Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 2025: Bi Jiu Tian's Despair

The sword power of Bi Jiu Tian restrained all the cultivators of the Heavenly Martial Kingdom, causing many monks in the Heavenly Martial Kingdom to retreat.

The surroundings are extremely quiet.

Suddenly, a long sword sprang from Bi Jiutian's chest, and scarlet blood dripped from the tip of the sword!

Bi Jiutian looked down with an incredible face, and saw that the scarlet blade had penetrated his chest, and the intense pain stimulated his nerves.

A large amount of Taoist power poured into his body!

Bi Qintian was standing behind Bi Jiutian at the moment, his face full of resentment.

And what he was holding was the sword that pierced Bi Jiutian's chest!


Seeing Bi Qintian sneak attack on Bi Jiutian, all the Bi family cultivators rushed towards Bi Qintian to rescue Bi Jiutian from his hands.

If the Saint Kingdom of Wu is attacking today, Bi Jiutian is the highest combat power of their Wanlong Empire, and the only person who can stop the Saint Emperor of Heaven. If Bi Jiutian is attacked to death by Bi Qintian, then their Wanlong Empire will also be destroyed. Time!

Naturally, they cannot survive alone!

But before all the Bi family cultivators arrived, Bi Jiutian blasted Bi Qintian out with a powerful aura, broke the long sword in his chest, and quickly swallowed a magic medicine to heal his injuries.

"Bi Qintian!!!"

Bi Jiutian shouted angrily, the eyes that looked at Bi Qintian contained helplessness!

He never imagined that he would be stabbed back by his brother.

"You go together, don't give Bi Jiutian a chance to breathe, be careful of his sword."

Wei Qing didn't intend to give Bi Jiutian a chance, but directly ordered the other three Taoism gods beside him to attack and kill them.


The three Taoist gods did not hesitate, and rushed towards Bi Jiutian!

With the painful price of the death of the previous two Taoism gods, the three Taoism gods also learned their lesson, and did not intend to approach Bi Jiutian, but just stood in the distance to attack Bi Jiutian.

But Bi Jiutian was pierced by the sword of Bi Qin Tian, ​​and his spiritual power was already unstable at this moment. Even after taking the healing pill, he did not have the energy to induce the power of the medicine to heal the injury. Instead, he had to resist the siege of the three Taoist gods. The injuries in his body are getting worse.

"Bi Jiutian, you kill my son and humiliate my ambition, I want you to fall into desperation! Let you bury my son!"

Bi Qintian laughed madly after being rushed away by Bi Jiutian, and his whole person looked extremely mad.

After Bi Mofan was killed, Bi Qintian's temperament became a little distorted.

"It's really easy to come by!"

Standing in the void, Wei Qing looked at Bi Jiutian who was extremely embarrassed below, with a smile in his eyes.

He hadn't expected that Bi Jiutian, who was originally regarded as a strong enemy, could defeat him so easily!

"Devil Emperor, I would like to thank you so well. Without you, the two brothers of the Bi family, it would be impossible for my Heavenly Martial Kingdom to conquer the Ten Thousand Dragon Empire at least for a thousand years."

Wei Qing fell to the fifth floor of the treasury and laughed at Zhang Ziling: "Bi Jiutian and Bi Qintian broke, and the Bi family is now fragile. As long as the Bi family is destroyed, the entire Wanlong Empire will become a piece of scattered sand, which cannot be stopped. The iron cavalry of my Tianwu Saint Kingdom.

"After slaying Bi Jiutian here, the southwest part of East Xuanzhou will be the sole master of my Heavenly Martial Saint Kingdom. By then, I can also compete with the heroes of all parties in East Xuanzhou!"

"Tianwu Saint Emperor is really aspirational." Zhang Ziling said with a faint smile, complimenting Wei Qing neither humble nor overbearing.

"Devil Emperor, when the blue sky falls, the southwestern part of Dongxuanzhou will be in chaos, and at least it will not calm down for at least a hundred years. Taoism and gods of all parties will emerge one by one, competing for resources. And in this troubled world, the Taoism in your hands The relic will naturally become a must for all Taoism gods."

"The Devil... Everyone is innocent, you should understand."

