Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 2237: Ling Jue Emperor

Soon after Zhang Ziling's soul merged into the space at the bottom of the Great Wilderness Tower, Zhang Ziling discovered that the space he was currently in was all constructed with the runes of the ancient spirit race!

And most of the runes that built this space were runes that Zhang Ziling didn't recognize.

The posture contained in it makes Zhang Ziling feel dazzled!

Zhang Zilingguang is the rune means currently mastered, which is enough to suppress Chaos. If you master the massive runes in this space...

Zhang Ziling himself didn't know what he could achieve with these runes!

That will be another great treasure!

"Duanzi, do you know the meaning of these runes?"

Realizing that this space is a huge treasure comparable to the Seed of Chaos, Zhang Ziling didn't even care about Xue Mei, who was still waiting for her response, and hurriedly asked the fairy group in the endless fairy tower.

If it is said that the seed of chaos is the core treasure of the chaotic creatures in the imaginary world, then the rune that constructed this space is the pinnacle civilization of the ancient spirit race in the universe of the big world!

There are a lot of runes related to the ancient spirit races in such a place, and the meaning contained therein is of great importance!

"I don't know all... the runes of the spirit race are too profound. Even in the ancient times, few spirit races can master and use so many runes!"

"A person who can do this kind of thing, even in the ancient times, is definitely a peerless power that suppresses the eternity and shocks the mountains and rivers!"

Xian Tuan couldn't restrain the shock in his heart, and flew directly out of the endless fairy tower, his eyes glowing with excitement.

The runes in this space are too many and profound, and Xian Tuan feels that his head is about to explode just by looking at it, and he can't remember it.

Even Zhang Ziling could not forcefully memorize the rune shape of the entire space, only a half.

With Zhang Ziling’s highest level of spiritual strength, it is a rune that can't remember a space. If this kind of news spreads, it will probably shake the three thousand universes!

"If you can master all these runes in this space...Master, you might be able to master another force that is not weaker than the chaos seed!"

"At that time, master, you are more than the Tianxu Emperor of the Void Realm? The lonely wise man who can master so many runes in the ancient spirit race is enough to be called the spirit emperor of the spirit race!"

Xian Tuan excitedly said to Zhang Ziling that it itself is a product of the ancient spirit race. In fact, it is not cold to the Tianxu Emperor of the Chaos Race, nor is it aware of the difference between Tianxu Emperor and Supreme.

But Ling Jue Emperor is different!

The Ling Jue Emperor is the pinnacle existence of the Ling Jue clan, even in the era when the Xian Tuan was cast, the Ling Jue Emperor was almost extinct, and the Xian Tuan had not even seen the true face of the Ling Jue Emperor.

"Emperor Ling Jue?"

Hearing the excited words of Xian Tuan, Zhang Ziling also laughed, shook his head and said: "On the day of achievement, Emperor Xu killed me several lives. I almost didn't survive. How could it be that easy for you, the Emperor Ling Jue?"

Zhang Ziling just remembered a small part of the runes in this space, and felt a headache splitting, and his soul almost collapsed.

If he were to force him to remember all the runes here, Zhang Ziling believed that his soul would definitely explode!

"Master, don't believe it. Although I don't understand the meaning of those runes, in ancient times, the spirit race did use these runes to build space for the purpose of inheritance!"

"At the end of the ancient times, the struggle between the spirit race and the chaos race has become fierce, and the spirit race itself has been seriously damaged, and it has been lost."

"In order to quickly replenish the vitality, the aura of the aura will work hard to construct this kind of space, so that the amazing and talented people in the clan can enter and accept the inheritance."

"Those spirit races who enter, as long as they master a small part of the runes in the space, they can directly become the top powerhouses of the spirit race."

"In the beginning, this method indeed created a lot of powers for the Spirit Race, and continued the Spirit Race's luck."

"But as there are fewer and fewer powers that can build this kind of space, this kind of inheritance method has gradually become an introduction to the disintegration of the spirit race."

The fairy group told Zhang Ziling about the things that happened in the ancient times, and there was a sigh in his tone.

It was born in the last generation of the spirit race, witnessed the spirit race's turn from prosperity to decline, and saw the battle that tore the universe apart. The fairy group will never forget those things.

"Unexpectedly, there is such a story behind these runes..."

Hearing the introduction of Xian Tuan, Zhang Ziling could not help but sigh.

He looked around and had a deeper understanding of those runes.

"Regardless of whether this space was constructed by my father or not, its importance is self-evident."

"How should I inherit the runes here?"

Zhang Ziling scanned the dense golden runes around one side, asked the fairy group, and decided to try to inherit these powers.

There is a high probability that the Tile Treasure Treasure was succeeded by demons. Now that it has the inheritance of this ancient spirit clan, Zhang Ziling also does not know whether it is a stalemate.

No knowledge is a blessing.

"There must be a wedge hidden in this space. As long as we find that wedge, it is possible to inherit all rune knowledge in this space."

"With your master's talents and surprises, I think you might become the last of the spirit race and the only one in the world!"

Xian Tuan flattered Zhang Ziling.

In fact, it is still a bit unbelievable until now, after the endless years of the death of the ancient spirit race, there still exist such high-level inheritance methods!

But since they have already met, this kind of great benefit should not be for nothing.

"I am obviously a human race, but became the Tianxu Emperor of the Chaos Race, and now I am going to strive to become the Ling Jue Emperor of the ancient spirit race..."

"Do I count as "not doing business properly"?"

Zhang Ziling complained to herself, and didn't know how to describe her current mood.

I just think this experience is very dramatic.

"By the way, what is the wedge you are talking about?" After teasing herself, Zhang Ziling didn't forget what was going on, and asked Xiantuan.

At this moment, his spirit has basically merged with this space, and there is no other than rune in the huge space.

He didn't find any strange existence in this space besides runes.

"This wedge is not necessarily in this space. It can be anything. It is possible to be a person or a thing. Everything depends on the preferences of the person who constructs this space."

"In other words, anything can become a wedge?"

Zhang Ziling's brows jumped, and his eyes fell on Xue Mei.

The only thing related to this space is Xue Mei and the godhead in Xue Mei's belly.

"Master!" When Xue Mei saw Zhang Ziling looking at herself, she was also wagging her tail excitedly, looking at Zhang Ziling expectantly.

It now completely regards Zhang Ziling as Zhang Moyun.

Zhang Ziling looked at Xue Mei, squinted his eyes, and asked softly: "Xiantuan...If this Xue Mei or the **** in its stomach is a wedge, what should I do?"

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