Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 2318: Celestial League Attack

"Congratulations, congratulations..."

The official Tianxu flew in front of Zhang Ziling and said to Zhang Ziling with a complicated expression. The whole person's heart and eyes were hanging up, for fear that Zhang Ziling would do anything to it.

After Zhang Ziling conquered the Seed of Chaos, Official Tianxu was confused, and only felt that the world was illusory.

Now Zhang Ziling has successfully conquered the Seed of Chaos and became the first person since ancient times. The Tianxu official himself does not know that the blood contract is still not effective for Zhang Ziling.

Official Tianxu couldn't even tell whether Zhang Ziling was a human or a chaotic creature!

If the blood contract has no effect on Zhang Ziling...

The official Tianxu didn't dare to think what would happen to him!

Seeing the frightened expression on the official Tianxu's face, Zhang Ziling shook his head and smiled. With a gesture, all the chaos that permeated the universe poured into Zhang Ziling's body.

The universe is back on track.

"Don't worry, you cooperated very well this time. What I promised you will definitely be done."

"With the help of Chaos Seed, I can help you refine a better body that won't let you down."

"However, to help you refine your body, you still need to collect some materials. I don't currently have it, and there are urgent things waiting for me on the Great Wild Continent. You need to wait a while."

"No, no problem... as long as you remember it!"

Hearing Zhang Ziling's words, the stone hanging in the Tianxu officer's heart suddenly fell, and he nodded to Zhang Ziling quickly.

At this time, Zhang Ziling is already thankful for keeping his promise. How can it dare to urge Zhang Ziling?

"I'm going to the Great Wild Continent, are you going to stay with me temporarily, or take a stroll in this heavenly machine domain to help collect materials?"

Zhang Ziling asked again.

"You control the Seed of Chaos, there will definitely be a reaction from the virtual world, and I will definitely be chased by the virtual world, it is better to follow you."

The official Tianxu said to Zhang Ziling without any psychological obstacles, he had decided to stay with Zhang Ziling.

After these several incidents, the official Tianxu had a little bit of Zhang Ziling's temperament.

As long as you don't mess around and die, you won't have any problems staying beside Zhang Ziling.

Moreover, Zhang Ziling has taken control of the Chaos Seed, and there will be a lot of chaos in his body. The official Tianxu dare not return to the virtual world. It wants to absorb the power of chaos in this universe, and it can only rely on Zhang Ziling. .

Seeing that the official Tianxu was going to follow Zhang Ziling, the fairy group couldn't help but whistle aside and said: "You'd better figure it out. I'm a warrior of the ancient spirit tribe, who specializes in suppressing Chaos."

"You follow us, and if you mess around, I will be the first to not forgive you!"

"Don't worry, there is Zhang... the emperor is here, I dare not mess around."

The official Tianxu paused, and began to call Zhang Ziling an emperor. The whole person's attitude towards Zhang Ziling had changed 180 degrees!

"I'm going to use Guixu Shiguan Dayan God, you can go to live in the endless fairy tower for the time being, I will provide you with the breath of chaos."

Zhang Ziling chuckled and said to the official Tianxu.

"Xiantuan, take good care of the official Tianxu."

"Yes..." Xiantuan replied reluctantly.

"Thank you, Emperor!" The official Tianxu nodded and thanked Zhang Ziling.

Decided to follow Zhang Ziling and roar, the official Tianxu no longer maintained his human form, and changed back to the appearance of a purple light ball, floating in front of Zhang Ziling.

Seeing the two **** of Xian Tuan and Tianxu official in front of him, one black and one purple, Zhang Ziling was also taken aback, then shook his head and laughed, and took the two "duanzi" in front of him back to the endless fairy tower.

"Go, let's go back!"


Great Desolate Continent, Tianxu Mountain Range.

The wildfire spreads, shouting and killing!

The monks of the Tianyi League searched for the Xu family members in the mountains, and a large number of the Xu family members were killed by the monks of the Tianyi League!

Xu Gu shuttled between the mountains, continuously beheading the cultivators of the Heavenly Clothes League, but because there were too many people in the Heavenly Clothes League, Xu Gu couldn't kill them at all and couldn't protect his master.

