Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 2212: Devil's deal

Zhang Ziling shot and destroyed the giant net of spiritual power thrown by the two monks of Lu He, and at the same time Zhang Ziling took another step forward!


Zhang Ziling's powerful aura directly sent the monks of the Lu He family's emperor rank and below to fly out, and smashed into nearby buildings.

For a time, smoke and dust filled the world, and weeping everywhere.

"Who is your excellency? Do you dare to take care of our two big families?"

Seeing Zhang Ziling's move, a Lu Family Taoist frowned slightly and asked Zhang Ziling coldly, with a rather arrogant tone.

Now Zhang Ziling showed only the power of the Taoist primary range.

Although the momentum looked scary, the imperial tier holy tiers that Zhenfei flew out were actually not a big deal.

There are now five Taoist gods in the Lu and He family!

In their view, Zhang Ziling and Zhou Ji were no more than two Taoist gods. Their combat power was absolutely crushed, and naturally they did not really regard Zhang Ziling as an opponent.

"The two big families? They are nothing more than local forces nestling in a city to dominate and blessing. Even the Orange Family can overwhelm you. They are just a bunch of waste."

Zhang Ziling mocked without mercy.

"Master... can you not bring the Orange family with you when you are taunting, I am also from the Orange family anyway, at least give me some face..."

When Cheng Weiwei heard Zhang Ziling's taunt, she couldn't help but twitched, and whispered to Zhang Ziling.

At any rate, their Oranges can be regarded as first-class forces in Dongxuanzhou. They are big clans with names and surnames, but now they are similar to third-rate forces in Zhang Ziling's mouth...

Although in Zhang Ziling's eyes, the Orange Family is really a third-rate force, but you have to be pretty.

"A mere elementary Taoist god, the tone is so big, you must be a hillbilly who jumped out of the edge of Eastern Xuanzhou, right?"

"In your country, you, the God, may be able to dominate and call the wind and rain, but in our Dongxuan Middle Earth... you are just a bug!"

A Taoist Lu Family sneered, suddenly violently rushed towards Zhang Ziling!

"Let me teach you this country boy, what awe is!"

The Lu Family Taoist yelled, but before his aura could explode, a dark figure suddenly appeared above him, his big hand suddenly grabbed his head and pressed it to the ground!


The ground broke!

The head of the Taoist Lu Family was pushed into the ground by Zhou Ji, and his limbs continued to struggle!

"The mere ants, dare to speak wild words to the emperor?" Zhou Ji said coldly, his five fingers continued to force, and the skull of the Lu Family Taoist God was directly crushed!

A sorrowful and dull scream came from the ground, and the hearts of the other Taoists trembled!

"This this……"

The remaining four Taoism gods were stunned by Zhou Ji's momentum, and they froze in place for a while and did not dare to go up and save people.

No one of them could see Zhou Ji's movements clearly, and no one thought that Zhou Ji, a monk who seemed to be an elementary Taoist god, would have such a strong explosive power!

"I knew you were going to be unlucky..."

Cheng Weiwei muttered, she was used to this kind of scene.

"Leaving him alive for the time being, I still have use."

Zhang Ziling calmly said to Zhou Ji.

"Yes." Zhou Ji nodded, pulled the Taoist **** out of the soil, and threw it at the other two Taoist gods in the Lu Family.

Seeing the obvious finger holes in the people's heads, the remaining two Taoists of the Lu family were also terrified. They quickly took out the best healing medicine and fed him to stabilize the injury.

If Zhou Ji tried harder, he might pinch the **** to death!

Seeing what the Taoist Lu family looked like at the moment, the Taoist He family began to be extremely jealous of Zhou Ji and Zhang Ziling, with a grim expression.

Zhang Ziling glanced at the Taoist **** who was still breathing, and then said to the other four Taoist gods: "You can't take Orange Weiwei, there is no doubt about this."

"However, since you are all here, I can't let you get anything, so I want to make a deal with you, how about?"

"What deal are you going to do?"

Realizing that Zhang Ziling and Zhou Ji are not ordinary Taoism gods, the Taoism gods of the Lu He family are also serious, and they ask Zhang Ziling with a solemn tone.

"Don't worry, it's a stable business for you."

Zhang Ziling chuckled, raised his hand and snapped his fingers. The space behind the five Taoists suddenly distorted, and the four groups of demonic energy flew out of them and sank into the five Taoists.

"What did you put in us?"

Feeling a foreign body enters the body, the Taoist gods of the Lu He family also panicked, and hurriedly checked his body completely, and at the same time sternly questioned Zhang Ziling.

"It's not a complicated thing, it's just a restriction planted in your body that allows me to control your lives at any time."

"Like this..."

Zhang Ziling smiled, urging a restraint in the He Family Taoist God at will, the Tao God suddenly screamed, and the pain all over his body distorted his face!


Without warning, the god's chest exploded, and a large amount of blood spurted out along with flesh and blood, and the whole person lost most of his life, and was dying!

"Big Brother!"

The other Dao God of the He family saw his tribe in such a miserable state, his face changed drastically, and he didn't care about other things, so he quickly fed the magic medicine he had treasured for a long time!

Under the nourishment of the magical medicine, the flesh and blood of the god's chest began to grow at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the breath gradually rose, and it was alive anyway.

"You, you devil... Get rid of the restriction in our body!"

The Taoist Lu Family was frightened by Zhang Ziling's methods. He didn't want to be blown up by someone inexplicably!

"Isn't it going to be a deal? We have not seen your sincerity at all! What do you mean by doing it?"

While the Taoism Gods of Lu and He were afraid of Zhang Ziling's methods, they were also extremely annoyed. How could this look like a deal?

"This is the deal."

Zhang Ziling chuckled, and then his voice turned and became cold: "Use the lives of the five of you to replace the two sacred stones in your family."

"I don't care what method you use, get the sacred stone and send it to the orange house."

"I'll give you twelve hours. When the time is up, I didn't see you offer the sacred stone with both hands in the orange house. It is not as simple as exploding your chest."


Hearing Zhang Ziling's words, the Taoist gods were dumbfounded, and never expected Zhang Ziling to threaten them so naked!

What kind of transaction is this?

Clearly it is threatening to grab!

"It's up to you to do or not, and I won't force you." Zhang Ziling said with a light smile.

"But you have to be clear. When you come to provoke me and arrest my maid, your lives are no longer yours."

"I can take your lives at any time, and now I just loan your lives back to you temporarily."

"As for whether you want to buy your life back, it's up to you."


Hearing Zhang Ziling's words, these five Taoism gods were speechless, all of them stared at Zhang Ziling!

They trembled violently and were filled with fear!

This guy……

Is a demon!

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