Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 2206: Break the game

When the Taoist Lu Family saw a holy girl throw a small tower, he didn't care about it at first, and was about to grab the tower with one hand.

But when the Lu Family Taoist **** saw that the small tower suddenly became bigger, and saw the shape of the small tower, his pupils suddenly shrank, and his whole body stood upright!

"Damn! This Nima is an endless tower?"

The Lu Family Taoist God's eyes were about to stare out, and he almost scolded his mother, and quickly stopped to avoid it.

The Infinite Immortal Pagoda is the artifact of the Taiyo Pagoda. It is quite famous in the Eastern Profound Middle-earth. Almost all Dongxuan Middle-earth Taoist gods have tried the Infinite Immortal Pagoda, and the Lu Family Taoist God has naturally seen it too!

Now that the Taoist Lu Family saw Ye Zi throwing out the endless fairy tower, he was shocked.

But it is too late for the Taoist Lu Family to stop and avoid it. After the endless fairy pagoda becomes larger, there is an ancient aura that diffuses out of the tower, pressing **** the Taoist Lu Family, making the Taoist Lu Family unable to move. !



The endless fairy pagoda that became two people high slammed into the Lu Family Taoist God, and Lu Family Taoist God's arm and breast bones were all shattered. Many monks behind him were also shaken out and fell to the ground constantly wailing.

"So fierce?"

Cheng Weiwei saw that the Lu Family Taoist **** was broken in bones, she couldn't help being frightened by the power of the endless fairy tower, and didn't react for a while.

After all, Ye Zi is only a holy rank, and has not been able to use the power of the endless fairy tower, now it is completely through the pure physical collision of the endless fairy tower...

How about the fact that the arm of the Taoist **** can be broken by this, how about that endless fairy tower with all its firepower?

Cheng Weiwei could not imagine.

The He Family Taoist God who was on the side was also shocked by the sudden appearance of the endless fairy tower, and stood dazedly, his brain blank.

The Endless Pagoda is the treasure of Taiyo Pagoda, how could it appear here?

Still held by a holy girl?

Am I dreaming?


Ye Zi took advantage of the fact that the two monks were both stunned, and quickly spoke to Cheng Weiwei and Cheng Yibai, and took the lead to escape outside the courtyard.

She smashed the endless fairy tower out, but the owner Zhang Ziling hasn't come out yet, indicating that something must have gone wrong in the endless fairy tower, and the owner could not make a timely move.

Although the Endless Pagoda can shock the cultivators of the Lu He family for a period of time, once they wait for them to react, those waiting for Ye Zi will counterattack even more frantically!

The treasure of the endless fairy tower is in the hands of a holy girl, it is equivalent to a baby holding a golden mountain, and anyone will be evil!

"Miss, go!"

Hearing Ye Zi's voice transmission, Cheng Yibai also recovered instantly, pulling Cheng Weiwei with her spiritual power and fleeing!

The Taoist God of the He family was still immersed in the shock of the endless fairy tower, standing blankly on the spot, without any reaction to Cheng Weiwei's escape.

It wasn't until the endless fairy pagoda quickly shrunk and disappeared that the Taoist He family reacted, and said to his cultivator quickly: "Quick! Go and grab that holy girl! The priority must be higher than Cheng Weiwei!"

The Dao God of the Lu family who was hit and flew quickly took out the transmission jade talisman and explained to the Lu family what happened in Tiance City.

Compared with that sacred stone, the endless immortal pagoda of Taiyo Tower is famous, and now in the hands of a holy girl, its power is far greater than that of the sacred stone!

After all, for the Lu He family, that endless fairy tower is simply at your fingertips!

After He Family Taoist ordered his monks, he did not wait for the Lu Family to chase Ye Zi alone.

The Lu Family Taoist God was also unwilling to be left behind, and reluctantly took a pill that could quickly recover from his injuries, and then chased Ye Zi.

