Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 2264: Good temperature


Taiqing's face changed drastically when he saw Wen taking a good shot at Han Sixue. He didn't expect that the source of the monster was actually Wen Haohao!

The cultivators on the side were quick and quick, and together they shot Wen to retreat. Taiqing took the opportunity to take Han Sixue away from the battle circle, while investigating Han Sixue's injuries.

"Blood Devouring Spirit Blade?"

Seeing the spiritual blade in Han Sixue's abdomen, Taiqing frowned: "This is a disaster!"

"Master, what is the Blood Devouring Spirit Blade? Well, why does she have such evil things?"

After being absorbed by the spirit blade, Han Sixue was already extremely weak and might faint to death at any time.

But even so, Han Sixue was still worried about Wen.

Han Sixue still doesn't believe that an innocent child is actually the source of monsters!

"You hold on first, I will help you take out this spirit blade, don't fall asleep!"

"This blood-devouring spirit blade can drain all the spiritual power in your body. If you fall asleep, it will even take away your blood and spirit!"

Taiqing wrapped the Blood Devouring Spirit Blade with his weak spiritual power, preparing to slowly withdraw it.

If Taiqing's body is here, the mere Blood Devouring Spirit Blade is naturally not a problem.

However, now Taiqing is only a distraction, and still can't use too much spiritual power!

Wen looked at Taiqing and Han Sixue indifferently, she beckoned slightly, and all the monks controlled around here rushed to Taiqing and Han Sixue to engulf them!

"Master, Sixue, we will help you!"

The few remaining Supreme Dao elders who were sober saw that Taiqing and Han Sixue had become Wen Hao's targets, and they also swiftly moved to Taiqing's side to resist the maddening attack of the same door.

"Senior sister hold on!"

The other supreme Taoist monks were not idle either, they also took actions one after another, dragging down those crazy fellows, and buying time for Han Sixue.

"Master, don't waste time on me, I can't do it..."

Han Sixue only felt that her eyelids were extremely heavy, she had no strength to open her eyes again, and desperately wanted to sleep.

After the Blood Devouring Spirit Blade pierced Han Sixue and absorbed Han Sixue's spiritual power, Han Sixue's body became extremely cold and his body began to become stiff.

That is a sign of death.

"What nonsense? Hold on to me!"

He shouted too sharply, his tone suddenly sharpened, and he directly stretched out his hand to hold the Blood Devouring Spirit Blade and pulled it out.

However, the Blood Devouring Spirit Blade itself stored all of Han Sixue's spiritual power, and as soon as Tai Qing grasped the Spirit Blade, he was met with a terrifying backlash.

A large amount of spiritual power constantly impacts the Taiqing meridians. If it is not for the strong foundation of Taiqing itself, and the superb spiritual power manipulation, I am afraid that Taiqing has not drawn the blood-devouring spirit blade, and he will be shaken by the spirit blade!

But even if she was too young to survive the first wave of blood-devouring spirit blade, she found that she only had to pull out the blood-devouring spirit blade, the spirit blade that was already attached to Han Sixue's flesh and blood would tear Han Sixue's internal organs!

If the spirit blade is pulled out, the internal organs are also broken.

In a state where Han Sixue's spiritual power has been completely lost, once the internal organs are torn apart, it is really powerless to recover!

"No... this is a dead end! My current strength can't draw a sword!"

Too Qing was completely anxious, holding the Blood Devouring Spirit Blade and didn't dare to release it, but didn't dare to pull it out. He could only watch Han Sixue's breath become weak.

Forced into a desperate situation, Taiqing subconsciously looked into the Suotian formation.

Now, I can only expect Zhang Ziling to come to the rescue.

Wen in the distance stared at Han Sixue calmly. After seeing that Han Sixue was unable to return to the sky, the smile on the corner of her mouth became more and more evil.

"Sister, thank you for taking care of you over the years. In order to be a good child, I can pretend to work hard!"

Wen sneered, there was no sympathy in his eyes!

Not like a child.

Better than the devil!

"Master, I... really can't hold it anymore."

Han Sixue couldn't even speak clearly, her consciousness became increasingly blurred, and she couldn't hear Taiqing's shout.

So heavy.

Han Sixue felt like she had fallen into the deep sea, her whole body became light, but she couldn't even move a finger.

Just = While Han Sixue was dead, she only heard a loud noise from outside.

But what exactly it was, she already didn't know.

Everything will have nothing to do with her.

‘Am I... dying? ’

This was Han Sixue's last thought.

"You can't die."

Suddenly, a familiar voice rang in Han Sixue's mind, and then Han Sixue felt a warm current entering her world.

The stiff limbs slowly recovered consciousness, and Han Sixue's consciousness gradually became clear.

She slowly opened her eyes and saw a handsome man hugging herself.

After a long pause, Han Sixue reacted and said in a panic, "Emperor, Emperor?"

"It seems that during the time when I awakened the Godhead, a lot of things happened..."

Zhang Ziling put down Han Sixue, and the blood-devouring spirit blade in Han Sixue's abdomen was directly crushed!

"Ling'er, you should solve the turmoil here first. They have brain-eating worms in their minds, so they can't let those things grow!"

Seeing that Zhang Ziling went out to rescue Han Sixue, Taiqing didn't care about asking about Zhang Ziling's godhood, and hurriedly said to Zhang Ziling.

Now that the brain-eating evil worm has infected most of the Supreme Taoist monks, the brains of the first batch of monks are almost completely swallowed by the brain-eating evil worm!

If you don't remove those bugs, no one will be able to recover.


Zhang Ziling nodded, and scanned the monks who were restrained by him on the periphery, his eyes were as deep as stars.

The dark magic energy diffused from Zhang Ziling's body and easily poured into the heads of the monks.

Without any accident, the brain-eating evil worms parasitic in the heads of the monks were easily wiped out by the devilish energy.

"Huh? Is this girl really a monster?"

When Zhang Ziling was cleaning up the brain-eating evil worm, he quickly noticed the temperature not far away, and frowned slightly.

Although Zhang Ziling had felt the aura of monsters from Wen Hao before, Zhang Ziling's mood was quite complicated when he discovered that a seven or eight year old child was the source of the monsters.

According to Han Sixue’s description, Wen has grown up in Supreme Dao since he was a child, but even so, no one in Supreme Dao has discovered that Wen is a monster...

In this way, I am afraid that the penetration of monsters into the Great Wild Continent in these ten thousand years is greater than expected!

Even more than the Emperor Palace of Young Sijun!

After all, even Shao Sijun was placed by the monster's subordinates, causing heavy losses to his Emperor Palace.

"The child was only a baby when she was brought back. At first, she had a strong smell of monsters, but we considered that she had survived the disaster of the monster slaughter village. It is inevitable that she would be infected with the smell of monsters. So I didn't care."

"And with the passage of time, the aura of the monster on her body has become weaker and weaker, and finally disappeared, and we have no doubts."

"Unexpectedly..." Taiqing sighed, feeling sorry for Wen's good deeds.

I'm afraid that when the village where the baby was slaughtered by monsters, it has already been transformed by Moqing himself.

Wen is good, he is no longer human.

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