Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 2099: Conquer the night

Just when Ye Mei was about to swallow Zhang Ziling, there was a killing formation around him. Under the pressure of more than a dozen Taoist gods, he directly pressed Ye Mei to the ground. Zhang Ziling also took this opportunity to escape from the tiger’s mouth and was Litotuo and Sima Jing were led to.

"Brother Zhang is really good at strength. He even turned the nightmare all around and killed the insatiable Mi Le. It's so pleasing!"

Li Tou Tuo laughed, and his mood was extremely refreshing!

Restricted by the blood contract before, Litotuo wanted to attack Mi Le and couldn't move. He was very aggrieved. Now he saw Mi Le was swallowed by Ye Mei, and Litotuo was happier than anyone else!

Even Yu Xue couldn't help putting a smile on her face, and she didn't feel any pity or sadness for Mi Le's death.

What Mi Le did along the way has made Yu Xue tired of Mi Le. Coupled with the fact that Mi Le's lion opened his mouth, and took advantage of the 50% of the great tomb gain, it made Yu Xue even more interested in Mi Le. Murderous.

If she and Mi Le are behind the bronze gate, Yu Xue believes that what she did would be worse than Zhang Ziling!

After Li Toutuo and the others were led to Zhang Ziling, Ye Mei was also completely locked in Xugu's killing array. More than a dozen Taoist gods had already prepared, standing in different directions, and suppressed Ye Mei to death.

Even though Ye Mei was an ancient sacred beast, her strength was stronger than that of every Dao God present, but Ye Mei was trapped in the slaying formation and was besieged by more than a dozen Dao Gods. It had no power to resist.


Ye Mei kept roaring and repeatedly bombarded the killing array with mental storms, but was bounced back by the killing arrays, but he was injured by his own mental storm.

Seeing that Ye Mei was retreating faster than he thought, Zhang Ziling frowned slightly, and immediately put Hei Tian into the space ring, and said, "Let's help!"

Since Zhang Ziling had already decided to accept Ye Mei, he would naturally not let Ye Mei be besieged to death by Xu Gu and others, and took the lead to rush towards the killing array.

When Xu Gu saw Zhang Ziling's people coming to help, he didn't stop him.

Although they were enough to kill Ye Mei, with the addition of Zhang Ziling, they would kill Ye Mei faster.

Now I don’t know how many gods in the maze will come here. The faster he kills Ye Mei, the faster he can seal the bronze door, reducing his competitiveness.

"Ye Mei is already exhausted, everyone attacked together to try to kill Ye Mei this time!"

Xu Gu saw Ye Mei’s speed greatly reduced, and realized that this was a good opportunity to kill Ye Mei, and quickly said to the Dao Gods.

After hearing Xu Gu's words, the Taoist gods did not keep their hands, and one after another they blasted their strongest martial arts and rushed towards Ye Mei!


At this moment, Ye Mei was covered in blood, and was already at the end of the crossbow. Under the siege of the killing formation and the Dao Gods, it could only make senseless resistance.

Zhang Ziling was mixed among the Taoist gods, and saw that the Taoist gods launched the final blow, and there was also a ray of magic energy mixed with the attacks of the Taoist gods at his fingertips to rush towards Ye Mei.


After the devil qi fell into Ye Mei's body, Ye Mei's breath rose sharply, and black light appeared all over her body, and a spiritual storm more than ten times stronger than before broke out. The attacks of the Taoist gods were instantly offset by the spiritual storm of Ye Mei!

"No! Ye Mei has gone violently, everyone help me maintain the killing formation, don't let it break through!"

Xu Gu felt that the strong power erupted by Ye Mei was about to break through his killing array, his face changed drastically, and he quickly screamed.

Let Ye Mei break through the killing array, the consequences would be disastrous!

The rest of the Taoism also realized that something was wrong, and turned offensive to defensive, using their spiritual power to maintain the killing formation.

But Ye Mei's power at this time has undergone a completely reborn change, even if the power of the Taoist Gods in the Xugu Ji cannot maintain the stability of the killing array, it is easily broken by Ye Mei!

The ferocious spiritual storm of Ye Mei lost the shackles of the killing array, and directly turned into a beast that devours people, and slammed on the souls of the Taoist gods!


All the Taoist gods vomited blood violently, the brain appeared blank for a moment, and then fainted, including Xu Gu!

Outside the bronze door, there was an instant silence.

Ye Mei's eyes were scarred as blood. After the Taoism gods passed out, its violent aura began to fall, gradually stabilized, and its eyes returned to clearness.

Ye Mei didn't understand why she had just exploded with such a strong force, her eyes were full of doubts.

It looked around, and quickly found the only Zhang Ziling still standing on the field.


Ye Mei screamed in a low voice, her hair standing upside down, and she looked at Zhang Ziling warily.

Although it can't speak, its intelligence is not lower than that of human beings. Seeing such a situation in the field, it naturally knows who is leading all of this.

Zhang Ziling did not glance at the Taoist gods who fell on the ground, he walked slowly towards Ye Mei, with a faint smile on his mouth.

Seeing Zhang Ziling coming, Ye Mei also stepped back on guard, keeping a certain distance from Zhang Ziling.

At this moment, Zhang Ziling no longer concealed his aura, the devilish aura filled his body, and his aura soared.

Soon, Zhang Ziling's aura that far surpassed Dao Ji rolled over to Ye Mei.

Feeling the terrifying aura of Zhang Ziling, fear suddenly appeared in Ye Mei's eyes, trembling all over, even dare not move again, crawling on the spot!

"You are very good. The emperor wants to accept you as a pet. If you are willing, you will nod your head. If you don't want to, I will let you go. From now on, it's up to you to die or live."

Zhang Ziling looked at Ye Mei indifferently, but did not force Ye Mei to be her pet.

Ye Mei stared at Zhang Ziling fearfully, first for two seconds, then nodded and agreed to be Zhang Ziling's pet.

Although Yemei is an ancient beast, it has lived in this tomb since it was born. Before today, it had not even seen a living person.

During these long years, Ye Mei was spent in solitude. In addition, Ye Mei, the beast itself, tended to surrender to the strong. In the ancient times, the human race had many Dao Ji Shu Ye Mei to fight for them.

Now that Zhang Ziling has shown great strength, and has expressed that he wants to accept it as a pet, Ye Mei will naturally agree.

Seeing Ye Mei nodded, a smile flashed in Zhang Ziling's eyes, and Heitian was taken out again.

Seeing Hei Tian in Zhang Ziling's hands, Ye Mei's eyes lit up, staring at that Hei Tian, ​​without concealing the desire in her eyes.

"This elixir is of little use to me, but it is extremely suitable for your attributes, and you can get twice the result with half the effort by staying with it and practicing."

"But in the future you will follow me to fight the Great Wild Continent, and this elixir has been picked, and its power will weaken over time, and you can no longer rely on it for cultivation."

"So you just swallow it directly, or use it to improve your strength."

Zhang Ziling sent Heitian to Ye Mei and said lightly.

In the current state of Ye Mei, if you swallow this black sky, there is no problem breaking through to the half-travel pole.

Ye Mei is now extremely listening to Zhang Ziling's words. After Zhang Ziling sent Hei Tian to her, she swallowed it in one bite!


As Ye Mei swallowed Hei Tian, ​​a huge amount of spiritual power poured into its body and was absorbed by it!


Soon, Ye Mei's body was enveloped in black mist, and her spiritual power began to expand rapidly, her momentum soared, and the entire Dao Ji tomb began to vibrate because of Ye Mei's momentum.

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