Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 2345: Ling Jue Emperor

Zhang Ziling's words just sounded in this space, and the mutated Xu Qing and the about to mutate Qin Ziqi were all pressed to the ground by an inexplicable aura, unable to move.

The meat ball in Xu Qing's lower body was squashed by strong pressure, and it might explode at any time!

Ye Zi took advantage of the situation and chopped Xu Qing in half vertically, a huge meat ball splashed with blood, and a black heart that was comparable to a watermelon appeared from the meat ball.

"That's it!"

Ye Zi's aura returned to normal, washing away the blood on his body with spiritual power, and reaching out to grab the black heart.

This heart is conceived in Xu Qing's body!


When Ye Zi stretched out his hand to grab it, the black heart burst open suddenly, and a pitch-black claw flew out of it, piercing Ye Zi's head quickly with lightning speed!

Ye Zi couldn't react at all, so he had to watch the pitch-black claws getting closer and closer to him, and he was about to penetrate her head!

But just as the black claw was about to pierce Ye Zi's forehead, several golden runes suddenly appeared in front of Ye Zi. The moment the black claw touched the golden rune, it ignited a golden flame and quickly turned to ashes.

"This is... the master?"

Ye Zi stared at the black claws in front of him being burned to ashes, and a large number of runes appeared on the surface of the cracked heart, and all physiological functions and powers were banned by the runes.

"I have never seen these runes. Master, have you really inherited that rune space?"

When the fairy group saw those profound and difficult runes, the whole person became extremely excited, and he quickly looked at the entrance of the rune space and asked excitedly.

The breath of chaos at the entrance gradually dissipated, and Zhang Ziling and Xue Mei walked out of it.

At this time Zhang Ziling's face was radiant and full of vigor, but Xue Mei's face was exhausted and her breath was weak, she could not see that she was fused with the godhead.

"Well, it took me some time to inherit and understand those runes. The runes of the ancient spirit race are vast and profound, and different combinations have different effects. I will have to study them slowly in the future."

Zhang Ziling smiled and stretched his hand in front of him. A row of golden runes appeared in the air, surging with powerful force.

"These runes can not only be used to cast tools and fight enemies, but they are also very useful in sealing and practicing...It is hard to imagine that the spirit race that can create such a frightening secular means will be destroyed due to civil strife."

Zhang Ziling sighed, the ancient Spirit Race's rune knowledge is too vast, and the runes he can use now are only a fraction of the ancient Spirit Race's methods.

Although Zhang Ziling has inherited and understood all the runes of the ancient spirit race, it still has to go a long way to use those runes flexibly.

"Then master, you should be Ling Jue Emperor! Those who can inherit the entire rune space are absolutely qualified to become Ling Jue Emperor!"

Xian Tuan didn't care about Zhang Ziling's sigh. It was now full of excitement about Zhang Ziling becoming Ling Jue Emperor.

Seeing the excitement of Xian Tuan, Zhang Ziling shook his head and chuckled, "Ling Jue Emperor? It should be regarded as such..."

It stands to reason that Zhang Ziling has mastered every rune and at the same time inherited the power in the runes. If the power of the runes is brought to the limit, Zhang Ziling can indeed exert a strength far beyond the highest limit.

But now, Zhang Ziling is at best a half-hearted person, which is like a child holding a nuclear button, the degree of danger is completely uncontrollable.

Zhang Ziling currently uses runes against the enemy, at most a bit stronger than the highest limit.

Seeing Zhang Ziling confessed to boarding the Ling Jue Emperor, Xian Tuan was even more excited and couldn't help himself. He flattered Zhang Ziling and said, "The master is indeed the first person in the eternal age, amazing and brilliant, enough to suppress the Tianjiao of all generations!"

"Fuck up later, do business now."

Zhang Ziling was immune to such flattery as Xian Tuan, and set his eyes on the black heart.

After Ye Zi cut Xu Qing in half, Xu Qing could not die completely because all his vitality was absorbed by that black heart.

On the contrary, Qin Ziqi is now gradually returning to normal, the demonized characteristics of his body are gradually fading, and the whole person is regaining sanity.

Zhang Ziling took a step forward, and the whole person appeared in front of the black heart, pushing away the runes on the surface of the black heart with his hands.

"the host."

Ye Zi respectfully saluted Zhang Ziling and stepped aside.

"You did a great job. This heart contains the life source of demon emotion. With this thing, I can find the position of demon emotion."

Zhang Ziling's devilish energy invaded the black heart and checked it, and found that the life source of devilish emotion was here, and smiled.

Among the ancient spirit tribe's various methods of using runes, Zhang Ziling didn't know much, but the methods of finding people...Zhang Ziling had a lot of priority.

Zhang Ziling stayed inside after inheriting all the runes in the rune space. On the one hand, he was trying to separate the supergreen godhead in Xuemei; on the other hand, he was studying how to use the runes of the ancient spirit race to find people.

During this period of time, Zhang Ziling researched several ways to find people using runes, one of which is to use the breath of the target to locate the specific location of the target!

Now that the life source of demon emotion is obtained, the aura of demon emotion is pure and strong, but Zhang Ziling wants to use this life source to find demon emotion without much difficulty.

"But why would he put his life source in Xu Qing's body?"

Ye Zi was full of doubts, even if the devil wants to cultivate Xu Qing into the ultimate monster, his own blood is enough, there is no need to cultivate with his own life origin!

The origin of life is the most important thing for a person. As long as the origin of life is less, it will have a substantial impact on one's own strength!

"This is not the origin of life that Moqing has stripped from him, but he cultivated with Xu Qing's body, and he used it as a backhand for his future resurrection." Zhang Ziling explained, directly tore the black heart apart, The life origin of the devil's emotions is brought out.

Ye Zi looked at the weak life origin in Zhang Ziling's palm with an incredible expression, and said in surprise: "You mean...this life origin was cultivated by demonic emotions?"

"Devil love has the power of the law of reincarnation, he must know that once he is killed by an enemy who also has the power of the law of reincarnation, there will be no chance of resurrection."

"With the devil's caution, it is not surprising that I will be killed by others. To cultivate my life origin in Xu Qing's body is to give myself one more life." Zhang Ziling explained.

"Doesn't that mean that the devil's emotions can cultivate his own life source in many people, he can't kill it?"

Hearing Zhang Ziling's explanation, Ye Zi was even more shocked.

Xu Qing is nothing more than a half-travel pole in Eastern Xuanzhou. The Great Desolate Continent is so vast and there is no reason to leave this kind of resurrection behind Xu Qing alone.

Eggs will not be placed in a basket.

If Moqing cultivates its own source of life in other people, then it is considered that Zhang Ziling has killed the body of Moqing, and given a period of time, he will also make a comeback!

This inexhaustible, inexhaustible enemy...

The most terrible!

"If it had been before, this method of dealing with evil emotions would have to search the Great Wild Continent regularly and obliterate the resurrected evil emotions in the cradle." Zhang Ziling chuckled, and a golden rune appeared in between, "However, I am now With this ancient spirit race rune, things don’t need to be so complicated..."

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