Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 2082: Obsession that spans the years

There are many dangers in the tomb of Dao Chi. Although the owner of the tomb has set the restrictions on the periphery of the tomb, there are also many dangerous institutions in the tomb.

Zhang Ziling took Ye Zi through the path leading to the main tomb, and encountered more than a dozen organ attacks along the way.

Of course, those attacks can only threaten the life of Taoist God, and they are not even troublesome for Zhang Ziling.

Zhang Ziling didn't even destroy those organs, he went all the way unimpeded, and led Ye Zi into the main tomb of Dao Ji's Tomb.

The core of the tomb!

Entering the main tomb, Zhang Ziling found that the core of the large tomb was different from what he had imagined. It was extremely desolate and simple.

There is no decoration around the main tomb, and there is no magic weapon.

There are only a few oil lamps whose flames will never go out hung on the walls of the tomb.

In the middle of the main tomb, a crystal-clear human-shaped skeleton sits on a futon. The human bone's rib cage has hideous scars, and several ribs are broken.

It is hard to imagine what kind of person or creature can hurt a Dao Ji on the Great Wild Continent.

Obviously, the cause of death of this extremely strong man was the chest injury.

Around the skeleton sitting cross-legged, there is a circular ditch separating it from the main tomb. The ditch is empty. Perhaps there was something flowing, but under the washing of years, those also disappeared with time.

No matter what kind of existence it is, once it falls, its bones will not survive time after all.

"You are watching from the edge, don't move the tomb casually, tell me something unusual."

Zhang Ziling instructed Ye Zi, and then stepped across the ditch and walked towards the skeleton.

When he approached the skeleton, Zhang Ziling found that there was a strong breath in the skeleton. After carefully feeling it, Zhang Ziling could even feel an extremely unwilling obsession from that breath.

"What is it that keeps your unwilling obsession remaining in your body for such a long time?" Zhang Ziling muttered as he looked at the crystal clear skeleton in front of him, his eyes deepening.

In this main tomb, Zhang Ziling did not find anything of value, and the spiritual power remaining on the skeleton of this pole was also eroded by the passage of time.

The power that Daoji had left this time was of no use to Zhang Ziling.

However, even though the remaining power of Dao Ji is no longer much, it is an extremely precious tonic for Ye Zi!

"The power remaining in this bone, after a long period of washing, has long lost the mark of the original owner and has become the purest spiritual power."

Zhang Ziling took out the power remaining in the Daoji skeleton and separated the unwilling obsessions in it separately. In the end, only a group of extremely pure spiritual power remained in Zhang Ziling's palm.

Although these spiritual powers are not much, they are left over by the Taoist ultimate. They are undoubtedly the most precious resources for cultivation, and they can directly improve their cultivation!

Zhang Ziling threw the pure spiritual power in his palm to Ye Zi at the edge of the main tomb, and said, "Ye Zi, you slowly absorb this, and you should be able to directly rise to the holy rank. Your current cultivation level is indeed a bit behind. It’s better to be slightly taller."

"After absorbing this, can I directly rise to the holy rank?"

Ye Zi stared at the spiritual power in his palm, and his eyes were incredible.

You know, she is only sixteen or seventeen years old now, and the peak cultivation of the Heavenly Palace Realm is already quite excellent, and she is the best of the younger generation!

A monk at her age is a top-level genius who steps into Zhenwu. No matter what kind of force it is, he will cultivate with all his strength. In the future, there is a high probability that he will step into the realm of Taoism and have the opportunity to impact Taoism!

But now, Ye Ziguang can directly upgrade to the holy rank cultivation base by absorbing a bunch of spiritual power...

Ye Zi always felt a little illusory.

However, when you think about it carefully, generally 16 or 17-year-old young girls have no chance to break into the main tomb of the Dao Ji tomb, and can still get the power left by the Dao Ji strong.

Dao Ji is a subversive existence standing in this world, even if Dao Ji falls, its remaining power is still terrifying.

It would be strange if these forces couldn't raise Ye Zi to a holy rank.

"Many, thank you Master!"

Ye Zi didn't expect Zhang Ziling to give her such a precious thing. He was a little excited and trembled in thanks.

"You are now my registered disciple, and you should get these." Zhang Ziling smiled.


Ye Zi nodded, and then he couldn't wait to absorb this Dao Ji spiritual power.

Seeing that Ye Zi had absorbed the power, Zhang Ziling had not been idle either, focusing his attention on the Dao Ji obsession that had been stripped away.

Zhang Ziling is now very curious about what the Dao Ji has experienced until he died, and this unwilling obsession will continue to this day.

"Let me see what you have gone through."

Zhang Ziling's soul dived into that Dao Ji obsession, and his consciousness gradually followed that obsession into the memory of that Dao Ji's past.

That is a frozen world.

The endless snow and ice, and endless storms roaring.

In the blizzard, five people in thin clothes and ragged hoods were marching hard in the snow.

Although those few people staggered, their auras were extremely powerful, and none of them had a cultivation base lower than Dao Ji!

I don't know what the reason is, those few people didn't fly or even used any spiritual power. They just walked, and their forward speed was so slow.

Zhang Ziling stood in the void and looked at the few people below, only to feel that the headed spirit was quite familiar, which made his heart palpitations.


Realizing that the person headed was his mother, Zhang Ziling's face changed suddenly, and he flew to those people.

"The mistress... the emperor is already gone, even if we find the Xuyuan Holy Spring, there is no way to resurrect the holy monarch. Your body can no longer bear such torture, let's give up."

A Taoist persuaded Taiqing who was in the forefront.

"Mother, they are looking for you in the universe. If you keep doing this, I'm afraid they will find here. By then... the emperor's pains will be wasted."

The other Daoji also started to persuade.

But Taiqing did not respond to them, but walked forward silently, without any brilliance in his eyes, as if he were a dead person.

Seeing that Taiqing didn't have any plans to stop, the four Dao Ji behind them all sighed and followed in silence.

Zhang Ziling looked at his mother who was walking forward in silence, and then remembered the scene of his father falling into a bitter battle before, and his heart shook!

"Could it be... my father died in battle?"

Zhang Ziling was a little unacceptable to this idea, but before he could think deeply, the pictures around him changed rapidly, and he suddenly came to the top of a mountain!

And Taiqing and the other four Daoji were standing on this peak, staring excitedly at a pool of ice springs braving the cold!

"Found it! We finally found it!"

"This is Xuyuan Holy Spring!"

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