Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 2115: Do you believe it?

At the place where the Wudao Divine Soul dissipated, the Divine Soul of Sima Realm quickly grew bigger, his face was grim, and he roared at Zhang Ziling.

He never expected that Zhang Ziling would find him using this simple and rude method!

He originally planned to pretend that he was dead, and then hide in the innocent soul and cross the sea.

Even if Wudao is killed by Zhang Ziling, as long as he is careful enough, he can hide in Wudao's corpse and fool him!

But Sima Jing did not expect that Zhang Ziling would directly pull the innocent soul out of his body, and wiped it out completely, completely losing his hiding place!

Now Sima Jing's own body has been burned by Zhang Ziling, and the innocent body is in Zhang Ziling's hands...

The Soul of Sima Jing is dead end, there is no way to escape.

However, in despair, Sima Jing exploded with power far beyond his own. His screams made Li Toutuo and Yu Xue's faces pale, and headaches!

Zhang Ziling calmly looked at the Sima Realm of Fa Kang, and he knew very clearly that Sima Realm had no moves now.

No longer hesitating, Zhang Ziling directly grasped the spirit of Sima Realm with his hands, and the demonic energy violently poured into the spirit of Sima Realm, searching for his memory.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

The harsh scream turned into a howl of pain!

As Zhang Ziling thought was right, Sima Jing's perception of the Emperor Palace was somewhat different from that of Emperor Eleven.

At least from the memory of Emperor Eleven, Zhang Ziling did not know the criteria for selecting disciples in the Emperor Palace, and the ranking of the disciples outside the Emperor Palace.

From the memory of Sima Realm, Zhang Ziling knew that Sima Realm and Emperor Eleven were both outer disciples of the Emperor’s Palace, and their rankings were all ranked by numbers. The smaller the number, the higher the ranking, and the stronger the representative. !

The ranking of Emperor Eleven ahead of Sima Realm indicates that Emperor Eleven is better than Sima Realm, which also confirms Zhang Ziling's guess.

"After Naiqing brings Emperor Eleven back, we must first look up how he lied to himself, so that we can't find the key information even when searching for souls."

After searching the soul of Sima Realm, Zhang Ziling confirmed that Sima Realm did not hide any secrets, and he did not hesitate to erase Sima Realm.

The howling stopped abruptly, Li Toutuo and Yu Xue stared at Zhang Ziling in a daze, always feeling that they had experienced a long dream.

And this dream ended completely because of the fall of Sima Realm.

The tomb created by Nai Qing completely collapsed in a series of battles, the treasure house also collapsed, and all the treasures that Nai Qing placed there were buried here.

"Let's go out."

Zhang Ziling glanced at the collapsed treasure house, and said to Yu Xue and Li Toutuo without intending to condense those treasures.

"Brother Zhang, I haven't got the treasures in there yet, shall we go out now?"

Litotuo asked puzzledly, they have gone through a lot of hardships to get to this point, and finally wiped out all the enemies, so they left?

Yu Xue was also quite unwilling, obviously not wanting to leave.

There used to be so many Dao Gods, as well as the Tiansha Society and Sima Realm. These obstacles were all smoothed. Now the treasure is placed in front of them, and you can get it with your hand. Why not take it?

But nothing more than the mere dirt, they can easily erase it!

What is buried there is a relic of Taoism!

"I told people to put those things there, and then he will come and collect them. You can't take them if you want." Zhang Ziling said lightly, and stopped pretending.

"Brother Zhang, Brother Zhang? What, what are you talking about? The treasures here... Du, Du..."

Hearing Zhang Ziling's words, Li Toutuo was stunned, his eyes widened, and he stared directly at Zhang Ziling.

"No, it's impossible...This is the tomb of Daoji..." Yu Xue also shook her head again and again, with a face full of disbelief.

how can that be?

"What's impossible?"

Zhang Ziling lightly snapped his fingers, and Ye Mei suddenly rushed in from the bronze door. Chongli Toutuo and Yu Xue roared, leaving the two dumbfounded.

