Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 2178: dilemma

The gate of the Orange Mansion was so busy that even Cheng Weiwei personally went off to help unload the goods.

But this time, the Oranges dug up too many Jedi Amethysts from the Nantong Jedi. Even with Cheng Weiwei's help, it would still take a while to store all the Jedi Amethysts in the warehouse.

"Miss, why are you doing this?"

When Cheng Xing saw that Cheng Weiwei started to unload the goods, her face was a bit ugly, she didn't dare to stay where she was, and went to help.

After all, Cheng Weiwei is the family owner's most beloved daughter and the core heir of the Orange family. If she watched Cheng Weiwei unload the goods without doing anything, once this matter reaches the Orange family, he will definitely have no good fruit!

Therefore, there was a strange scene at the gate of the Orange Mansion where the Miss Orange Family and the Orange Mansion Housekeeper personally end off unloading the goods.

The two seniors of the Orange Family worked hard to do the work of subordinates. This was something that had never been seen before. The cultivators around were also dumbfounded, thinking that the sun had come out from the west.

However, when everyone saw that their eldest lady helped by herself, everyone was also very motivated, speeding up the unloading speed in disguise, and the Jedi Amethyst on the caravan began to decrease at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Weiwei, Uncle Xing, the people from Tianyimeng have already bought all our Jedi Amethysts, and there is no need to unload them, they will all go to the Tianyimeng!"

Soon, Young Master Tianyue's voice came from a distance, with a faint joking in his tone.

When Cheng Weiwei heard about her prestige, she saw Young Master Tianyue bringing a large number of cultivators from the Celestial League.

Seeing the cultivators of the Heavenly Clothes League behind Young Master Tianyue, Cheng Weiwei's expression couldn't help but clenched her fists subconsciously.

She can scold the Orange Company, forcibly suppress the Jedi Amethyst, and prevent the Orange Company from selling to the Tianyi League. That is because the Orange Company is her own family!

Even if she offends the Orange Company, it is only a household chore and has little impact on the entire Orange Family.

But Tianyimeng is different.

Tianyi League is one of the three top forces in the East Profound Middle-Earth, and there is also a faint tendency to climb to the top, overpowering the Supreme Dao and Taiyo Tower. Its size is simply not comparable to that of the Orange Family.

In front of the cultivators of the Tianyi League, Cheng Weiwei didn't dare to easily suppress the Jedi Amethyst, so as not to give the Tianyi League face.

Otherwise, even if her orange family was not destroyed by Zhang Ziling, she would have to be flattened by the Tianyi League!

"Tianyue, you fellow..."

Cheng Weiwei's face was already ugly, and she couldn't wait to get rid of Young Master Tianyue!

She didn't expect Young Master Tianyue to go to the Tianyi League to rescue soldiers, and return so quickly!

Now that the goods have not been unloaded, Cheng Weiwei has no idea whether Zhang Ziling has taken the Jedi Amethyst from the warehouse.

If these Jedi Amethysts were taken away by the Heavenly Clothes League, she really didn't know how to explain to Zhang Ziling!

However, if she didn't hand over the Jedi Amethyst and offend the Tianyi League, she would not dare to do it.

For a time, Cheng Weiwei was caught in a dilemma.

There are abysses on both sides!

Seeing Cheng Weiwei’s expression, the joke in Tianyue’s eyes became more and more intense, and then he looked at Cheng Xing and said, "Uncle Xing, why are you also messing around with Wei Wei? You also end up unloading the goods yourself, this will not harm the Cheng family. majesty?"

"Hey, I don't know that Miss is going crazy, she has to keep the Jedi Amethyst in her own warehouse and pile it up. I said that the Jedi Amethyst should be sent directly to the Tianyi League. Miss, she must not do it!"

"This is great. It made you come to our Orange Mansion in person. I'll make it to you first. I will be the owner of this batch of goods and give you a 10% discount!"

