Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 2244: Skyscraper

The Orange House, the Chamber.

This is the Orange Family Association, and it is also a place for the leaders of the Orange Family to discuss major issues.

Orange Family Patriarch Orange Tianhua, Orange Family Deputy Patriarch Cheng Tianyun, and Grand Elder Orange Sky were quietly standing in the middle of the lobby. Behind them stood a group of elders, and outside the door stood neatly all the monks of the Orange family.

Everyone was uneasy, and the atmosphere was extremely solemn.

Zhou Ji and Shao Sijun sat in front of the crowd, with an empty seat between them, waiting for Zhang Ziling,

There was dead silence in the lobby.

This time the civil turmoil in the Orange family has suffered extremely heavy losses for the Orange family!

Had it not been for Zhang Ziling's timely move, I am afraid that the Orange Family would have disappeared in the long river of history.

Although the people living in the Orange Family were fortunate to have escaped from the dead, the deaths of too many tribesmen made them extremely depressed.

Coupled with the aura of Zhou Ji and Shao Sijun pervading the hall, it made many orange family members feel extremely depressed!

In the huge Cheng Family, only Cheng Weiwei was a little more relaxed, without being oppressed by Zhou Ji and Shao Sijun's aura.

However, Cheng Weiwei did not dare to stand in the hall and chose to stand with the tribe outside the hall.

"The emperor is here!"

At this moment, a cry came from outside the hall, and the orange family members outside the door immediately divided into two rows like a tide, and knelt down at the same time!

The three of Orange Tianhua quickly turned around and knelt down outside the hall: "Greetings to the emperor!"

Zhou Ji and Shao Sijun also stood up from their seats and looked out of the hall.

In the eyes of everyone, Zhang Ziling, dressed in a black robe, with loose black hair, holding a scroll, was walking slowly towards the Chamber.

His whole body is vigorous, condensed to the extreme.

Just like a scholar.

During the period when Zhang Ziling went to the Cheng Family Library to search for ancient books, everyone in the Orange family also learned about Zhang Ziling's identity and background, and naturally knew what to do.

Even Cheng Weiwei is no exception, kneeling with the people.

Although Cheng Weiwei is very familiar with Zhang Ziling at present, she is still the daughter of the head of the Orange family, and she has to kneel down like all the people in the Orange family because of her emotions and reasons.

Zhang Ziling walked to the hall of the Council Chamber and sat down under the gaze of everyone.

"Get up all."

"Xie Dijun!"

Orange Tianhua again led the people of the tribe to bow and worship Zhang Ziling three times and respectfully.

Orange Tianhua did this, not all because of Zhang Ziling's strong strength and background. He also led the whole family to seek refuge in Zhang Ziling and join the Emperor Palace.

Today, the Orange Family has suffered heavy losses due to the civil strife, and its strength has been greatly damaged. With the current size of the Orange Family...If there is no backing, let alone stabilize the position of the first-class power, I am afraid that it will not be long before the Orange Family will be defeated by the Heavenly Strategy. The two families of Luhe in the city have been eaten away!

From the perspective of Orange Tianhua, the best way out for the Orange Family is to find Zhang Ziling as a shelter!

In the face of the life and death of the family, it is too trivial to bow to the strong.

Even as it should be!

Zhang Ziling glanced at the three of Orange Tianhua in the hall, put down the scroll in his hand, and asked the three of Orange Tianhua: "I only found records from your library of books 100,000 years ago, which is not nutritious. "

"But judging from the descriptions in those ancient books, your family's inheritance seems to be more than 100,000 years. Do you know who your ancestors are?"

"Return to the emperor and trace the origin of the Orange Family to 800,000 years ago."

"The ancestor of Taoism 800,000 years ago was the ancestor of our Orange Family."

"Although our orange family has been passed down for too long, our orange family has experienced several catastrophes in history, and it has fallen to this point."

"Because of those catastrophes, many ancient documents have been lost. Today, only a few orphaned ancient books that record the history of my Orange Family are stored in my study."

Orange Tianhua replied respectfully to Zhang Ziling.

