Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 2239: Zhang Moyun's purpose?

"How do I save my father?" Zhang Ziling also asked Xuemei along the way after hearing Xue Mei's words.

Although Zhang Ziling had guessed that Xue Mei and Godhead might be the yin and yang wedge of this rune space, it was just a guess after all.

If he heard Xue Mei say it in person, Zhang Ziling would be better prepared for the next step.

Xue Mei didn't disappoint Zhang Ziling, and directly said: "As you can see, this space is the inheritance left by the ancient spirit race. Although this place was not built by the owner, it has a great relationship with the owner."

"The Godhead left by my master and I is the key to this space inheritance. Since you are the master's heir, then I will definitely cooperate with you to open the inheritance."

"But it will take a while for me to merge with the Godhead, and it may take you to wait patiently for a while."

Zhang Ziling smiled and said: "Don't worry, I will help you integrate the godhead."

"In the meantime, there are some things I want to ask you."

Confirming that this space is the inheritance space of the ancient spirit race, Zhang Ziling no longer hesitates, and actively releases the divine power in his body.

The powerful divine power envelops Xuemei and immerses in Xuemei, and starts to promote the fusion of the godhead and Xuemei.

Xue Mei has only Dao Ji cultivation base without suppressing her strength. Even if the too-green godhead has been specially treated, it has been in line with Xue Mei’s trend, but Xue Mei’s own strength wants to swallow a supreme one. The godhead is still very difficult.

If Xuemei were to swallow that godhead alone, it would take dozens of hours or even longer!

Moqing is still digging for the tile treasure, and Zhang Ziling can't wait that much time.

Taiqing's godhead is originally the same as Zhang Ziling's, and Zhang Ziling's godhead has already become the seed of chaos, and it fits with Taiqing's godhead that is invaded by chaos!

With Zhang Ziling to help Xue Mei, it is not difficult to integrate the godhead.

"This fusion speed?"

Feeling Zhang Ziling's supernatural power, Xue Mei exclaimed, her eyes filled with shock!

With the help of Zhang Ziling's divine power, it found that the speed of its integration with the godhead has accelerated by a factor of ten!

It has seen Zhang Ziling and Moqing fighting, knowing that Zhang Ziling also has the supreme strength, but how strong Zhang Ziling is, in fact, Xue Mei has no idea.

However, Xue Mei knows a little bit. Moqing has also tried to conquer the godhead and comprehend the runes in this space...

But no matter what method the Demon Qing uses, there is no way to shake the rune of this space and the godhead. In the end, the only way to block the godhead and cover the space.

But Zhang Ziling can easily reveal the true face of the rune space, and it can also help it merge with the gods...

Based on this alone, Xue Mei could see the strength gap between Zhang Ziling and Moqing.

Knowing Zhang Ziling's strength clearly, and there is no sense of blockage in his body, Xue Mei also looked at Zhang Ziling and said, "You can ask, as long as I know it, I know it!"

Zhang Ziling asked: "Since you said that this space is the key to saving my father, then do you know how to find my father?"

Hearing Zhang Ziling's question, Xue Mei shook his head and said, "I am just a wedge in this rune space, and I don't know how to find the master."

"But there is one thing I can tell you..."

"Before the master was caught in a sneak attack by the evil feelings, he gave me his godhead and the seeds that can derive the rune space, and asked me to plant the rune space in the great wild tower, and at the same time put his godhead in In this rune space."

"Shortly after I planted the rune space, Moqing was attacking the master, and the master fell into the hands of Moqing."

"What do you mean, my father knew he was going to fall into the hands of Moqing before he started his hands?"

Zhang Ziling furrowed his brows, and a suspicion flashed in his eyes: "Since I can know in advance, why is my father not alert?"

"At that time, Moqing was not capable of Dao Ji cultivation base. If his father was a little guarded, he would not fall into Moqing's hands.

The lean camel was bigger than a horse, and Zhang Moyun was still the highest, even if he was seriously injured.

Even if Zhang Moyun's strength was weakened to the point that he couldn't even defeat the devil, he could escape after all.

Already aware of the evil spirit, but Zhang Moyun finally fell into the hands of the evil spirit...

If it weren't for Zhang Moyun's betrayer, then Zhang Moyun had chosen to stay in the Great Wild Continent.

Xue Mei shook his head again, and continued: "I don't know the specific situation either. After leaving the master, I lost contact with the master and stayed in the wild tower."

"When you left, who were there with my father?" Zhang Ziling asked again.

Xue Mei replied: "The owner often comes and goes alone, and his whereabouts are uncertain. Even if there are a few good friends, there is very little contact."

"Before I left, the master was alone."

"So, father was deliberately caught by the evil spirit?"

Zhang Ziling muttered, then shook his head again, denying his guess.

"That's not right... If he was deliberately caught by the evil emotion, he shouldn't leave this kind of backhand for others to save him. The risk is too uncontrollable."

"Moreover, if he had been caught deliberately, now that it has been so long, he should have escaped from Moqing's hands."

"If he was not deliberately caught by the devil, then there is only one possibility..." A light flashed in Zhang Ziling's eyes.

"What's the possibility?" Xue Mei's eyes hung up when he heard Zhang Ziling's analysis, and he asked quickly.

"He has things he has to do on this wild continent, even if he knows that he will fall into the hands of Moqing, he still chooses to stay!"

Xue Mei's heart moved, and subconsciously said: "You mean... the master is looking for the tile treasure, so he must stay in the Wild Continent?"

Zhang Ziling nodded, scanned the surrounding rune space again, and murmured: "If my father really chooses to stay in order to find the tile treasure, then there must be other secrets hidden in this rune space. !"

"Moqing doesn't necessarily get the treasure!"

Since Zhang Moyun left this rune space as a backhand, Zhang Ziling did not believe that Zhang Moyun would simply leave such a space for inheritance to enhance his strength!

Realizing this, Zhang Ziling transferred twice as much divine power to Xuemei's body, speeding up the fusion of Xuemei and the godhead.

As Taiqing's godhead continued to merge with Xuemei, its breath began to soar, its hair gradually turned golden, and its body became petite.

A peculiar aura permeated from Xuemei's body, and the runes in the surrounding space began to float, and a powerful force poured out from the runes.


The runes in the space suddenly exploded, Xue Mei's pupils disappeared, and his eyes lit up with golden light, illuminating the entire space.

At this moment, except for Zhang Ziling, Ye Mei, Xian Tuan...

Even the space ring of Zhang Ziling, the cave mansion with him, are all excluded from the space!

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