Cheng Xing was also an old fritters. Seeing that the monks from the Tianyi League came to pick up the goods in person, he quickly took the blame and apologized to the Tianyi League, blocking the mouth of the monks.

Seeing that Orange Xing had a good attitude, the cultivators of the Celestial Cloth Alliance had a good attitude. They had no choice but to say, "It doesn’t matter what money is. Load the truck quickly and send it to our station without any further delay!"

"Good! Good! Let's load the car now, without any delay!"

Orange Xing hurriedly said, and then urged everyone to go to the warehouse to transport the Jedi Amethyst out and reload it on the car.

Cheng Weiwei's expression became more ugly when everyone saw the group taking out batches of Jedi Amethyst from the warehouse.

The Jedi Amethyst in the warehouse is still there, that is, Zhang Ziling has not got the Jedi Amethyst.

This also means that I did not do what Zhang Ziling entrusted her to do.

"How many people can live in the Orange House depends on your performance..."

Thinking of Zhang Ziling's words, Cheng Weiwei's heart felt a little chilly, and her eyes couldn't help but fear.

The son of Tianyue also keenly noticed Cheng Weiwei's face now, a gleam of light flashed in the depths of his eyes, and asked Cheng Weiwei: "Weiwei, are you unhappy?"

"Selling this batch of Jedi Amethyst to the Celestial Clothing League is a win-win thing. Could it be that someone told you not to sell this Jedi Amethyst?"

The son of Tianyue has been in the Orange House for a long time, and he knows the personality of Cheng Weiwei very well.

If there were no other people interfering behind the scenes, Cheng Weiwei would never have come out to take care of Jedi Amethyst.

What's more, the Orange Family sells Jedi Amethyst to the Tianyi League, which is beneficial to the Orange Family in the eyes of anyone who does not know the inside story!

Seeing Young Master Tianyue doubting herself, Cheng Weiwei was awakened in an instant, and quickly denied: "I'm just afraid that the quality of this batch of Jedi Amethyst is not good enough. Selling it will damage our Orange family's reputation. After all, Jedi Amethyst is our Orange family. It’s a major source of income for China, and this matter cannot be sloppy!

"These Jedi amethysts are all supervised and dug out by me personally. They are all high-quality crystals. The quality will not be a problem. If you are just worried about this, Weiwei, don't worry at all."

Son Tianyue looked at Cheng Weiwei with a smile, his eyes deepened, as if he wanted to see Cheng Weiwei thoroughly.

"Orange Weiwei, give them the Jedi Amethyst, but you have to go with them to deliver the goods. You'd better help me find the last batch of Jedi Amethyst."

Just as Cheng Weiwei was thinking about how to break the game, Zhang Ziling's voice rang in Cheng Weiwei's mind, making her startled.

"Give them all the Jedi Amethyst? You don't want it?"

"No, now this batch of Jedi Amethyst has a more important mission, you are responsible for finding them all, come on."

Zhang Ziling said such a sentence, and then there was no more voice.


Cheng Weiwei disappeared when Zhang Ziling had presented herself with another problem, subconsciously called out, making the Tianyue son in front of him startled.


"Are you talking to me?"

Cheng Weiwei realized that she was facing Young Master Tianyue, she couldn't help but coughed, and said, "Since Jedi Amethyst is okay, load all the goods and send it to Tianyi League."

"This batch of Jedi Amethyst is so large that it cannot be missed. I will send it with you."

The son of Tianyue didn't expect that Cheng Weiwei would suddenly change his mouth and would deliver the goods in person. His doubts grew thicker and he couldn't understand what Cheng Weiwei was going to do!

However, as long as these Jedi Amethysts were delivered, Son Tianyue didn't bother to think too much, and directly agreed to Cheng Weiwei's request.

not to mention……

Bringing Cheng Weiwei to the Tianyi League together saved him a lot of trouble!

Thinking of this, Young Master Tianyue laughed again, and his mind became active.

"Weiwei, if you can help, that's naturally the best."

"Let's... go."

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