Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 2102: Behind the scenes

"Funny guy?"

Hearing Nai Qing's transmission, Zhang Ziling's heart suddenly moved, and immediately took advantage of the war to hide his figure, left the treasure house, and rushed to the bronze gate.

The Taoism gods in the treasure house were all dazzled by the treasures in front of them, and no one noticed that one of them had left quietly.

In front of the bronze door.

Xu Gu and a few others were dissipated most of their spiritual power, and were tied to the bronze door by a hemp rope.

At this moment, Ye Mei canceled the illusion, its huge body was sitting in front of the bronze door, and its big eyes stared at Xu Gu and the others, guarding them.

But Nai Qing personally guarded a young Taoist **** on the other side of the bronze gate, playing with a dark ball in his hand.

"I am one of the three major mages in Eastern Xuanzhou, and a guest of the Tianyi League. I have no grievances with your Excellency. Why do you have to risk offending the Tianyi League against me?"

Xu Gu kept twisting his body, and asked Nai Qing loudly, with fear faintly in his eyes.

Being watched by Ye Mei’s big eyes, Xu Gu only felt that his spine was chilly, and could be swallowed by Ye Mei at any time!

The battle just ended too soon, and now Xu Gu felt a little unreal.

How can there be such a strong person in the world?

After Nai Qing appeared, Xu Gu originally thought that he would be able to solve Nai Qing in twos or twos, but he did not expect that Nai Qing's strength was far beyond his imagination!

Several Dao gods in his team couldn't survive Nai Qing's move together, and even the killing formation he worked so hard to build was nothing but a punch from Nai Qing.

After just a few breaths, Xu Gu realized that Nai Qing had the absolute strength to crush them!

There were no accidents in the whole process, and the few people from Xu Gu were solved by Nai Qing's three or two tricks, and they had no resistance.

Nai Qing simply ignored Xu Gu's cry, put the black ball in his hand back into the sachet, and looked at the youth in front of him with interest.

The young man was dressed in a commoner coat, his face was thin, his facial features were fairly correct, but Nai Qing could see from the depths of the young man's eyes that he had a certain temperament.

Half of the young man's body was wrapped in white cloth, as if he was hiding something.

Unlike Xu Gu and the Dao gods next to him, this young man seemed to feel no fear of his current situation, but rather calm and quiet.

clatter! clatter! clatter!

Soon, there was a sound of footsteps behind the bronze door, and when I heard about the ancients, I saw Zhang Ziling walked out of the darkness.

When Xu Gu saw Zhang Ziling's appearance, his eyes flashed with surprise, and then a little joy appeared on his rather desperate face, as if he had found hope of escape!

Xu Gu hurriedly transmitted to Zhang Ziling, "Brother Zhang, come and save me and wait! I will have a good return after I go out!"

"You stay there first. There is a strong man outside the bronze gate. It is likely to be half a trail. I will teach you a formation. You use that formation to send us out!"

Xu Gu is quite confident in his own formation, even if the opponent is a half-track extremely strong, once his formation takes shape, no one can stop him from escaping!

Hearing Xu Gu's voice transmission, Zhang Ziling also looked at Xu Gu with interest, with a faint smile at the corner of his mouth, and the voice transmission said: "Really?"

"I am a guest of the Tianyi League, and I have a reputation in the middle of Dongxuanzhou. How can I lie to you?"

"In my position, after you save me out, I will give you an empire!"

Xu Gu thought Zhang Ziling was tempted, and said quickly.

"Master Xu Gu is really a big deal..."

Zhang Ziling smiled, and then ignored Xu Gu and walked straight to the bronze door.

"Brother Zhang, be careful, that guy is..."

Halfway through the old sayings, I saw Nai Qing outside the bronze door bowing slightly to Zhang Ziling, and said respectfully: "Subordinates have seen the emperor."

Xu Gu was dumbfounded.

"Emperor, Emperor?"

Xu Gu was dumbfounded, and his brain was blank. I didn't expect this to be the case!

Zhang Ziling turned out to be Nai Qing's master!

This huge amount of information directly overwhelmed Xu Gu's reason, and his heart was overwhelmed!

A Taoist **** is the master of a half-walker...Which terrifying force is this son? Why did you come to this huge tomb?

In Xu Gu's impression, even the three major powers in the center of Dongxuanzhou, the ancestors in their gates are half a trail, and there is a Taoist tradition in the huge Dongxuanzhou that has a Taoism seat!

Xu Gu didn't believe that he could meet a core descendant of Dao Ji Dao Tong here. His eyes were as big as copper bells, and he only hoped that he was dreaming.

But no matter how much Xu Gu deceived himself, he knew in his heart that all this was true...

He didn't know what he had done, and provoke an ancient Daoist that he couldn't provoke!

"This is the funny guy you are talking about?"

Zhang Ziling glanced at the young man on the side, his cultivation base was ordinary and he was not at the first level of Taoism, and his strength could not even match Mi Le.

"Emperor, look at this first, I found it on him."

Nai Qing handed a sachet to Zhang Ziling.

"What is this?"

Zhang Ziling took the sachet suspiciously and opened it. There were a dozen dark **** in it. They didn't know what the material was, and they felt soft to the touch.

"There seems to be something here, but it's cut off by a layer of skin outside. If you don't break the ball, you can't know what's here."

"Emperor, take a look, you will definitely be surprised." Nai Qing said.

"It's still selling off." Zhang Ziling teased Nai Qing, and without hesitation, he squeezed the black ball in his hand.


With a clear sound, the black ball shattered, and the space in front of Zhang Ziling was slightly distorted, and then several half-corroded corpses slipped out of the distorted space and fell to the ground.

An extremely stenchy and disgusting smell immediately filled the air.

"this is……"

Seeing the hideous corpses on the ground, Zhang Ziling frowned slightly.

The clothes on the corpses were still brand new, and even the blood in the body hadn't drained. Obviously, it was not long before they died, but the corpses had rotted to such an extent...

Moreover, Zhang Ziling also felt that these faces were a bit familiar, and he seemed to have seen it somewhere.

"Emperor, these corpses are all Taoists who have fallen in the labyrinth. When I arranged the treasure house, I went to the maze and inspected the maze. With the strength of this labyrinth, many undeserved Taoists died in it. I didn't care too much, after all, the life and death of those Taoists has nothing to do with me."

"But just now I went to the maze again, only to find that most of the Taoist corpses have disappeared."

"You mean, these corpses are the dead Taoists in the maze?"

Zhang Ziling raised his eyebrows slightly, only then did Zhang Ziling remember the identity of these corpses.

Zhang Ziling glanced at the Taoist gods in the gorge when he entered the gorge. Although he did not specifically remember, Zhang Ziling still had a slight impression of their appearance.

"Although I don't know how this Dao God junior kid managed to kill these Dao Gods and then contain them, but he has the ability to do this, I am afraid that the emperor you are looking for behind the scenes."

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