Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 2043: The corpses are everywhere!

Soon, under the treatment of the two pill girls, the emperor-level scout slowly awakened, and all the scars on his body disappeared.

"Okay, Master, he has been saved, let's be great!"

The single ponytail pill girl regained her spiritual power and asked Zhang Ziling for credit.

"Well, great."

Zhang Ziling nodded in agreement, then looked at the emperor-ranked scout and asked, "Are you okay now?"

The emperor-level scout sat up with a face full of doubts, looking at his intact hands, his eyes were puzzled.

He only remembered that he managed to escape from the den and exhausted all his energy before rushing back to the palace. He didn't know what happened next.


The emperor-ranked scout raised his eyes and looked at Zhang Ziling, as if he still hadn't recovered from his resurrection from death.

Zhang Ziling saw that the emperor's scout looked good and didn't waste time, so he asked straightforwardly, "You are Bi Jiutian's scout. You went to investigate the source of the black cloud, right?"

Hearing Zhang Ziling’s inquiry, the emperor-ranked scout remembered his mission, his face changed drastically, and he quickly asked Zhang Ziling: “That’s right! I have something important to report to the sage, so send me to see the sage!”

"Bi Jiutian can't get away at this moment, you can tell me first."

Zhang Ziling saw that the emperor-ranked scout looked panicked, frowned again, and said.

"Speak to you?"

The emperor-ranked scout was taken aback for a moment, and then he noticed that Bi Jiutian had fallen into a bitter battle with the Taoist gods, and could not get out of it.

"Dare to ask you who is?"

Finding that Bi Jiutian couldn't get away, the emperor-level scout was still very cautious, and asked Zhang Ziling to confirm Zhang Ziling's identity.

After all, when he went out to investigate, many of his brothers died on monsters that could control the monks. He was already a frightened bird.

"Your life is all saved by us, and the sage in your mouth has to call our master master! What are you daunting here?"

The single ponytail pill girl hurriedly urged.

"Master of the Holy Master?"

Hearing the words of the single ponytail pill girl, the emperor-ranked scout was shocked instantly, looking at Zhang Ziling with an incredible expression.

In the mind of the emperor-level scout, Wanlong Emperor Bi Jiutian was already an insurmountable existence, and he couldn't imagine the strength of Wanlong Emperor.

And now someone actually told him that the young man standing in front of him was the master of Emperor Wanlong?

The first reaction of the emperor's scout was not to believe it.

But now in the palace, the Emperor Wanlong is on the sidelines, and the emperor scouts dare not believe the words of the single ponytail pill girl, and quickly got up and bowed to Zhang Ziling and said: "The little one does not know that the adult is a saint master. Please also please forgive me!"

Although the emperor-level scout is of the emperor-level cultivation base, he dare not offend Zhang Ziling, who may be the Emperor Wanlong Emperor!

He didn't dare to gamble, even if Zhang Ziling is only 1% likely to be true, then if he disobeys, there is really a 1% chance of death!

Finally survived, he didn't want to die.

Zhang Ziling also didn't want to know the current psychological activities of the emperor-level scouts. What he cares about now is the source of the dark clouds, and said: "Don't care about the red tape, now the key is what you found out."

"Our time is precious."

Hearing Zhang Ziling's words, the emperor-ranked scout trembled suddenly, and said quickly: "Yes, yes! The small ones can't distinguish the seriousness! The crime deserves death!"

Having said this, the emperor-ranked scout swallowed slightly before continuing: "The little one and the other brothers were chasing the direction of the black clouds, and found that the source of the black clouds came from the West."

"So the little one and a group of brothers hurried to the west, until the border of the Tianwu Saint Kingdom..."

"Tianwu Saint Kingdom?" Zhang Ziling's eyes narrowed slightly, confirming.

"Yes, the little one and a group of brothers came to the border of the Tianwu Saint Kingdom and found... found..."

