Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 2231: The battle between Zhou Ji and Shao Sijun

Great Wasteland, Dongxuanzhou, Orange House!

Zhang Ziling was still in a coma, and his whole body was wrapped in devilish energy, and an extremely terrifying aura surged in his body, which was shocking.

"How could this be?"

Zhou Ji and Cheng Weiwei looked anxious and didn't know what to do now.

After Zhang Ziling was in a coma, the devilish qi that filled Zhang Ziling's body prevented the two of them from approaching. Now Zhou Ji and Cheng Weiwei are not sure what happened.

Just when the two of them were at a loss, a figure rushed in the distance, and its powerful aura immediately attracted the attention of Zhou Ji and Cheng Weiwei.

"He is still alive?"

When Zhou Ji saw Shao Sijun flying here, his expression changed slightly, and his mood became more solemn.

Before Zhang Ziling went to chase Shao Sijun, Zhou Ji thought Shao Sijun had been solved by Zhang Ziling...

But now, Young Master is coming back, Zhang Ziling is unconscious again, Zhou Ji no longer knows how to retreat!

Although Zhou Ji is also the highest in half a step, he is not in his heyday now, and he is not Shao Sijun's opponent at all!

"You retreat to the back, the situation is wrong, I will take you to the endless fairy tower!"

Zhou Ji guarded Cheng Weiwei behind him, and said condensedly.

"what would you do?"

Cheng Weiwei also felt Shao Sijun's terrifying aura, and her mood was abnormally serious, and she whispered.

"With the endless fairy tower, I should be able to block him for a while, you don't have to worry about me."

Zhou Ji quickly said to Cheng Weiwei, and then looked at Young Sijun and said: "Unexpectedly, the emperor didn't kill you, so you dare to come over. You are so courageous!"

"What's up with him?"

Shao Sijun didn't answer Zhou Ji's words, glanced at Zhang Ziling, who was surrounded by devilish energy behind him, and asked.

"The emperor is cultivating, so he doesn't care about you. I will be enough to deal with a guy like you!"

Zhou Ji solemnly said, and directly took out the endless fairy tower from Zhang Ziling. The powerful power of the endless fairy tower suddenly exploded, and all of them fell on Young Sijun.

"This artifact?"

Feeling the power of the endless fairy tower, Shao Sijun's face changed slightly, and he immediately said: "Stop, I have something urgent to tell Zhang Ziling, if you don't believe me, go and ask him!"

"You have something to ask the emperor?"

Zhou Ji was taken aback, but he didn't expect to hear this from the young man.

They are not enemies?

He only knew that Zhang Ziling had been chasing and killing Young Sijun. He really didn't know what happened between Zhang Ziling and Young Sijun.

"What did I lie to you? Zhang Ziling is right next to him, why don't you wake him up?"

Shao Sijun didn't know what happened to Zhang Ziling, so he urged Zhou Ji.

"Just tell me what's the matter, and I'll tell you that the emperor's cultivation can't be disturbed by anyone!" Zhou Ji didn't want Young Sijun to know about Zhang Ziling's current situation, and said to Young Sijun.

"Huh! You're just a mere trivial matter, you are not qualified to know about this!"

Shao Sijun snorted coldly, obviously not paying attention to Zhou Ji.

"It's a mere trivial matter? Your father hadn't found your mother yet when he stepped into the half-step high!"

Zhou Ji was so angry at Shao Sijun's words that he immediately countered with taunts!

"You are so bold!"

Zhou Ji's words seemed to touch Young Sijun's inverse scales, and Young Sijun's eyes suddenly turned red, and the half-step to the highest power suddenly broke out, and the entire back hill of the orange house began to vigorously shake.

The world has changed!

"You old man, what can you do to motivate him?"

Seeing Shao Sijun suddenly showing off his power, Cheng Weiwei was struggling to resist the power of Shao Sijun and couldn't help but complain to Zhou Ji.

"How do I know this guy is so irritable? You quickly enter the endless fairy tower, I will deal with him!"

Zhou Ji also didn't expect that Young Sijun would turn his face when he said that he turned his face, and quickly used the endless fairy tower to receive Cheng Weiwei and a group of orange family cultivators into the endless fairy tower, and at the same time he fully urged his spiritual power to manipulate the endless fairy tower.