Wei Qing looked at Zhang Ziling with deep meaning, and said, "The devil I still said that. If you feel that you can't keep the Taoist relics, you can come to me to exchange them. I can give you countless magical pill, no power status. There will be less, and at the same time the world knows that Daoji's relic is in my hands, and no one will trouble you anymore.

"Now in the southwest of Dongxuanzhou, with the demise of the Bi clan, only I can afford the price of Daoji's relics."

"Thank you Tianwu Shenghuang for his kindness, I will consider it." Zhang Ziling still didn't give Wei Qing any positive reply, and said with an ambiguous smile.

"No hurry, you think about it slowly, Tianwu Saint Kingdom will always open the door for you." Wei Qing is not anxious at this moment, as long as he destroys Bi Jiutian, the Daoji relics in the hands of the Devil Emperor can only be exchanged with him. .

As for the Devil Emperor himself holding Daoji's relic to escape...

Wei Qing didn't worry about this. It was simply impossible for the Demon Emperor to escape from Dongxuanzhou with the Daoji relics in the hands of many Dao Gods alone!

Wei Qing believes that within a month, there will be a Taoist **** who can't help but attack the Devil Emperor, and after that, the Devil Emperor will never have peace!

When Zhang Ziling and Wei Qing were thinking about each other, Bi Jiutian was driven to a desperate situation by the three Taoist gods and Bi Qin Tian of the Tianwu Sacred Kingdom. The wound on his chest that he managed to stop with spiritual power broke and was stained with blood. Bi Jiutian's dragon robe.

Bi Jiutian couldn't even hold the Qingluan sword!

"King Tianyou, stop quickly, you are treasoning and ruining yourself!"

Seeing that Bi Qintian joined the monks of the Heavenly Martial Kingdom to besiege Bi Jiutian, the Bi family cultivators roared with anxiety on their faces.

They never expected that the Bi family's crisis came from their own family!

But the current battle belongs to the realm of Taoism, and the other monks in the palace are not the strongest, and they can't even get close to the battle circle, let alone stop Bi Qintian.


It's a pity that Bi Qintian couldn't listen to everyone's words at all. He kept attacking and killing, just wanting to unite with the Taoist God of Tianwu Holy Kingdom to force Bi Jiutian to death!

"It's over, Bi Jiutian can't hold it anymore. I didn't expect it to be my turn this time... the dignified Emperor Wanlong died at the hands of his own brothers." Wei Qing watched being besieged by the four Taoists. Bi Jiutian shook his head and smiled, quite emotional.

After all, in the Ten Thousand Dragon Empire and the Heavenly Martial Saint Kingdom, only Bi Jiutian can compete with Wei Qing. The scene of the battle between the two is still vivid.

But now Bi Jiutian is about to die, and will die without waves, which makes Wei Qing couldn't help feeling a little lonely.

"That's not necessarily." Zhang Ziling suddenly laughed and said: "Sage Emperor Tianwu, if you don't go there to help, the remaining three Taoisms will probably be lost."

Hearing what Zhang Ziling said, Wei Qing was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed: "The Devil Emperor, now Bi Jiutian is seriously injured and is besieged by the four Taoist gods, one of whom is his younger brother. In this desperate situation, what about Who can kill me?"

"The three Taoism gods are not fools. They have seen Bi Jiutian's sword, so naturally they won't let Bi Jiutian's sword easily. As long as they slowly consume like they do now, Bi Jiutian will naturally bleed and eventually dry up and die. !"

Regarding Wei Qing's remarks, Zhang Ziling just smiled and didn't comment!

Soon after the exchange between Zhang Ziling and Wei Qing fell, the situation in the lower battle circle suddenly changed!

Bi Jiutian threw away the Qingluan sword, instead he took out an emperor rank **** soldier to fight!

I don't know why, after Bi Jiutian picked up the long sword of the emperor class, his whole person seemed to have changed, and the originally sluggish sword technique became fierce again!

The three Taoist gods and Bi Qintian of the Tianwu Sacred Kingdom fell instantly to a disadvantage!

"What's going on?" Wei Qing saw Bi Jiutian revitalize the situation, his whole face changed slightly, and he exclaimed.

"True powerful swordsmanship, you never rely on the soldiers in your hands." Zhang Ziling chuckled, "Bi Jiutian, he broke through again."

"Tianwu Saint Emperor, your three Taoism... are out of help."

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