Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 2191: The big festival begins

With the emperor’s order, the three and a half trails shot at Zhang Ziling at the same time, and a black mist spread from the ground in the Ten Thousand Ghosts Intercepting Array, turning into countless ghost hands, grabbing Zhang Ziling and Lin Qingshan’s ankles !

"Master, we are in the middle! What should we do now?"

Lin Qingshan only felt that his soul was about to be captured by those ghost hands, and the fear in his eyes became more and more intense, and he couldn't help but look at Zhang Ziling, panicking.

"Damn it!"

Zhang Ziling's face was also quite ugly at this time. He wanted to mobilize his spiritual power to resist the attack of Emperor Yi and three people, but found that his spiritual power was constantly melting under the scratch of those ghost hands, and no barrier was condensed at all.

"It's useless. In this Ten Thousand Ghost Intercepting Array, they and these resentful souls will continue to corrode your spiritual power. In a short time, your strength will be non-existent. Take it!

The emperor grinned, and the attacks of the three pour on Zhang Ziling together, Zhang Ziling and Lin Qingshan were immediately swallowed by the terrifying power of three and a half trails!


The violent power swept the hall, and both people and things were annihilated in an instant.

From the very beginning, the three of Diyi had no intention to keep their hands. They just wanted to completely wipe out Zhang Ziling's soul!

The time of the big sacrifice had been set long ago, and the way of the big sacrifice could not be interrupted, so Emperor Yi and the three had only a short time to solve Zhang Ziling.

Once Zhang Ziling could not be killed within this period of time, then this big sacrifice would have to wait a thousand years, such a price... they didn't want to bear it.

Therefore, they will inevitably play the toughest hand!

Most of the other monks in the main hall were caught off guard, and had no time to react. Many monks were directly shaken to death by the aftermath of the shock, which was extremely miserable.

The grievances in the Ten Thousand Ghosts Interception Array were crying, and as a large number of monks in the temple died in the hall, the power of the Ten Thousand Ghosts Interception Array doubled.

The wind howls, covering the sky and the sun!

Emperor Yi and the three people bombarded Zhang Ziling for a few minutes, and the three of them even consumed most of their spiritual power. The entire palace was turned into dust under the power of Emperor Yi and three people. A big pit appeared in a radius of thousands of miles, and all the creatures were filled with it. Destructive force wiped out.

Seen from a high altitude, the ground is full of cracks, terrifying like a spider web.

On the original site of the "Emperor Palace" branch hall, apart from the ten or so Taoist gods and a small number of emperor ranks with extremely good cultivation bases, there was no one to live!

After all, it was the power of three and a half-travel poles. Even if Emperor Yi and the others did not target other monks, other monks with low cultivation levels could not even bear the aftermath of the half-travel pole power!

In such an environment, they cannot escape death.

"In this way, I'm afraid that all his ashes will be lifted." The emperor's breathing became a little quick, and he muttered while looking at the deep pit below.

"I have swept a radius of thousands of miles with Divine Soul, and there is no breath of invaders, he should melt." Di Shuang carefully scanned the surrounding environment with Divine Soul, confirming that there is no breath of Zhang Ziling.

"Let's go ahead, the hour is coming soon, and many monks in the temple are suffering because of this. Now the manpower is severely insufficient and we need to race against time."

Emperor San saw the deep pit filled with blood crystalized Jedi Amethyst again, and whispered.

Even if they deal with Zhang Ziling no matter how harsh they are, they will take a little bit of attention to protect the altar of the great sacrifice from loss.

As for the other monks, they have ignored them.

"Well, time is running out, other things will be dealt with after the ceremony is completed."

The emperor nodded faintly, withdrew the ten thousand ghosts interception and killing array, no longer looking at the direction of Zhang Ziling's disappearance, and returned to his original position.

Di Shuang Di San also returned to his position, swallowing a **** pill that quickly recovered spiritual power, and then continued to sacrifice his spiritual power.


It didn't take long for a **** glow to soar into the sky from the deep pit, and the void gradually cracked open, forming an abnormally dark gate, which filled with an extremely ominous and evil aura.

At this moment, in the Jedi City.

The ground in the center of the city burst open, and countless blood sprayed out from it, spreading out in the sky and turning into an enchantment, sealing the entire Jedi City.

"Look, everyone, an enchantment appears!"

"Good evil and ominous breath... what is going on?"

"No! Someone is making sacrifices, we are probably sacrifices!"

Many monks in the city screamed in exclamation when they saw the enchantment formed above the Jedi City and sealed the entire city, panic appeared on their faces.

"The big sacrifice has begun? He failed to stop it?" Cheng Weiwei saw the **** enchantment above the city, her face changed involuntarily, and she stood up suddenly, her eyes full of horror and disbelief...

"Jie Jie... In the branch hall, there are three and a half trail poles sitting here, and the strength of those three half trail poles is not an ordinary half trail pole. With the power of those three... no matter how strong Zhang Ziling is, it will only It's a dead end!"

"I'm afraid now... the ashes of Zhang Ziling have been raised by those three!"

Young Master Tianyue Jiejie smiled and said, although he was still tied to a corner and couldn't move, this didn't prevent him from expressing his excitement.

Zhang Ziling's defeat means that he will be saved.

How could Young Master Tianyue not get excited after taking his life back?

"Humph! If Zhang Ziling dies, this girl will kill you first, and let you go down and bury that bastard!"

Cheng Weiwei scolded Young Master Tianyue, her eyes filled with cold killing intent.

"As long as you kill me, the Emperor Palace will never let your Orange Family go. It doesn't matter if I die alone at that time, but it's a pity that you have thousands of people from the Orange Family... all have to come and be buried with me!"

Young Master Tianyue is completely confident at this moment, with the Emperor Palace as his backing, he is not afraid of Zhang Cheng Weiwei and Han Sixue doing something against him!

The revenge of the Emperor Palace...No force in this East Xuanzhou can bear it!


Being so threatened by Young Master Tianyue, Cheng Weiwei turned pale with anger, unable to say a complete word.

Of course, Cheng Weiwei can kill Young Master Tianyue to vent her own anger, but what follows is that the entire Orange Family suffers the disaster...

Cheng Weiwei obviously couldn't bear such a large price.

"Weiwei, don't be influenced by him, the emperor's power is far beyond your imagination, and the great ceremony begins, there must be an emperor's intention in it."

Han Sixue didn't panic and comforted Cheng Weiwei.

Han Sixue knew that Zhang Ziling alone had more than a dozen Taoisms under his control, and even created a supreme god.

Moreover, Zhang Ziling is the real emperor of the emperor palace, whose power is unfathomable...

This kind of existence, there can be no threats to him on the Great Wild Continent!

"Hahaha! Just comfort yourself, it won't be long... the entire Jedi City will be sacrificed, and the power of the adults will be covered by the world. You are here to watch carefully and taste the despair little by little!"

Young Master Tianyue laughed, with infinite excitement in his eyes.

With the first scream from outside the resident, Young Master Tianyue's laughter became more and more rampant!

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