Although Zhou Ji is no longer in strength now, after Zhang Ziling conquered the Infinite Immortal Pagoda, the power of the Infinite Immortal Pagoda has also been deeply developed. With the Infinite Immortal Pagoda, Zhou Ji can still wrestle with Shao Sijun!

The aura of the two powerhouses raged in the back hills of the Orange House, and the world changed. The entire Tiance City could feel the power of Zhou Ji and Shao Sijun!

"I want you to know what to say and what not to say today!"

Shao Sijun's face was full of frost, and he stretched out his hand, and the Heavenly Meteor Spear on Zhang Ziling immediately returned to Shao Sijun's hands!

When Zhang Ziling got the Sky Meteor Spear, he had not had time to erase the mark of Shao Sijun. Now Zhang Ziling was in a coma, and naturally he lost control of the Sky Meteor Spear.

Shao Sijun was originally subconsciously summoning the Celestial Meteor Spear, but when the Celestial Meteor Spear was actually in his hand, he was taken aback for a while, and he didn't react for a while.

‘How can it be so easy? ’

It stands to reason that with Zhang Ziling blocking it, Young Sijun would never get back the Heavenly Meteor Spear so easily, but...

Shao Sijun looked at Zhang Ziling, frowning slightly.

"Could it be that... something happened to him?"

Shao Sijun was puzzled and couldn't believe it.

How long did I leave?

Nowadays, not only is there an accident on the Shangxianzhou side, but also on Zhang Ziling's side!

Before Young Sijun had time to think about it, Zhou Ji, who was ready to act first, directly manipulated the endless fairy tower and smashed it against Young Sijun, trying to limit Young Sijun's strength first and seize the opportunity for himself.

"Yellow-mouthed kid, take me a blow!"

Zhou Ji shouted, the endless fairy tower was raging!

But Shao Sijun's reaction is also keen, and when the endless fairy tower smashes, he picks up a spear and stabs it, which is worthy of flying the endless fairy tower!

"Good weight!"

Picking up the endless fairy pagoda, Young Sijun only felt his arm tingling, and his mouth was aching, and he became more and more jealous of the endless fairy pagoda, and he did not dare to look down upon Zhou Ji.

Shao Sijun was shocked, but Zhou Ji was even more shocked!

Shao Sijun can use his spear to fly the endless fairy tower... the strength can be imagined!

"You guy, you don't even have the main body, you still have such strength, but I underestimated you!" Shao Sijun said to Zhou Ji, the whole person was also serious, and the aura became more condensed.

"I see how many times you can block it!"

Seeing that the blow was unsuccessful, Zhou Ji shook his heart, and once again manipulated the endless fairy tower to smash the young man!

"Good job!"

Shao Sijun didn't even evade. He picked up the spear and rushed towards the endless fairy tower, and the sky meteor spear stabbed on the endless fairy tower!

clang! ! !

When the two great soldiers collided, unimaginable power burst out, the harsh collision sounded through the world, and the dazzling light enveloped everything!

The valley where the Orange family was located was instantly razed to the ground!

Even the distant Tiance City automatically triggered the great defense formation.

Even so, there are still countless monks in Tiance City, who were shocked by the aftermath of the collision of the two gods!

Like, the end of the world!

"A stunned green...I manipulated the endless fairy tower, using the power of the emperor, how dare you choose to face it hard?"

Seeing Young Master personally confronting the Infinite Immortal Pagoda, Zhou Ji couldn't help flashing a trace of happiness in his eyes. He manipulated the Infinite Immortal Pagoda again, and pressed against Young Master fiercely!

If Young Sijun chooses to bypass the endless fairy tower and take Zhou Ji directly, perhaps Zhou Ji still has no power to fight back.

But now Shao Sijun's choice gave Zhou Ji a glimmer of opportunity!

The gods and soldiers intersected, splashing endless sparks, and the Tianyuzhou spear was bent by the endless fairy tower!

"Damn it!"

The spiritual power in Shao Sijun's body has been mobilized, the clothes have been shattered by the spiritual power, and the veins in his arms are violent!

He seriously underestimated the power of the endless fairy tower!

The red armor on Young Sijun couldn't bear the power of the endless fairy tower. It fell off from Young Sijun, turned into a human form and fell to the ground, unconscious.

"Suppress me!"

Zhou Ji screamed, the endless fairy tower doubled again, and Young Master was suddenly crushed to the ground, and the ground collapsed directly!


The earth quaked, Zhou Ji had the upper hand with the power of the endless fairy tower and Zhang Ziling!

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