Although Cheng Tianhua wondered why Zhang Ziling was interested in the history of their orange family, their orange family was also once a prominent family. When Orange Tianhua talked about his own history, his face also showed a little smile.

"Originated 800,000 years ago... the old skyscraper... Zhou Ji, have you ever heard of this person?" Zhang Ziling looked at Zhou Ji and asked.

Zhou Ji bowed and said: "Return to Emperor, I have indeed heard the name of Sky Ancestor. It is estimated that it was also 700,000 or 800,000 years ago. It is also considered to be a rare Taoist expert in Eastern Xuanzhou."

"However, this skyscraper ancestor disappeared more than half a million years ago, and no one knows his life or death."

Although Zhou Ji had been trapped in the endless fairy tower before, he had been in the Great Wild Continent for more than ten million years!

Over the years, there have been countless tower-breakers. Zhou Ji has heard a lot of news. It can be said that it is a living fossil of the Great Wild Continent. To Zhang Ziling, Zhou Ji's value is inestimable.

Hearing the conversation between Zhang Ziling and Zhou Ji, Chen Tianhua had already set off a terrible wave in her heart, and her soul began to tremble.

Does he know about the skyscraper ancestor?

According to Zhou Ji's words, it shows that Zhou Ji was also a great power at least 800,000 years ago!

Although it is said that after Taoism, the life span is almost infinite, but there are not many people who can live on the Great Wild Continent for 800,000 years, even those who are extremely powerful!

If Zhou Ji was really strong 800,000 years ago, Zhou Ji was at least Dao Ji, even stronger!

Plus Zhou Ji is very respectful to Zhang Ziling...

Orange Tianhua couldn't imagine what kind of existence Zhang Ziling was.

Beyond Taoism?

can not imagine.


Orange Tianhua's Adam's apple moved slightly, staring at Zhang Ziling in a daze, fear and shock involuntarily appeared in his eyes, cold sweat on his forehead slipped.

People like this...Orange Tianhua doesn't feel that his orange family is qualified to follow!

This should be the **** of heaven.

"Orange Sky."

Just when Cheng Tianhua was panicking and thinking wildly, Zhang Ziling let out a soft cry, suddenly awakening Cheng Tianhua!

Cheng Tianhua was instantly wet with cold sweat, and hurriedly bowed to Zhang Ziling and said: "Yes, here! If the emperor wants to know anything, Chen Tianhua will know everything!"

In this high-pressure environment, Orange Sky has no longer the demeanor of the former owner.

However, Cheng Tianhua was so apprehensive and uneasy. None of the cultivators of the Orange family, including Cheng Tianhua and Cheng Tianyun, thought that Cheng Tianhua was abnormal. On the contrary, they admired it more and more!

Orange Tianhua is the only one who dared to talk to Zhang Ziling from the huge orange family!

Although it was unilaterally questioned.

But for the cultivators, it is amazing that they can speak in front of Zhang Ziling and other supreme powers.

"Don't be nervous, I won't eat you anymore." Looking at Orange Tianhua's anxious look, Zhang Ziling couldn't help but shook his head and smiled: "Your current performance is not as good as your girl's."

Orange Tianhua panicked again, and hurriedly said: "The dog girl is rude and rude, and offends the emperor, she deserves death!"

When Cheng Weiwei, who was outside the chamber, heard her father's words, she couldn't help but slander in her heart: "What did you do with me?"

Zhang Ziling shook his head and smiled, and said, "No matter... I ask you, do you know when the nameless ancestral hall in Houshan started to be worshipped?"

"Returning to the emperor, when the Houshan ancestral hall was enshrined, it is impossible to test."

"However, according to the ancient records of the clan, our clan has been enshrining the ancestral temple during the time of the ancestors of Motian."

"Before the ancestor left the orange house, he left a sentence to my clan. It is also the sentence of the ancestor. Our orange family has only enshrined it for generations and regards the ancestral hall as a forbidden place."

"What are you talking about?" Zhang Ziling asked.

"The tablets of Lord Zhang are enshrined for generations. Only when the gods return can the family be kept safe."

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