Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 2051: Xietian Xingjun

After killing Ling Wuzun and Jing Xiuzu, Wei Qing dispelled all the black clouds in the sky, then swallowed a divine pill, allowing the other half of his face to grow back, and at the same time replenishing the spiritual power he consumed.

"Hahahaha! It's been a long time since no one has met this seat... but it's so happy!"

The wild laughter of evil youths resounded in Tianwu City, the earth began to shake, and countless buildings in Tianwu City collapsed.

A large number of blood-colored tentacles rushed out of Tianwu City, dancing wildly in the city, extremely terrifying.


The sky thunderously roared, Wei Qing watched the agitated shot below, and the big cold sweat slipped from his cheeks.

Although he had beaten the evil youth down, it was completely unexpected, taking advantage of the evil youth's carelessness.

Now that the evil youth is serious, Wei Qing himself doesn't know if he can still hurt the evil youth.

"Where is he sacred and how can he be so powerful?"

Wei Qing muttered, thinking about the origins of the evil youth in his heart, there were a few tentacles in Tianwu City that rushed to the sky for nine days and drew him fiercely!

Wei Qing's face changed drastically, before he could think about it, he quickly gathered spiritual defenses.

Numerous thunders smashed from the sky, Tianwu City was bathed in thunder light, Wei Qing was severely drawn by the **** tentacles, and the whole person fell into Tianwu City again.

However, this time Wei Qing had been prepared long ago, but suffered some skin injuries, and after falling into the Tianwu City, he quickly vacated, avoiding a few tentacles that had drilled out of the ground.

"Hahaha! Tianwu Sage Emperor, the more you perform, the more excited you are! You are a rare delicacy for this seat!"

"Before becoming a belly thing, get some exercise, so that the meat will be more delicious!"

The evil young man flew up from Tianwu City, his deformed face returned to its original shape, and the whole person's aura was stronger than before!

"Damn it!"

Wei Qing felt a great deal of pressure from the evil youth, but Wei Qing didn't want to admit defeat so much, so he recruited nine gods of thunder and bombarded Tianwu City.

Countless blood-colored tentacles were wiped out under the bombardment of thunder, but these things Wei Qing did were of no avail, and those blood-colored tentacles quickly re-grown from the ground.


Wei Qing suddenly heard vibrations from all directions. Looking around, he saw endless monsters rushing from all directions.

"Is this summoning all the monsters from All Heaven Martial Saint Kingdom?"

Zhang Ziling still stood on the city wall, watching the monster attacking outside, with a faint smile at the corner of his mouth, no panic in his eyes.

The evil young man spread his arms, and the tentacles in Tianwu City suddenly increased, shooting in all directions, piercing the monster group.

"What is this going to do?"

Wei Qing subconsciously felt that the evil youth was doing something terrible, and hurriedly summoned the Thunder of Nine Heavens to destroy the tentacles in the city and at the same time wipe out the monsters outside the city.

But Wei Qing is just a person after all, with limited power. Compared with the endless sea of ​​monsters, the monsters killed are like a flat boat in the sea!

The huge Heavenly Martial Saint Kingdom, the entire kingdom has been transformed into monsters, how many trillions?

A large number of blood-colored tentacles submerged in the group of monsters, and blood blossoms bloomed one after another. Those monsters were swallowed by the tentacles and turned into a large force that poured into the evil youth.

Feeling the breath of the evil youths soaring, Wei Qing also realized what the evil youths were doing, and quickly gave up those useless efforts and attacked the evil youths!

He couldn't kill the monsters outside in a short time, all he could do was to prevent the evil youth from absorbing the monsters to increase his strength.

But while the evil youth absorbed the power of the monsters outside, he did not lose his mobility. Before Wei Qing could get close to the evil youth, he was entangled by countless **** tentacles in the city!

In desperation, Wei Qing had to use nine days of thunder to destroy the tentacles in the city, stalemate with the evil youth, unable to approach the evil youth for half a step!

"If this goes on... I am afraid that Wei Qing will not be able to touch the monster, so he will have to live and die by that monster!"

Zhang Ziling was standing on the wall and watching. Although he said so, there was no worry in his eyes.

Now that the evil young man has reached the extreme of his path, his realm has long been detached from the Taoist God, even if he does not absorb the power of the monsters outside, Wei Qing is still not the evil young man's opponent.

Zhang Ziling guessed that the evil youth did this entirely to play Wei Qing.

Although the monsters outside can be called "infinite", but the quality is too low after all, even if the evil young man absorbs hundreds of millions of monsters, its power to improve is not as good as a Taoist god.

Although Zhang Ziling could see clearly, what Wei Qing saw was that the aura of the evil youth continued to soar. Anxiety appeared on his face, and the attack became more fierce.

It's a pity that Wei Qing is only the pinnacle of the Taoist God after all. He is too far away from the half trail of the evil youth. No matter how Wei Qing struggles, he can't get close to the evil youth for half a step!

"Hahaha! Sage Emperor Tianwu, do you have to do unnecessary struggles here? It is not good to be swallowed up by this seat if you obediently cook the Chinese food for this seat? You will also avoid the pain during your lifetime!"

The evil young man laughed, watching Wei Qing's eyes full of joking, and at the same time gradually increased his strength, pushing Wei Qing into despair step by step.

A large number of monsters from the outside of Tianwu Sage were continuously absorbed by evil youths, and a large number of tentacles were twisting in the sky. Now the thunder that Wei Qing recruits can no longer hurt those tentacles!

"How can this be? How can the gap be so big?"

Wei Qing gradually fell into despair, his spiritual power in his body had already boiled, his meridians swelled, and he was not outputting a lot of spiritual power all the time!

But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get close to the evil youth!

Wei Qing had realized that the evil youth had always played him like a monkey from beginning to end, and he had no chance of winning from the beginning.

Gradually, Wei Qing's attack weakened, and his entire popularity began to decline.

It's impossible to win...

"Huh? Why didn't you continue? I saw you just now and I was still fighting, so I gave up so soon?"

The evil young man noticed that Wei Qing's offensive had become weaker, and could not help but ridicule, his eyes were full of jokes.

"Sacred Emperor Tianwu, this seat is the evil Heavenly Star Lord, the ruler is a general, you are no more than a small emperor, provoking this seat is like a worm shaking a tree!"

"You can recognize the reality so quickly, I am very pleased that I have not given up resistance quickly and let me absorb it!"

"Xietian Xingjun? This name is bluffing, and in the end it is nothing more than a plaything created by that waste. It is only half a trail, but dares to make such a big movement in the Great Wild Continent. Even if I don't do it, this guy is afraid It won’t last long."

Zhang Ziling looked at Xietian Xingjun with a smile, his eyes were full of jokes.

Xietian Xingjun never noticed Zhang Ziling on the Tianwu city wall from beginning to end. After he declared his name, he accelerated the speed of absorbing the surrounding monsters, and at the same time manipulated the blood-colored tentacles in the city to kill Wei Qing.

Wei Qing's entire momentum was suppressed by Xietian Xingjun, and the flow of spiritual power in his body slowed down, and there was no way to resist Xietian Xingjun's attack. Soon...

Wei Qing was driven to a desperate situation by Xie Tianxingjun!

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