"This, this is Yemei? That ancient animal? It's not dead?"

Li Toutuo stared at Ye Mei, exclaiming, unable to believe what he saw.

"Sleep at night, don't be rude."

Zhang Ziling lightly babbled at Ye Mei, Ye Mei immediately put away her ferocious look, and crawled in front of Zhang Ziling like a kitten, rubbing against Zhang Ziling with that huge head, which shocked both Li Toutuo!

"This this……"

Seeing this scene, Litotuo and Yu Xue only felt that they were dreaming.

How did things become like this?

The ancient beast guarding the bronze gate turned out to be Zhang Ziling's pet in the end?

"This huge fake?"

Yu Xue trembled, somewhat unable to accept reality.

"It's not fake. This was originally a large tomb belonging to Daoji, but that Daoji was resurrected, and the treasures here naturally belong to the owner of the tomb."

Zhang Ziling's words are even more of a depth bomb, which set off a storm in the hearts of Yu Xue and Li Toutuo, leaving their brains blank.

Dao Ji is resurrected?

What a joke!

If Dao Ji really lived, how could they have lived so far in this tomb?

"Brother Zhang, Brother are a bit of a joke. You are the strongest here. Even if we want to swallow this huge tomb alone, we have nothing to do. We just hope Brother Zhang can give us some soup."

"Brother Zhang should not lie to us with such ridiculous things as Dao Ji's resurrection."

Li Toutuo wiped away the cold sweat from his forehead, and couldn't believe what Zhang Ziling said.

How vast is the entire Great Wild Continent? The population on the mainland is endless, but there are not so many people with strong Taoism.

Even in this era, there is no Dao Ji in Dong Xuanzhou!

Even if the supreme existence could be resurrected, Litotuo could not imagine how much it would cost!

Zhang Ziling looked at the pale two, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and said, "You don't believe it?"

Ye Mei also raised her eyes at this moment and scanned Litotuo and Yu Xue, putting great pressure on them.

"When, of course I don't believe...How is this possible?"

Li Toutuo swallowed fiercely and replied to Zhang Ziling.

This fact is too shocking. If it weren't for seeing it with his own eyes, Litotuo would never believe it.

"I, I don't believe..." Yu Xue trembled, "If Brother Zhang doesn't want to divide our treasures, let's just say that we are not your opponents anyway. Even if Brother Zhang you swallow this tomb alone, we can't stop us. , There is no need to say such things..."

"It's really difficult... it's a fact, but I don't believe it..."

Zhang Ziling smiled and shook his head. He raised his eyes to look at Litou Tuo and Yu Xue, with a flash of light in his eyes.

Both Zhang Ziling intentionally received his subordinates and asked them to work for the Emperor Palace.

Therefore, in order for the two of them to follow the Emperor Palace desperately, Zhang Ziling felt that he had to show them his strength.


Li Toutuo and Yu Xue suddenly felt that the earth began to vibrate, and then they saw traces of demonic energy lingering around Zhang Ziling.

"Brother Zhang?"

The two were puzzled.

Zhang Ziling smiled and took a step forward.


Endless devil energy erupted from Zhang Ziling's body, and the extremely terrifying aura instantly crushed Litotuo and Yu Xue. The two only felt that they had fallen into an endless abyss and were swallowed by endless devil energy!

"This, this is..."

Feeling the unimaginable aura of Zhang Ziling, Litotuo and Zhang Ziling stared at Zhang Ziling, and they felt how small they were from the bottom of their hearts!

What we face...

is God?

The power Zhang Ziling demonstrated at this moment has exceeded their imagination!

"just now……"

Red lights surged in Zhang Ziling's eyes, and the dark magical energy turned into a throne that seemed to exist from ancient times to the present.

Li Toutuo and Yu Xue looked at Zhang Ziling who was sitting on the throne, every cell in their bodies trembled and wanted to surrender.

Their legs gradually bend.

The two realized at this moment...

The person in front of him is a demon!

Zhang Ziling slowly sat down with his legs folded, watching the two of them and smiling, "Do you believe it?"

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