. For a moment, he looked towards the sky somewhere, his eyes narrowed.

"It seems that this scene has just begun?"

The corner of Zhang Ziling's mouth raised slightly, then he stepped back and watched with his hand held down.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

With the applause, a loud voice exploded in the sky: "Wonderful! Wonderful! It is indeed the Emperor Wanlong, who is so cruel to his own family, no wonder it was annihilation of the clan and the city, and finally found my Tianwu Holy Kingdom On your head!"

Everyone on the ground suddenly raised their heads and looked towards the sky, only to see a handsome man in purple clothes who did not know when he appeared in the sky.

His smile is extremely hearty, and his handsome appearance seems to be able to fascinate thousands of women, but his aura is sonorous and trembling!

"Tianwu Saint Emperor?"

When Bi Jiutian saw Wei Qing coming out at this time, his eyes couldn't help but change.

Now that his Bi family is in chaos, Bi Qintian has not dealt with it, and the Devil Emperor does not know if he can stabilize it. Wei Qing comes out to add to the chaos at this time, and it is completely worse for Bi Jiutian!

Wei Qing laughed. After taunting Bi Jiutian a few words, he looked at the Demon Emperor and smiled: "Devil Emperor...I never expected that you can make such a big noise when you visit the palace. It creates a great opportunity for my Heavenly Martial Saint Kingdom."

"This Bi Jiutian did these stupid things in order to please the relics of the important Dao, undoubtedly he was ruined!"

"Devil Emperor, you are simply the lucky star of my Heavenly Martial Saint Kingdom!"

Wei Qing smiled, and a large number of monks appeared behind him. At a glance, there were only five or six Taoism gods and thirty or so emperor ranks!

They were originally stationed outside Wanlong City, and they hadn't attacked for a long time because they wanted to determine Bi Jiutian's movements.

After all, Bi Jiutian can be worth several Taoists alone, and one person is strong enough to determine the outcome of the war!

But Wei Qing never expected that the Devil Emperor would cause such turmoil in the palace. This is simply a god-given opportunity!

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