Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 2259: confusion

The spiritual power vortex on Zhang Ziling's head is getting bigger and bigger, the entire endless fairy spring is boiling, and unimaginable spiritual power gushes out from the fairy spring and swept towards Zhang Ziling.

The Supreme Dao shook, and even the monks in Diyuan City could clearly feel that the spiritual power in the spiritual power city became thinner.

Not only that, a monstrous vortex also appeared above Diyuan City, in which endless spiritual power was condensed and irrigated into the abyss below Diyuan City!

All the spiritual power of the world gathers here!

The small courtyard where Zhang Ziling was located, at this time, the spiritual power was already strong to an exaggerated level, and even turned into liquid, making it difficult for Han Sixue and others to move.

"Everyone, go out quickly, if something goes wrong in Ling'er, we can't hold the spirit power here!"

Taiqing quickly said to Han Qianyin and others, and led them out of the courtyard.

"Master, are you okay?"

After leaving the yard, Han Qianyin found that Taiqing's breath had weakened a lot, his face changed slightly, and thousands of people quickly supported Taiqing, and asked worriedly.

"I'm fine, there is a pattern here, you order, let the sect disciples set up a magic array around this forbidden area, isolating the inside from the outside."

Taiqing took out a set of patterns to Han Qianyin, and ordered.

At this moment, the momentum of Zhang Ziling's awakening of the Godhead is beyond Taiqing's control. If Zhang Ziling makes a mistake in the process of awakening the Godhead, causing some fluctuations outside, detonating the liquid spiritual power in the courtyard...

Its mighty power is enough to completely wipe out the entire Diyuan City from Eastern Xuanzhou!

Hearing Taiqing's solemn tone, Han Qianyin also realized that this matter was sloppy, and quickly said to Han Sixue: "Sixue, take care of Master, I will arrange the formation."

After that, Han Qianyin saluted Taiqing again, and then flew out of Jiantiantai, urging to summon the disciples of the Supreme Dao.

"Master, is he alright?"

Han Sixue and Cheng Weiwei carefully supported Taiqing and asked softly.

Taiqing shook his head: "Ling'er will be fine, at best, he has failed to awaken the Godhead, so I can do it again."

"The thing to worry about now... is you."

"Although the Suotian Formation is a top-level formation, it can resist Dao Ji's attacks, but Ling'er is the supreme after all, and the unimaginable spiritual power gathered in the yard. The great array may not be able to stop it."

"For the sake of safety, after setting up the great formation of Suotian, you should leave Diyuan City first, as far as possible." Taiqing warned Han Sixue and Cheng Weiwei.

"What about you, Master?" Han Sixue asked.

"I am just a distraction, and the spiritual power on the main body can't be supplied. My existence still depends on the spirit gathering magic circle of this courtyard. Once I am too far away from the courtyard, I cannot maintain the distraction and will eventually dissipate."

"How could this happen?"

Hearing Taiqing's words, Han Sixue's face changed drastically, unable to accept this statement.

Han Sixue now also knows that her master's body has been suppressed in a dark place, and only this distraction can communicate with the outside world. If this distraction disperses, then Taiqing is no different from death!

Do not……

I am afraid it is more painful than death!

No one can live in the dark, silent abyss!

"No... I can't leave Shizu alone here. If the emperor really makes a mistake, I will resist the impact for Master, and at least let Shizu survive."

Han Sixue didn't want to abandon Taiqing and leave, and said seriously.

"My blood contract is still at Zhang Ziling. If I leave you behind and run away, that guy probably won't let me go."

Cheng Weiwei also spread her hands, without any intention of leaving.

"You two girls...oh..."

Seeing that both girls were stubborn, Taiqing couldn't help but shook his head and sighed.

Taiqing has no power to distract now, she wants to force Han Sixue and Cheng Weiwei to leave, the possibility is zero.

To persuade Han Sixue and Cheng Weiwei to stop, Taiqing had to give up.

After all, Zhang Ziling might not have any problems, and explosions might not happen.

It didn't take long for Han Qianyin to summon all the elder disciples of the Supreme Dao.

The number of elders and disciples in the entire sect is less than a hundred, but their strength is basically above the Taoist god, and only a small number of young disciples are in the emperor holy rank.

"This is the strength of Supreme Dao?"

It was the first time that Cheng Weiwei saw the full picture of the Supreme Dao. Seeing that many of the disciples present were more powerful than her father, the whole person was also extremely shocked and marveled at the strength of the Supreme Dao.

But what made Cheng Weiwei more shocked was that so many powerful monks gathered together to set up a top-level defensive array, and they might not be able to stop the explosion in the hospital...

Cheng Weiwei could not understand the power of the explosion.

Under the command of Han Qianyin, the Supreme Taoist monks stood in their respective positions according to the formation map, and began to work together to build the formation.

The starry sky in the Jiantiantai gradually disappeared and was replaced by the light of the sky-locking array.

A large formation capable of controlling Dao Ji was constructed at a speed visible to the naked eye!


In Diyuan City, standing on top of a tall building, with gloomy eyes staring at the huge spiritual power vortex above, the smile on the corner of his mouth became more and more weird.

"This group of supreme Dao guys will not chase after halfway through. If they are lucky, they have temporarily recovered their lives."

"As expected to be the new emperor in the Emperor Palace, there was such a big movement as soon as I came to Diyuan City. If I were to destroy this spiritual power vortex and interrupt this spiritual power transmission, I will have to see... How does it end!"

Jue Jue laughed, holding a double blade, turned into a purple light and rushed straight into the sky, sinking into the spiritual vortex!


A sullen drink sounded from the sky, and the huge spiritual power vortex was dissipated, and the spiritual power gathered to Diyuan City between heaven and earth was suddenly interrupted!

Unable to use the spiritual power of heaven and earth to share the pressure, the spiritual power of the endless fairy spring was immediately emptied of a half!

I am afraid that it will not be long before the endless fairy spring will be drained, and the blessed land of Diyuan City will also be completely dried up.

"what happened?"

Feeling the abnormal change above, Han Qianyin's face changed slightly while maintaining the formation, and asked quickly.

"I went to see!"

Seeing that everyone couldn't get out of her body, Cheng Weiwei volunteered to use Han Sixue's teleportation charm to teleport to Diyuan City.

As soon as Cheng Weiwei teleported to Diyuan City, she saw the spiritual power vortex above Diyuan City being scattered by people, and at the same time an endless sky fire fell, smashing into Diyuan City severely, causing endless chaos.

"That's a must?"

Seeing the shadow of the sky wrecking the sky, Cheng Weiwei's eyes narrowed slightly, and she was about to urge the Fuluo to send it back to report the situation, and she felt an extremely terrifying aura descending from the sky, suppressing her to the ground!


Cheng Weiwei's face changed drastically, she smashed a piece of jade talisman, and then was completely suppressed by the aura of the sky, unable to move anymore!


The wind was blowing, and a huge face made of thick clouds appeared in the sky.

"Orange Weiwei, I can catch you!"

The sullen laughter, from above Jiu Xiao, rolled in!

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