Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 2286: Will count

"Under Xu Mojiang, I have been waiting for the two of you for a long time." After Xu Mojiang approached, his eyes didn't stop on Zhang Ziling, he stared at Xu Yingying and smiled.

"This brother, do we know?" Zhang Ziling said lightly, taking a step forward, blocking Xu Yingying behind him.

"The two wear masks that can conceal their breath, and I must not want me to know them." Xu Mojiang retracted his gaze, shook his folding fan lightly, and smiled at Zhang Ziling.

"Master Emperor, Xu Mojiang and I have met, I am afraid I remember my voice, and then I won't speak!"

Xu Yingying said through the voice behind Zhang Ziling, and moved slightly to allow Zhang Ziling to completely block him.

After hearing Xu Yingying's words, Zhang Ziling's spirit scanned the surroundings again and found that there are currently four Taoist gods hiding in the dark, protecting Xu Mojiang.

If Zhang Ziling did something here, the Dao Gods in the dark would certainly not stand idly by, and they might alarm the Heavenly Clothes League and the monsters.

Zhang Ziling was naturally unwilling to do it because he killed a few ants and disrupted his plan.

And Xu Mojiang came to the door by himself, not for nothing.

"Since I don't know each other, why wait for us?" Zhang Ziling asked.

Xu Mojiang said: "Master Xu Gu fled, and the Tianyi League blocked the Tianxu City in the first place. It is impossible for him to escape from the city."

"Now that the whole city is under martial law, all the elites of the Heavenly Clothes League are out. It is only a matter of time to find the Xugu."

Xu Yingying subconsciously squeezed the corners of Ziling's clothes, her teeth clenched, and she was extremely nervous.

‘Really exposed? ’

‘Otherwise, why would Xu Mojiang ask about his father? ’

Hearing Xu Mojiang's words, Xu Yingying was confused, and couldn't figure out where he was showing his feet.

They had just entered the Great Wilderness Tower, and they had no time to do anything!

Moreover, the Great Desolate Pagoda itself is the largest trading market in Tianxu City. It has the highest-end auction venue in Eastern Xuanzhou and the most complete magic weapon trading market. When many monks come to the Great Desolate Pagoda, in order to avoid trouble, they will choose to hide their identity. And the cultivation base, to avoid being targeted by thieves.

Wearing a mask to hide their identities in the Great Wilderness Pagoda is uncommon, and Xu Mojiang has no reason to find them!

Xuyingying simply couldn't figure out what went wrong?

However, Zhang Ziling looked at Xu Mojiang calmly, his expression unchanged.

Xu Mojiang seems to have approached them directly, but Zhang Ziling’s spirit has only explored the Great Wild Tower. Many monks wearing masks or hats who entered this Great Wild Tower will be asked by people from the Heavenly Clothes League. I was defrauded of my identity.

Xu Mojiang has no reason to recognize Xu Yingying, and Zhang Ziling has never seen him before, saying that knowing is even more a fantasy.

Zhang Ziling didn't care about Xu Mojiang's identity fraud. It just so happened that they lacked a passable jade symbol to lead the way. Xu Mojiang sent it to the door by himself, which was convenient.

"This brother, are you also going to save Xu Gu?"

Zhang Ziling didn't conceal anything, so he said it straightforwardly, but Xu Mojiang was taken aback and didn't react for a while.

He really just wanted to defraud the two people who entered the Great Wild Tower wearing masks, and wanted to see how suspicious of their reactions.

But he never expected that Zhang Ziling would directly admit it!

This answer caught him quite off guard.

Is there such an honest person?

The corner of Xu Mojiang's mouth twitched.


Xu Yingying was also taken aback, unexpectedly Zhang Ziling would directly admit it like this...

Didn’t you say that you should try to keep a low profile and stop making trouble?

Now, how is this different from directly provoking the Tianyi League?

Xuyingying is also a little messy.

Seeing Xu Mojiang caught off guard, Zhang Ziling smiled and continued: "We have received a message from Xu Gu asking for help, and we want to save him."

"Since the brothers are fellow travelers, should we be on the same road? In this way, we must be more confident about rescuing Xu Gu from the hands of Tianyi League."

‘This fool! ’

Xu Mojiang sneered in his heart, but a lament appeared on his face: "Well...I am also here to save Master Xu Gu, but unfortunately I don't know the specific location of Master Xu Gu, so I can only watch the Tianyi League search, with more than enough heart but not enough energy. "

"Xugu is in the sky, but we don't have a passable jade talisman. Even if we know the location of Xugu, we can't go up."

"Do you know the location of Xu Gu?"

Xu Mojiang was overjoyed when he heard Zhang Ziling's words, and he blurted out subconsciously, but he quickly reacted and coughed lightly, "Ahem! I mean, the sky is the place where the Tianyi League is the most rigorous search. If it's Xu Gu Master is in Tiandu, I'm afraid I won't be able to hide for long!"

"If my brother believes me, I can take you to Tiandu and save Xu Gu!"

At this moment, Xu Mojiang was extremely contemptuous of Zhang Ziling in his heart.

Regardless of whether Zhang Ziling is pretending to be stupid, after all, this is the Tianxu City, the site of their Tianyi League!

Xu Mojiang has enough confidence to control the situation!

Even if Zhang Ziling wants to borrow his identity to go to Tiandu, once Xugu is found, the cultivators of the Tianyi League will surround them in an instant!

Now that the big formation is about to be completed, Xu Gu, as the top three formation masters, needs to be perfected in some key areas, and must be brought back as soon as possible!

Now Tianyi League has invested a lot of energy to find Xugu, and naturally it will not miss Zhang Ziling's opportunity.

"Then thank you brother Xu."

Zhang Ziling gave a slight salute to Xu Mojiang, as if he did not recognize Xu Mojiang at all.

"Sir Monarch, you know he is a member of the Tianyi League, why do you still tell him? This will not attract the monks of the Tianyi League?"

Xu Yingying was still puzzled, and asked Zhang Ziling through voice transmission.

"Don't worry, he can't notify the Celestial League, and I intercepted all the summons."

Zhang Ziling signaled Xu Yingying to calm down, and then walked towards the teleportation array with Xu Mojiang.

"This great wild tower has been built by the Tianyi League into a commercial center, whether it is disciples' trials or the trading of gods, or hunting monsters, exploring the secrets..."

"As long as the monks of Dongxuanzhou can experience it in the outside world, there are all in this wild tower, so the monks who stay in the tower all the year round...there are millions."

"The Heavenly Clothes League manages the Great Wilderness Tower very strictly. If the brothers don't have the Jade Talisman, the possibility of going to the Heavenly Capital is zero. Fortunately, I met me."

Xu Mojiang showed off to Zhang Ziling while walking, demonstrating the strength of the Tianyi League.

After all, in the eyes of the outside world, the Great Wilderness Tower belongs to the Heavenly Clothes League, and the larger the Great Wilderness Tower, the stronger the Heavenly Clothes League!

After all, the Tianyi League is the number one power in Eastern Xuanzhou on the bright side. If there is nothing to take out, it will not be able to survive.

"Thank you, brother, otherwise we don't know how to rescue Xu Gu." Zhang Ziling said casually.

"Relax, we sincerely cooperate, it is not difficult to rescue Xu Gu!"

Xu Mojiang also smiled, and the look in Zhang Ziling's eyes became more and more intense!

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