He could only watch his clan tragically die under the sword of the Tianyi League.

After Zhang Ziling left with the seed of chaos and official Tianxu, Taoist Xianyi reorganized the army of the Heavenly Clothes Alliance and led the army into the Tianxu Mountains.

The mazes laid down by Xugu were all broken by the array mages of the Tianyi League, and the Xu family members in the Tianxu Mountains could not hide!

Compared with the fighting in the Tianxu Mountains, the battle over the Tianxu Mountains is even more tragic!

Ye Zi alone played against more than ten top powerhouses of the Tianyi League!

I don't know where the Heavenly Clothes League gained the power. The Taoists of Xianyi have already broken through to the Dao Extreme, and there are even three elders in the Heavenly Clothes League who have become a half-walker.

Although Ye Zi was already the ultimate Taoist, and Zhang Ziling's blood was still flowing in her body, after all, there were more than a dozen opponents she faced. Even if Ye Zi tried her best, she couldn't help the Xu family for a while.

This battle is more difficult for Ye Zi than ever before!

However, Ye Zi is struggling, and Tianyi League is even more frightened!

"Leader, this Nizi is a bit troublesome, can't hold it!"

A half-travel pole was blasted back by Ye Zi's palm, only feeling the blood surging in his body, and said to the Taoist Xianyi with a shocked look.

Ye Zi didn't seem to be very young, they also gathered all the top powerhouses of the Tianyi League!

But even so, I still can't take Ye Zi...

After a long period of time, the morale of the Tianyi League also suffered a huge blow.

The Taoist Xianyi was obviously also extremely irritable. He clearly obtained the supreme power bestowed by the monster owner, and successfully broke through to the extreme.

The Taoist Xianyi thought he could cross the East Xuanzhou, even on the Great Wild Continent!

But he never expected that he couldn't even clean up a little girl today!

If today’s events were to be reported, even a dozen masters from the Tianyi League would not be able to hold a woman together, and Yimeng’s face would be lost that day!

"Go and activate the Wanling Nirvana Array, sacrifice the surrounding Herring City, Wanxi City and Dongyue City, and try to kill this girl!"

Taoist Xianyi yelled sharply, his expression was a bit distorted, and he didn't look like a fairy tale.

Hearing the words of Taoist Xianyi, a half-travel extreme hesitation appeared on his face: "Leader, is it a bit..."

"I said start it! It's just three cities, it won't affect the overall situation!"

The Taoist Xianyi roared, and immediately made that half of the trail dare not say anything else, and quickly sent the order back to activate the Ten Thousand Souls Extinction Array.

A scarlet beam of light rose into the sky from the Tianxu City, and then split into three rays of light on the clouds, flying in three directions respectively.

"That is?"

The **** Xu Gu saw the beam of light rising in the direction of Tianxu City, his face changed drastically, and he hurriedly said to Ye Zi: "Miss Ye Zi, be careful! The Tianyi League has activated the Ten Thousand Souls Netherworld Array. I am afraid they will get even more. A tremendous strength!"


Ye Zizhen drove towards the two and a half trail poles he had attacked, took the opportunity to swallow an elixir to restore spiritual power, and then rushed directly to the Taoist Xianyi, trying to stop Taoist Xianyi, but unfortunately he was caught by others The monk stopped.

The three rays of light on the clouds directly covered the three big cities in the Eastern Profound Middle Earth. All the creatures in the city turned into blood water in an instant, and a large amount of blood was drawn by the red light and gathered in the sky above the city.

"I see how long you can be proud of!"

The Taoist Xianyi also smirked at the sight of a large amount of vitality and blood gathered in the Netherworld Array, and flew directly to the sky above the city of Tianxu.

"Damn it!"

Seeing the Taoist in Xianyi flying towards Tianxu City, Ye Zi changed his expression slightly, and suddenly exploded with a strong aura, shaking off the surrounding three and a half trails, turning into a black light and chasing the Taoist in Xianyi go with!


Ye Zi hadn't arrived at Tianxu City, the Taoist in Xianyi had already flown to the middle of the Array of Death!


The terrifying power of vitality exploded in the sky above Tianxu City!

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