Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 2252: Undercurrent

Diyuan City, a tall building somewhere.

A long-haired man stood by the window of the high-rise building, calmly watching Cheng Weiwei who had just flown in from outside the wall of Di Yuan.

Behind the long-haired man, the whole room was full of corpses, and a strong smell of blood filled the air.

All the corpses had their facial features removed, their bodies shriveled, and there were still distorted expressions on their faces. It was obvious that they had suffered so much before they died, so that the distorted expressions of pain were permanently frozen on their faces.

What is even more shocking is that more than a dozen monks have died in this tall building, among them there are two Taoism!

So many monks died, but the Supreme Dao didn't notice it at all. Even the monks on the lower floor of this room were drinking and having fun, completely not knowing the tragedy above!

"Orange Weiwei is here, it seems that Zhang Ziling and Han Sixue are behind...Jiejie, get ready to receive the gift the Lord has prepared for you."

The long-haired man glanced at Cheng Weiwei's body, and the corners of his mouth curled up in a strange arc, and then the whole person was wrapped in black mist and disappeared, leaving only the dozen corpses in the tall buildings.

Cheng Weiwei didn't know what happened in the tall building, and all her attention was focused on the bustling street in Diyuan City.

"Emperor, this is the Diyuan City. The center of the city is even more prosperous than here. Taoism can be seen almost everywhere, and Taoism is also dazzling. There are even Taoji relics on auction in the city auction hall!"

Han Sixue flew into Diyuan City, looked at the dense buildings and people below, smiled and introduced Zhang Ziling.

"It's really magnificent. The edge of this city gate is almost the same as the prosperous area of ​​Tiance City, and the Jedi City is incomparable...Huh?"

Zhang Ziling glanced at the building below, sighing sincerely, and suddenly dropped his gaze to the tall building in the distance, and his eyes narrowed slightly.


"Emperor, what's wrong?"

Feeling that something is wrong with Zhang Ziling, Han Sixue asked in confusion.

"Will there be a large-scale death fight in your Diyuan City?" Zhang Ziling suddenly asked.

Han Sixue became more and more puzzled: "A large-scale death fight? This is impossible... Although Diyuan City advocates freedom, no matter what you do, on the other hand, our Supreme Dao management is extremely strict, let alone A death fight is absolutely forbidden even if it is a private action."

"Once the hands are discovered, our Supreme Dao will never tolerate it!"

"That seems to be a special situation..."

Zhang Ziling's eyes flickered, and he flew straight to the tall buildings in the distance.

Han Sixue realized that there was an emergency and immediately sent a message to the division, and then followed Zhang Ziling.

"Eh eh? Where are you going? Take me!"

Cheng Weiwei saw Zhang Ziling and Han Sixue flying away, and she hurriedly chased her, not wanting to wander around Diyuan City alone.

After a few breaths, Zhang Ziling flew into the window of a high-rise building and saw more than a dozen dead bodies in the room.

Han Sixue and Cheng Weiwei followed closely, and as soon as they entered the room they saw the dead bodies, their pupils shrank and their faces pale.

"This, this...Why are there so many corpses in Diyuan City, why is there no reaction from the division?"

In Diyuan City, dead people are a major event, not to mention the corpses in this entire room.

If the situation in this room were to be spread out, it would be enough to shake the entire Diyuan City!

"These people died in a terrible state. Their facial features were dug out, and their bodies were still dry as firewood. They seemed to be sucked up."

"The smell of blood is still in the air, and these people haven't died for long."

Zhang Ziling glanced at more than a dozen corpses in the room and judged the situation.

Han Sixue furrowed her brows, immediately took out the jade plate for communication, and called for the elder of the division.

"This matter is a major event, I have to report it to the teacher immediately!"

Zhang Ziling did not stop Han Sixue, walked to a corpse and squatted down, reached out to touch the skin of the corpse, and said: "These people are all sucked up in an instant, and there are two Taoist gods among them. The guy has pretty good strength, at least he has to be at the half trail pole."

"Half a trail?"

Hearing what Zhang Ziling said, Han Sixue was shocked and looked at Zhang Ziling with an incredible expression: "Emperor, are you sure?"

You know, her master is only half a trail, and if the assailant's cultivation is also above the half trail, then things might not be easy.

"It is estimated that the difference is not much, the two corpses over there, one is Taoist Intermediate, the other is Taoist High, and the other corpses are of different sacred emperor ranks. They all seem to be controlled in an instant. After a long period of torture, he was soaked up."

"This tall building is a restaurant, isn't it? These people should be diners, that is, they said they have nothing to do with each other, but the murderer used such a cruel method to kill the people in this room..."

Zhang Ziling got up and looked out the window. The scenery here just happened to be able to see the gates of Diyuan City and the place where they flew into Diyuan City.

"I guess... this guy is here for us."

Seeing the scenery outside the window, Zhang Ziling muttered, with a playful arc at the corner of his mouth.

"Unexpectedly, as soon as I arrived in Diyuan City, a mouse would bring it to the door by himself..."

"No...I have to notify Master immediately, this matter is related to the safety of Diyuan City, so you can't be careless!"

Hearing that the murderer might be half a trail, Han Sixue realized the seriousness of the matter, and no longer had the thought of taking Zhang Ziling and Cheng Weiwei to visit Diyuan City.

"You can visit Diyuan City anytime. This is a major event. Let's go to the endless fairy spring and discuss with Taiqing Xianzun." Cheng Weiwei also put away her playfulness at this moment and said seriously.

Zhang Ziling nodded: "This incident happened in Diyuan City after all. I'm not good at being a guest, so let's find Han Qianyin first."

Although Zhang Ziling guessed that the person who started the action was directed at him, this was only a guess, there was no evidence, and the secret person did not show up.

There are so many people in Diyuan City, it is impossible to find someone who deliberately wants to hide!

Diyuan City was originally the territory of the Supreme Dao. If something happened in the city, finding the Supreme Dao was another way.

"However, if that guy is coming for us, there are likely to be other actions next. You better be careful not to get too far away from me."

Although Zhang Ziling didn't care about the guy hiding in the dark, Han Sixue and Cheng Weiwei were no gods. If they were caught alone, they might die at the hands of the enemy.

"I dare not run around!"

Cheng Weiwei hurriedly approached Zhang Ziling. The corpse in this room was in a terrible state. She was terrified just by looking at it, and she didn't even dare to think that she would end up like this!

At this time, it is naturally the safest to stay by Zhang Ziling!

"Let's go to the master first, I have already sent the teacher here, and there will be elders to deal with it!"

Han Sixue was very urgent at this moment, and quickly took out a teleportation talisman: "Emperor, Weiwei, get closer to me, let's teleport it directly!"

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