The emperor's scout couldn't help but a trace of fear flashed in his eyes at this time, and he trembled: "It was discovered that the origin of the black cloud was in the Holy Kingdom of Tianwu, and the Holy Kingdom of Tianwu has fallen!"

"What does it mean to be occupied?" Zhang Ziling asked.

"Small discovery, Tianwu Saint Kingdom is already full of monsters, human bones everywhere, and those monsters are devouring human corpses, and their power is rising very quickly!"

"Tianwu Saint Kingdom has completely turned into a devil's den, and the monsters in the black clouds are all from the Tianwu Saint Kingdom!"

At this time, the emperor-ranked scout was a little unable to control his emotions, some lost his voice, which was heard by Wei Qing.

"what did you say?"

Wei Qing directly gave up the position he was guarding, and instantly walked in front of the emperor-ranked scout, pinched the neck of the emperor-ranked scout and asked.

"Tian, ​​Tianwu Holy Emperor?"

The emperor-ranked scout was dumbfounded, and did not expect that Tianwu Holy Emperor Wei Qing was also in the palace.

Hei Yun had just attacked Wanlong City when he was sent out by Bi Jiutian. At that time, Wei Qing was still outside Wanlong City and resisted the monsters with the Tianwu Saint Kingdom army.

"You said that the Heavenly Martial Kingdom has become a devil's den, what do you mean?"

Wei Qing's expression was a bit distorted. The Heavenly Martial Kingdom is his power, and his family is in the Heavenly Martial Kingdom.

If Tianwu Saint Kingdom becomes a devil's den, wouldn't it?


The emperor-ranked scout was shocked by Wei Qing's aura, his face was a little pale, and he couldn't speak.

"Wei Qing, what are you doing? The position you are guarding is about to be broken by the monster?" Bi Jiutian found that Wei Qing had left the guard position without authorization and could not help snarling.

Now the monsters are attacking from various weak positions of the spiritual barrier, and every position must have a Dao God sitting, so that it can withstand the attack of the Dao God level monster.

Now that Wei Qing leaves without authorization, the emperor rank under his command is impossible to block the attack of the emperor rank monster!

But Wei Qing couldn't listen to Bi Jiutian's words at all at this moment. He was full of spiritual power riots, and electric arcs appeared all over his body.

"Tianwu Saint Kingdom has a vast territory, countless powerful people, and national strength no less than the Wanlong Empire. It is so difficult for these monsters to even conquer this palace. How could Tianwu Saint Kingdom turn into a magic den?"

Wei Qing roared and kept asking the emperor-ranked scouts. The whole person had completely lost his senses, and the flashing electric arc would smash the emperor-ranked scouts to death!

Seeing Wei Qing's appearance, Zhang Ziling couldn't help but frown, stretched out his hand to press Wei Qing's shoulder, and powerful spiritual power suddenly poured into Wei Qing from the palm of Zhang Ziling's hand, calming Wei Qing's restless power!

"Calm down and let him finish!"

Zhang Ziling said coldly, pushing Wei Qing aside.

Wei Qing was also shocked by Zhang Ziling's power. A frightened color flashed in his eyes, but he calmed down forcibly, and looked at the emperor-ranked scout coldly: "Say well, I saw you, 15 Tell me ten!"

It was the first time that the emperor-level scout was stared at by the Heavenly Martial Emperor, his muscles all tense, he took a deep breath, and then tremblingly said: "The little one sees the corpses in the Tianwu Holy Kingdom. The sky is shrouded by dark clouds, and you can look everywhere!"

"The little one and a group of brothers sneaked into the territory of the Heavenly Martial Kingdom for thousands of miles, and one day the monks of the Wusheng Kingdom stopped us, but in the end we were found by the monster. The other brothers were all buried in the devil's mouth, and the younger one escaped back..."

"In the small sight, the Heavenly Martial Saint Kingdom... has no living people!"


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