Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 2138: Great flame God

"After absorbing the spiritual power of this giant, I don't know what level I will rise to?" Zhang Ziling stood in the void, looking at the emperor giant underneath that was completely wrapped in devilish energy, muttering.

A large amount of spiritual power is pouring into Zhang Ziling's body at every moment, and Zhang Ziling can even clearly perceive the increase in his strength!

This is an extremely incredible thing for Zhang Ziling of the highest realm.

After the giant of the emperor was captured by Zhang Ziling's spiritual power, his body began to shrink at a speed visible to the naked eye. It is estimated that after the spiritual power was captured, the giant would shrink to a normal human size.

Just when Zhang Ziling felt relieved to absorb the spiritual power of the emperor's giant, he suddenly felt an extremely terrifying aura from above, and its coercion was also the highest!


Zhang Ziling's face changed slightly, and he quickly withdrew back, and at the same time used magic energy to condense a barrier around the sixteen Daoji Moles.


A group of flames slammed down, and the monstrous fire wave swept around. The rocks at the bottom of the bottomless abyss were all turned into lava, and the deep and secluded space instantly turned into a burning hell!

"God is coming?"

All Dao Ji Moles were awakened by the powerful aura, and their eyes were full of fear and panic expressions.

They remembered the scene of the year!

"God? He is the one who created this bottomless abyss?"

Hearing the exclamation of the Mole, Zhang Ziling couldn't help looking at the figure in the sea of ​​fire, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"From the perspective of his seems to be a member of the Supreme God of the Chaos Protoss who besieged Xie Wushuang..."

"Could it be that they found me?"

"No... my whereabouts are very hidden, they can't find here so quickly, and if they are hunting me, it is impossible for the Chaos Protoss to come to only one Supreme God."

Zhang Ziling quickly determined that the Supreme God did not come because of himself. If this factor is eliminated, the reason why the Supreme God of the Chaos Protoss came is because the giant of the emperor has a purple light ball that is locked in the Infinite Blood Hell.

"You are so courageous, dare to touch the things of God!"

A dull and angry voice reverberated in this bottomless abyss, and its powerful aura shook the world!

The fiery flames burned everything, even if the dozen or so Daoji moles were protected by Zhang Ziling's devil energy, they still felt extremely hot and couldn't bear it!

"It's over...everything is over! The gods have come!"

The bone trembled, and the eyes were full of fear. It only felt the infinite power from the Great Flame God, and that momentum made its soul burn!

God Great Yan walked out of the sea of ​​flames, covered in bright red armor, hair condensed by flames, flames lingering around him, and the surrounding space became distorted because of his extremely high temperature.

"It's you?"

God Great Yan walked out of the sea of ​​flames, and when he saw Zhang Ziling, he was stunned. He didn't even think that he would meet the criminals wanted by the chaotic **** race in the universe!

"What a coincidence!"

Zhang Ziling quickly recovered her calm, and smiled at the great Yan Shangshen.

At the beginning, the eight supreme gods of the Chaos Protoss and the supreme artifact Tianmie Cross existed, so Zhang Ziling dared to save Xie Wushuang alone.

Now the opponent is only the Great Yan God, Zhang Ziling will naturally not be afraid.

What's more, Zhang Ziling had just captured the power of a supreme treasure, and also absorbed the spiritual power of most of the emperor's giants, and his body was greatly strengthened.

Even if the Chaos Protoss had found out his barren realm, Zhang Ziling could still kill the God of Great Yan instantly by surprise!

‘This guy should be acting alone, the Chaos Protoss probably doesn’t know that I’m here. ’

‘Having him suppressed and imprisoned here will also weaken the great power of the Chaos Protoss. ’

Zhang Ziling stared at the Great Yan God, and he had already begun to figure out how to use the Infinite Blood Prison to suppress the Great Yan God.

Of course, Zhang Ziling also has the ability to slay the Great Yan God here, but the Chaos God Race has the means to resurrect the Supreme God. If he kills the Great Yan God here here, not only can't the Chaos God Race lose one high-level combat power, but also His new hole cards were exposed to the Chaos Protoss, which was not worth the loss.

God Great Yan naturally didn't know what Zhang Ziling was thinking. After seeing Zhang Ziling, he was stunned for a moment before he solemnly said to Zhang Ziling: "Zhang Ziling, I didn't expect us to look for you all over the universe, you are hiding here!"

"According to the sayings of your earth, I should have nowhere to find any place to break through my iron shoes, so it's all effortless, right?"

"You said, if I inform the clan that you are here, can you still escape?"

God Great Yan looked at Zhang Ziling with a smile, and the words filled with threats echoed around, making the magma toss and the tongue of fire gushing, making the flame **** below this more lifelike.

"It seems that you know a lot about my hometown!" Zhang Ziling looked at Da Yan God with a smile, "Do you think you can stop me just by yourself?"

"Zhang Ziling, you killed Taiqing last time. It was only a sneak attack. We didn't understand your domain to succeed."

"If you want to fight hard, you are the highest person who has climbed up from a small world, how can you be the opponent of my Protoss?"

"If I want to, you can't get out of here today."

The God of Great Yan smiled lightly, his words were filled with disdain for Zhang Ziling, and he didn't put Zhang Ziling in his eyes at all.

Zhang Ziling didn't care about the ridicule of the Great Yan God, and said with a smile: "You built this place, right? But there are a lot of good things buried... It's a pity that it's cheaper for me."

Hearing Zhang Ziling’s words, Da Yan Shangshen’s face changed slightly, and he quickly said: "Zhang Ziling, hand over the Guixu Stone. This time I will let you go, and I won’t notify the clan. If I haven’t seen you. !"

This bottomless abyss was secretly opened up by him without the knowledge of the clan. The Guixu Stone raised in it is the top treasure, and it is considered a forbidden item in the clan, enough to greatly enhance his strength!

He used the Infinite Blood Prison to raise Guixu Shi here for hundreds of thousands of years. He thought that with the strength of the monks in the Great Wild Continent, no one could come here to get his treasure, but he did not expect Zhang Ziling to find it here.

Compared to arresting Zhang Ziling, the Great Yan God still pays more attention to his return to the virtual stone, otherwise he would not immediately leave everything in his hands after discovering that the infinite blood prison array he had laid was opened. Flew here.

This is enough to see the importance of the Guixu Stone to the Great Yan God.

"Oh? For such a stone, you don't even care about the wanted in your clan?"

Zhang Ziling raised his eyebrows, took out the black stone, and asked the God of Great Yan.

"Huh! Your fate is compared with Guixu Shi...No! Why is the strength of Guixu Shi so weak? I have obviously raised it for so long, so there shouldn't be only this spiritual power in it!"

Halfway through the myth of Dayan, I suddenly discovered that the strength of the Guixu Stone in Zhang Ziling's hand was extremely weak, his face completely changed, and he asked Zhang Ziling with some fear: "What did you do to it? Could it be... Could it be that you took the inside Is something released?"

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