Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 2062: Palace annihilation

Bi Qintian looked at the monster energy ball and the black dragon of demon qi that whizzed towards him, with a grin on his face, and the spiritual power of the whole body was rapidly flowing, and a large amount of spiritual power burst out from Bi Qintian and swept all around.

The violent power is raging around, with the power of destruction, the sky and the earth are shaking, and the sun and the moon are dark!

All the Taoist gods outside the palace trembled because of Bi Qintian's power.

"Devil Emperor, take your life!"

Bi Qintian roared and directly rushed towards the energy ball thrown by Zhang Ziling, and the demonized monster in the sky also bite towards the devilish black dragon!

Bi Qintian both palms out, intending to directly squeeze Zhang Ziling's energy ball!


Bi Qintian's sharp ten-finger nails just touched the energy ball thrown by Zhang Ziling, and they collided with dazzling light, illuminating the entire Wanlong City!

The earth-shaking power attracts the attention of all monks!

Just when the Taoist gods thought that there would be a terrifying battle between Zhang Ziling and Bi Qintian, and they were preparing to gather a barrier to protect their juniors, they found that the face of Bi Qintian, who was grinning, suddenly appeared in fear. He and The fingers touched by the energy ball quickly annihilated.

"This, how is this possible?"

Bi Qintian screamed, he only felt that what he was facing was like heaven and earth, and he couldn't stop the vast power at all!

Realizing the huge gap between the strength of Zhang Ziling and himself, Bi Qintian finally woke up and regretted what he had done!

"Big brother, save me!!!"

Bi Qintian roared, his arms annihilated, the whole person was swallowed by the energy ball, and the huge monster in the sky was also shaken away by the devilish black dragon in an instant.


"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

The screaming screams echoed in the sky, and the Dao Gods only saw Bi Qintian's body distorted and disintegrated in the energy ball, quickly turning into fragments!

"This this……"

The Taoist gods were dumbfounded, staring blankly at Bi Qintian, who was instantly defeated, and then immediately went to extinction, only feeling that he was dreaming.

The momentum that Bi Qin Tian had just exploded had made the Dao Gods believe that Bi Qin Tian was a **** descending to the earth, and his power far exceeded their cognition!

But Bi Qintian, who is as strong as a god, has no resistance in front of the Devil Emperor?

The Dao Gods cannot imagine, what is the strength of the Devil Emperor?

Zhang Ziling looked at Bi Qintian who was struggling in the energy ball indifferently, his whole body was filled with demonic energy backwards, condensing an indestructible barrier around Ye Zi.

Upon seeing this, Gui Wuqing immediately realized something, and hurried away from a distance, while covering himself with layers of spiritual power for defense.

"I'll give you ten seconds. The Bi family can save as much as you can. Ten seconds later...I will razor the palace."

Zhang Ziling said lightly to Bi Jiutian, his tone extremely cold.

Although Zhang Ziling was angry, what he had done before Bi Jiutian helped him a lot. Zhang Ziling also decided to leave a way for Bi Jiutian and the Bi family.

"Thank you, Master!"

Hearing what Zhang Ziling said, Bi Jiutian didn't hesitate at all, and turned into a light to rush towards the Bi family children, trying to save the Bi family children as much as possible.

Ten seconds is short, but for Bi Jiutian, these ten seconds are enough time for him to rescue all the Bi family cultivators in the palace!

However, Bi Jiutian deliberately ignored some of the Bi family monks who had pleaded with Bi Qintian and were hostile to Zhang Ziling.

Bi Jiutian knew very well that although Zhang Ziling gave him enough time to save people, if he really saved all the Bi family members, even if Zhang Ziling let them go, their Bi family would definitely be blacklisted by Zhang Ziling in the future. !

What's more, if those Bi family members who don't understand the current situation are left alive, those people will not do any good to their Bi family in the future, and they can bring disaster to the Bi family at any time.

Rather than this, it is better to take this opportunity to clean up the door and prepare for the future reincarnation of the Bi family!

The other monks in the palace are not stupid either. They all fled out of the palace like crazy after seeing Bi Jiutian madly saving people and the energy ball that became extremely unstable!


All the Bi family veterans who supported Bi Qintian saw that the situation was gone, Bi Jiutian did not intend to save them, and they all cursed, and then fled outside with the crowd.

But before those people ran a few steps, they were bound by the black chains that sprang out of the ground, and pulled back abruptly!

Fettered by the chains, fear finally appeared in the eyes of the Bi family elders, their expressions became distorted, and they screamed: "Sacred, help!!! I am waiting to know what I am wrong!!!"

Hearing the call for help, Bi Jiutian quickly looked around. After seeing those Bi family veterans being bound by the devilish chain, his pupils suddenly shrank, but infinite happiness was born in his heart!

Seeing this scene, Bi Jiutian realized that Zhang Ziling was not going to let off those Bi family veterans who didn't know good or bad.

Once I rescued those people, it meant that their Bi family and Zhang Ziling were completely guilty!

Knowing this, Bi Jiutian ignored the veterans of the Bi family, and took advantage of the last few seconds to transfer the last batch of young juniors from the Bi family to the palace!

"Bi Jiutian, why don't you save us? You are the Patriarch!!!"

Seeing Bi Jiutian completely abandon them, the veterans of the Bi family screamed with endless despair on their old faces.

Zhang Ziling looked at the hysterical Bi Family veterans indifferently, and squeezed his five fingers slightly.

Bi Qintian, who was tortured by the energy ball, only felt terrifying pressure from all sides of his body, squeezing his body and soul into a deformity!


The bones are broken, the meridians are broken, and the internal organs are turned into powder!

Dark spiritual power gushes from Bi Qin Tian, ​​trying to condense a defensive armor around Bi Qin Tian, ​​but it is quickly annihilated before it can be completed!

"Help, help me!!!" Bi Qintian roared sternly, his soul floated out of his body, annihilated half of it directly!

On Bi Qintian's chest, a few villains were screaming, their voices were extremely sharp, and there were evil and strange auras all over the body.

Obviously, these villains are the culprits who demonized Bi Qintian and provided Bi Qintian with power!


Seeing the appearance of those villains, Zhang Ziling's eyes flashed with killing intent, and a word was lightly uttered in his mouth. The black energy ball suddenly shrank, and Bi Qintian and the monsters in his body were wiped out in an instant!


The black energy ball burst out after shrinking to the extreme, violent power swept all around, and the huge palace was wiped out in an instant!

Those Bi family elders who were trapped by the chains of devil energy were completely destroyed before they even reacted, turned into dust and disappeared in the explosion.

From a distance, I saw a huge mushroom cloud slowly rising above the palace, spreading thousands of miles.

Its dazzling light floods Wanlong City!

Countless monks in the city looked at the mushroom cloud in the sky, only to feel the hot wind blowing on their faces, shocked.

That is……

Supernatural power!

Bi Jiutian stood silently outside the palace. Behind him were a group of gray-faced Bi family members, and everyone was extremely depressed.

Many Bijia juniors have red eyes and their bodies are trembling slightly.

Since today, Zhang Ziling has left an indelible impression in their hearts, no one can forget, no one dares to forget!

On the wall of the Wanlong City, Biyang stood against the wind, looking at the mushroom cloud rising in the palace, there were mixed feelings, but the corners of his mouth could not help but a little.

"Bi Qintian is dead, Bi Mofan is also dead...The environment of Bi family will be much better in the future, and I should find a chance to go back."

He smiled, turned and jumped off the city wall, flew in the direction found in the domain spirit orb, looking for his own chance.

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