Soon, the news that a holy cultivator with an endless fairy tower appeared in Tiance City was spreading throughout Tiance City quickly.

Many monks from outside the three major families also joined the army searching for Ye Zi, wanting to see what the holy rank holding the endless fairy tower looks like.

What happened in the Jedi City is still in a closed state. The monks in other places did not know the news of Taiyota's change of ownership, nor did they know that the Tianyi League resident was bloodbathed.

Now many people in Tiance City are in madness, wanting to take the endless immortal tower that suddenly appeared!

In a hidden courtyard, Orange Yibai set up a hidden magic circle, and the three of them hid in it, listening to the increasing movement outside.

"What to do, now the whole city is looking for us, the matter is making a big deal!"

Cheng Weiwei also had no idea at this moment, pacing back and forth in the yard, very anxious.

"I knew that this would be the case, so I don't need the endless fairy tower. At least it can drag a lot of time."

"Now the whole city is going crazy, if we show up, we might be killed by those crazy monks!"

"There is no other way, just wait here, delay as long as possible, and the master will definitely not watch us fall into danger." Ye Zi comforted, rather calm.

She just smashed the endless fairy tower out, Zhang Ziling must know what happened outside, if the matter is really life and death, Zhang Ziling will not be able to take action.

However, Ye Zi didn't want to affect the master because of their affairs, so he thought that time could be delayed as long as possible.

"It can only be so..." Cheng Weiwei also sighed heavily, "However, things in Tiance City have become such a big deal, and the Orange Family hasn't sent anyone to come. Has this already abandoned us?"

"Miss, the Deputy Patriarch and the Great Elder have had a very tense relationship with the Patriarch for the last two days because of that piece of heavenly sacred stone. Now the clan has been divided into two factions to confront each other, and the Patriarch can't mobilize other powers, so they are sent down. Pick up the lady."

Seeing that the matter had reached this point, Cheng Yibai said to Cheng Weiwei that he knew that the matter could not be hidden.

"Uncle Tianyun and Uncle Sky split with my father? What's the matter?"

Cheng Weiwei was also shocked when she heard what Cheng Yibai said. She looked at Cheng Yibai with an incredible expression and couldn't believe what she had heard.

You must know that the orange sky, orange sky cloud and orange sky are the three masters of the orange family, and they are also the pillars of the orange family!

If the three of them fall apart, it means that the Orange House will fall.

With foreign enemies waiting in the Orange Family, no matter how many contradictions there are in the Orange Family, it is impossible to reach this point!

Orange Yibai shook his head and said, "It's all that divine stone...As long as you have the divine stone, your cultivation level will continue to rise even if you don't practice."

"The Patriarch only gets the God Stone for one day, and the bottleneck of the realm is showing signs of loosening. I am afraid that the Patriarch will be able to break through to the peak of the Taoist God in a short time."

"The Deputy Patriarch and the Great Elder do not want the Patriarch to monopolize the sacred stone, so they ask the Patriarch to share it, but the sacred stone can only be effective for one person, and the Patriarch is the key to breakthrough, so the Patriarch is not willing to hand over the sacred stone..."

"So they started to split the Orange Family because of this?"

Cheng Weiwei asked.

"Yes, the Patriarch asked her subordinates to pick up the young lady, because she was afraid that she would fall into the hands of the Deputy Patriarch and the Great Elder in the Hui clan, and the Patriarch would be threatened."


Cheng Weiwei's lungs are almost exploding, but the three heroes of the dignified orange family have conflicts at this time, and they don't care about the life and death of the family!

"These three old guys, now the Lu Family and He Family are looking at us, we are still fighting each other, and we don't know if we will be eaten and wiped out by the time!"

Cheng Weiwei yelled, she didn't save face for her elders at all!

"If I go back, I must..."

"Sister Weiwei! Be quiet!"

At this moment, Ye Zi let out a low cry, and the complexions of Cheng Weiwei and Cheng Yibai were all condensed!

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