Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 2135: Harvest

The purple ball of light saw Zhang Ziling flying towards the star field, his face changed slightly. It wanted to stop Zhang Ziling, but before it had time to move, a large amount of magic energy escaped from its unhealed wound, quickly entangled purple. The whole body of the ball of light, blocking its movement.

"The attack just now, I didn't want to hurt you."

Zhang Ziling saw that the purple ball of light was temporarily restrained by the magic energy he had injected into it, and the smile in his eyes became more intense, and he rushed directly into the star field. Masses of magic energy gushed out of Zhang Ziling's body, flooding the planets overwhelmingly. Go, swallow the spiritual power!

"Since this space is all the purple light ball, the spiritual power in these planets is the power of the light ball itself, just for me to restore my strength!"

Zhang Ziling took advantage of the time when the purple ball of light was entangled by the devilish energy to devour the spiritual power of the big planets. As a result, countless worlds dried up and Zhang Ziling's breath began to rise!

"These are not enough!"

After Zhang Ziling's whale swallowed the spiritual power of this star field, his power was only restored by less than 30%. To defeat the purple ball, he must return to its heyday!

Zhang Ziling glanced at the purple ball of light that had broken away from the devilish energy, and did not intend to fight it, and began to flee to another star field dozens of light years away.

At this moment Zhang Ziling had recovered part of his spiritual power, but the purple ball of light was weakened by Zhang Ziling's capture of a large amount of spiritual power, and its speed was also slowed down a lot.

When the purple ball of light caught up with Zhang Ziling, Zhang Ziling had already absorbed the spiritual power of the next star field.

"carry on!"

Coming to the next star field, Zhang Ziling repeated his old skills, and a lot of magic energy flooded the big planets in the star field to seize the spiritual power of those planets!

The spiritual power of the planets withered, Zhang Ziling's power gradually returned to its peak state, and the power of the purple light ball was getting weaker and weaker.

After Zhang Ziling captured the spiritual power of the five star regions, the aura of the purple light ball had fallen to the point where it was almost the same as Zhang Ziling's normal state, and Zhang Ziling was enough to maintain the white hair state!

"Now the speed of that thing can't keep up with me. Before it can think of a solution, try to seize its spiritual power, and I will conquer it later!"

Discovering the secret of the defeat of the Purple Light Ball, Zhang Ziling did not intend to stop the plunder and continue to fly to the next star field to take the plunder.

This cosmic space was built by the purple light ball. As long as the purple light ball reacted and dispelled the universe it created, Zhang Ziling would naturally not be able to plunder the power of the purple light ball unimpeded.

Although the purple ball of light was not very intelligent, it couldn't find a way to deal with Zhang Ziling's brutal means, but it would always react.

How much spiritual power Zhang Ziling can capture before the purple ball of light makes this universe disappear depends on the intelligence of the purple ball of light!

Sure enough, after Zhang Ziling once again absorbed the spiritual power of the two star regions, the purple light ball finally reacted and quickly kicked Zhang Ziling out of this universe, and he quickly took this universe back.

"Have you finally reacted?"

Zhang Ziling found that he had returned to the void of space, his eyes fell in the direction of the purple ball of light, and he chuckled.

"Unfortunately, it's late!"

At this moment, the purple ball of light has changed from a human shape back to a spherical shape. Although the aura it exudes is still threatening, it can no longer be compared with before.

"The suction power is not as strong as before, it really is over-consumed!"

Zhang Ziling stretched out his hand to grab the purple ball of light, but the purple ball of light tried his best to retreat, seeming to want to avoid Zhang Ziling.

It is a pity that the purple ball of light is not as strong as before, and it has been unable to resist Zhang Ziling, and was finally caught by Zhang Ziling.

"Tsk! This resistance is really overbearing! I have seized so much spiritual power and still have such power..."

"In this case, in order to prevent you from tossing any more, you have to absorb all your strength!"

Zhang Ziling firmly squeezed the purple light ball, the dark magic energy attached to the surface of the purple light ball, and began to forcibly absorb the remaining power in his body.

The purple ball of light began to struggle fiercely, and was about to break free from Zhang Ziling's shackles and escape!

"How can I let you succeed?"

The runes on half of Zhang Ziling's body lit up with dazzling light, and all the white hair of the shawl floated up. Zhang Ziling's five fingers increased in strength, and the purple ball of light was firmly grasped, making it impossible to move!

Taking a lot of spiritual power from the purple light ball, Zhang Ziling only felt that his body meridians were flooded with the spiritual power of the purple light ball, and some wonderful changes had begun to take place in his body.

However, those changes were too weak, and they were all covered by the spiritual power of the purple ball of light. Zhang Ziling was unable to interrupt the absorption of spiritual power midway, so he could only temporarily shelve this matter.

As Zhang Ziling's breath continued to rise, the purple ball of light became smaller and smaller, and the struggle was not as strong as before. Now Zhang Ziling has returned to his normal state and easily bound the purple ball of light in his hands.

It didn't take long for Zhang Ziling to swallow most of the purple ball of light. The ball of light that was originally the size of a basketball is no longer as good as a projectile.

The surrounding space began to collapse, and the purple ball of light was lying weakly in the palm of Zhang Ziling, its strength was extremely weak, and it was completely impossible to see that the ball of light was stronger than Zhang Ziling before!

Feeling the surging power in his body, Zhang Ziling took a deep breath, his eyes filled with satisfaction.

Although he had experienced a bitter struggle with this ball of light, after absorbing the power of the ball of light, Zhang Ziling's cultivation base had soared by a large margin, and he had gained a lot!

Zhang Ziling now feels that his normal strength is about the same as when he advanced to gray hair.

"In the end, I still haven't figured out the function of this thing, so let's put it away first, and it's time to go out."

Looking at the purple ball of light lying motionless in his palm, Zhang Ziling didn't intend to stay here any longer, taking the purple ball of light out of the collapsed space.


The bottom of the bottomless abyss.

Zhang Ziling opened his eyes, only to find that he was buried in a piece of rubble, and there were deafening crashes and the screams of the moles.

"What's happening here?"

Zhang Ziling shook all the rubble that covered him into dust, and saw a nest of Daoji moles being chased by those Daoji monsters condensed by blood, and the giant was moving like crazy, destroyed by violent power. Everything around!

"My lord is awake!"

At first the Dao Ji Mole saw Zhang Ziling awake, his face appeared in ecstasy, and he hurriedly asked Zhang Ziling for help: "My lord, save us! I can't hold it!"

Although there are more than ten Dao Ji Mole, compared with the four Dao Ji monsters condensed by blood, it has a crushing advantage in number, but these Dao Ji moles are kept in an infinite blood prison all year round. No combat experience.

If you want to compare them, these Douji moles are like more than a dozen babies with guns, and the four Douji monsters are adults with guns.

The difference in combat power between the two sides is too great.

Seeing that the moles were chaotically fighting back and were killed by the four Daoji monsters, Zhang Ziling couldn't help but laugh, and laughed: "These moles will be well trained in the future, but they are also good combat power. Just save them first."

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