Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 2198: Orange Weiwei's Secret

Jedi City.

Countless monks can see the surging black clouds in the sky from the city, and the endless power surging in the sky makes those who see it scared.

The surging black cloud lasted for a short time, and soon disappeared, and the sky regained its clarity.

However, the forces that surged in the sky just now left an indelible impression in everyone's hearts.

With the disappearance of the black shadow and the aura of that powerful force, many Taoists in Absolute City went crazy, rushing out of the Jedi City to the Nantong Jedi, wanting to see the endless scenery.

The existence that can create such a vision of heaven and earth is definitely a strong person above the Dao Ji!

On weekdays, a relic of Taoism is enough to make countless monks crazy. Now it is very possible that a living Taoism appears. How can the monks not be crazy?

"It seems that the emperor has solved the fake emperor palace..."

Han Sixue watched the dark clouds slowly disappear in the sky, a smile flashed through her beautiful eyes, and a white long sword appeared in her hands.

"You, what are you going to do?"

Young Master Tianyue felt the killing intent permeating Han Sixue's body, and the whole person trembled suddenly, and asked Han Sixue tremblingly, his expression became distorted because of fear.

Cheng Weiwei couldn't help standing up, and the killing intent that suddenly spread out from Han Sixue shocked her.

However, Han Sixue did not respond to Young Master Tianyue, and directly cut off with his sword.

The sword light flashed, and the head separated!

Orange Weiwei saw blood splashing on the wall.

Young Master Tianyue's head flew out, and his fat body was stained with scarlet blood.

"This this……"

Cheng Weiwei stared at the headless corpse of Young Master Tianyue, and Han Sixue's sudden killer made her feel a little overwhelmed.

"The branch hall of the'Emperor's Palace' has been eradicated by the emperor, and there is no need for Prince Tianyue to stay. Removing it can also do a great harm to Dongxuan Middle Earth."

Han Sixue wiped the blood on the sword with spiritual power, put the sword away, and said to Cheng Weiwei: "Let’s go, the Jedi City barrier has been broken, and the Heavenly Clothes League will soon learn about the situation in the resident. Staying here will only cause a commotion."

"Oh, oh..."

Hearing Han Sixue's words, Cheng Weiwei also recovered from the fact that Han Sixue cut off Young Master Tianyue's head, and quickly followed Han Sixue out of the yard.

As soon as the two women left the Tianyi League station, they saw Zhang Ziling and Lin Qingshan standing at the door of the station.

After Zhang Ziling destroyed the branch hall of the "Emperor Palace" and erased all the monks in the branch hall, he sent the rescued mortals back to their village and brought Lin Qingshan over.

"Emperor, who is he?" Han Sixue asked when she saw Lin Qingshan behind Zhang Ziling, a trace of doubt flashed in her beautiful eyes.

"He is a disciple I just received. He has a good talent. You know him."

"Dijun's new disciple?"

Hearing Zhang Ziling's words, Han Sixue also looked at Lin Qingshan in surprise, wanting to see if Lin Qingshan had three heads and six arms or what he could have been admired by the emperor!

In Han Sixue's eyes, the apprentice Zhang Ziling can admire is definitely an exceptionally top seedling!

After Zhang Ziling introduced Lin Qingshan to Han Sixue, he walked directly to Cheng Weiwei and said lightly: "You come with me."

When she was called by Zhang Ziling, Cheng Weiwei was taken aback, and she didn't understand what Zhang Ziling wanted to do with her.

However, because of the power of the blood contract, Cheng Weiwei also subconsciously followed Zhang Ziling away.

Han Sixue, who was still asking about Lin Qingshan, frowned slightly after seeing Zhang Ziling leaving with Cheng Weiwei, and realized that something was wrong.

She could feel that Zhang Ziling's attitude towards Cheng Weiwei had changed.

"Qingshan, what happened between you and the emperor at the'Emperor Palace', can you tell me more about it?"



Zhang Ziling took Cheng Weiwei to a remote place, and then Zhang Ziling set up a barrier around it, completely isolating the inside from the outside.

"You, what are you going to do?"

When Cheng Weiwei saw Zhang Ziling doing these things, she was suddenly a little scared and asked Zhang Ziling.

What does a good enchantment do?

Is it to...

Cheng Weiwei suddenly thought of something, her pretty face suddenly reddened, her hands hurriedly put her hands on her chest, and stared at Zhang Ziling and said, "You, are you going to do it to me?"

"I declare in advance! Although I am your maid now, the maid has her own virginity!"

"I won't let you go!"

"What are you talking about..."

Zhang Ziling shook his head and approached Cheng Weiwei, pushing her to the corner.

A pair of deep and secluded eyes looked directly at Cheng Weiwei's eyes.

Seeing Zhang Ziling approaching, Cheng Weiwei's heartbeat was getting faster and faster, her hands and fingers tangled together, her whole body was extremely nervous, and her breathing began to become heavier.

"You, even if you are forced to... I, I will not..."

Cheng Weiwei was a little incoherent, and even closed her eyes!

Although Cheng Weiwei was a little flustered at first, afterwards, Cheng Weiwei even had a little expectation in her heart.

Beauty has always loved heroes, and respected the strong in the Wild Continent. All monks yearn for the supreme glory of the top.

As the strongest among all the monks that Cheng Weiwei has ever met, Zhang Ziling has outstanding looks and temperament, and Cheng Weiwei is a nympho. Seeing someone like Zhang Ziling, he naturally has a good impression of Zhang Ziling.

Cheng Weiwei wasn't very resisted by that.

However, Cheng Weiwei waited for a long time, and didn't wait for Zhang Ziling to take action. Instead, she felt some power invaded her body and guided something out of her body.

"what are you doing?"

Cheng Weiwei was puzzled, and she opened her eyes to see that Zhang Ziling was several meters away from her, still holding some kind of power aggregate in her hand.

"Only when I went to find the group of people in the branch hall of the'Emperor Palace', I encountered a little accident. Two celestial demons with Taoism cultivation base were killed in front of me."

"I didn't realize it before. Later when I sent Lin Qingshan's fathers and villagers back to the village, I suddenly realized that the restraining aura that killed the demons was somewhat similar to the power hidden in your body..."

"If you think about it carefully, how come Lord Qianyue is also an emperor, and he can be considered a high-level person in the Emperor Palace..."

"This kind of character can call the wind and rain in the East Xuan Middle Earth, you are just a mere daughter of the orange family, and the Emperor Qi will not trouble you."

"That's the natural beauty of this lady, who is all over the country, and that fat pig is overwhelmed by this lady's beauty!"

Although Cheng Weiwei was extremely disgusted with Young Master Tianyue, she was still a little angry when she heard Zhang Ziling's words and retorted to Zhang Ziling.

Doesn't that mean she is unattractive to men?

She can't bear it!

"Although you are good-looking, the sea of ​​beauties in the Middle Earth of Dongxuan has gone, why did Di Qi hang on you alone?"

"Don't say anything else, how do Sixue and Ye Zi compare to you? These are just people around me."

Zhang Ziling said, while analyzing the power guided out of Cheng Weiwei's body, he wanted to trace the root to find the source of this power.

"Tell me honestly... how did your power come from?"

Zhang Ziling looked at Cheng Weiwei and asked in an unquestionable tone.


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