Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 2349: Devilish backlash


Just when Zhang Ziling was thinking about Xie Wushuang, there was a loud noise inside the bronze gate, which attracted Zhang Ziling's attention.

Zhang Ziling retracted his thoughts and looked at the bronze door below, only to see black mist surging in the gap of the bronze door, and two different auras were entangled.

Those eyes have disappeared, but the spiritual power behind the bronze door is getting more and more disordered.

"This is... a fight?"

Zhang Ziling was a little surprised, but he did not expect to encounter this situation.

Behind the bronze door, there is a momentum that is devilish, and another aura is similar to the **** palm of the previous one.

However, Moqing's momentum at this time is much stronger than before. It has already reached its highest limit, and there is a tendency to continue to rise.

On the contrary, the aura of that scarlet palm is constantly weakening, and the aura is extremely unstable.

Although the blood-colored palm's momentum prevailed in general, the Demon Qing didn't know what method it used to forcibly seize part of the power in the inheritance, causing the Demon Qing to find a ray of life.

"No, it's impossible... you ant, why can you take my power? It shouldn't be like this!"

"No matter if you are the Supreme Immortal or something else, as long as you block your way, you will die!"

"You lunatic, return my strength!"


Behind the bronze door came sounds of fright and anger, and the collision of the two auras became more intense!

In Zhang Ziling's line of sight, the momentum that belonged to the devil's feelings has grown a lot, and the momentum of the blood-colored palms has been the advantage from the beginning, and it has become the disadvantage.

If it continues like this, the final victory...

It will be the devil.

"Stealing chickens can't eclipse the rice. This devilish sentiment can even eat away the remnant soul of the Supreme Immortal. It's an enchanting talent."

"It's a pity, after all, you can't let this kind of guy continue to grow."

Zhang Ziling and the devil's love have long been incompatible with each other, and the relationship is life and death.

If Moqing overcomes today's difficulties, there will be boundless achievements in the future.

Although Moqing is also a generation of heroes, Zhang Ziling cherishes each other, but Zhang Ziling does not intend to give him a chance to tide over the difficulties.

"That's it..."

Zhang Ziling murmured, there was a cloud of chaos in his palm, and he kept accumulating strength, ready to strangle the devil in the cradle before the devil was completely inherited from the Supreme Immortal.

"Zhang Ziling! This seat has a reincarnation prohibition in your father's body. He is now buried in Xiangu in Shangxianzhou!"

"If you don't save him now, you will never see your own father again!"

Moqing could feel Zhang Ziling brewing an attack outside the bronze gate, and quickly shouted at Zhang Ziling.

He didn't want to destroy all his efforts in Zhang Ziling's hands at this critical moment.

Zhang Ziling's expression also changed slightly when he heard the words of the devil, but he quickly calmed down and threw the breath of chaos in his hand toward the bronze door!

"It's never too late to ruin you!"


The breath of chaos slammed on the bronze door, and a terrifying aura burst out. The earth shattered directly under Zhang Ziling's power, and the endless breath of chaos swept around!

However, the strength of the bronze door was somewhat beyond Zhang Ziling's expectations.

Zhang Ziling hit it down, only cracks appeared on the bronze door, and it would take some time to completely blast away.

"Don't blame me for not reminding you!"

A dark stone flew out of the bronze door, Zhang Ziling grabbed it.

Zhang Moyun's picture appeared in front of Zhang Ziling.

At this moment, in the middle of Zhang Moyun's naked upper body, a scarlet disc appeared faintly, and there was an hour hand slowly moving in the middle.

Even through the image, Zhang Ziling could still feel a powerful aura from the disc!

Once the needle returns to zero, I am afraid Zhang Moyun will really be annihilated in reincarnation!

Can't come back again!

"I only have less than a quarter of an hour for you. Are you going to kill me or your father?" Moqing sternly shouted at Zhang Ziling, forcing Zhang Ziling to make a choice.

Originally, Moqing intended to keep Zhang Moyun to force Zhang Ziling to submit, but he is now vying for the inheritance of the Supreme Immortal. He has already gained the upper hand, and it won't take long to get all the inheritance!

What Moqing lacks most now is time, and I have to use Zhang Moyun to lead Zhang Ziling away!

"Child... don't care about me..."

Zhang Moyun's voice rang in Zhang Ziling's mind, making Zhang Ziling startled slightly.

"Never let the devil's love gain the inheritance of the supreme immortal... If you come to save me, the final outcome can only be that you and I will be killed by the devil's love together!"

Zhang Moyun weakly persuaded Zhang Ziling to give up saving him, so as to stop the evil spirit!

"This **** guy..." Zhang Ziling squeezed the stone, and Zhang Moyun's image disappeared.

Without too much hesitation, Zhang Ziling gave up the demonic sentiment, tore the space directly, and flee to Xianzhou.

It takes at least ten minutes for Zhang Ziling to break open the bronze door, and the time limit for the impossibility of reincarnation on Zhang Moyun's body is less than fifteen minutes...

If Zhang Ziling stayed here to stop the devil, Zhang Ziling might not be able to lift the restriction in Zhang Moyun's body for the last five minutes.

Zhang Ziling came to this wild continent to find news about his parents.

Now Zhang Moyun is worried about his life, Zhang Ziling can never sit idly by!

As for the devil...

Even if the demonic sentiment is inherited by the Supreme Immortal, it will take some time for him to ascend to the Supreme Immortal. Zhang Ziling can completely kill the demonic sentiment during that time!

In an instant, Zhang Ziling crossed from Dongxuanzhou to Shangxianzhou and flew over the funeral valley in Shangxianzhou.

Zhang Ziling's eyes narrowed slightly: "I knew... this fellow Moqing would not be so honest!"

Zhang Ziling was not surprised to see a stone in the depths of the buried fairy valley that had the same breath as the dark stone in his hand.

Zhang Ziling came to the stone in an instant and reached out to hold it.

The golden rune appeared around the pitch black stone, and then a golden thread flew out of it and flew towards the sky.

The stone in the buried fairy valley stored the breath of Zhang Moyun. This buried fairy valley was just like the Tianxu city, but it was a fake place set up by Moqing.

If Zhang Ziling did not master the runes of the ancient spirit race, even if he could finally find the specific location of Zhang Moyun, the time left by him would definitely not be enough for him to lift the restrictions left by the devilish feelings!

At that time, Moqing not only gained the inheritance of the Supreme Immortal, but also successfully killed Zhang Moyun...

Kill two birds with one stone!

"Devil love, your mind is really vicious!"

Zhang Ziling said in a deep voice, directly crushing the stone in his hand, and chasing after the golden thread.

No matter what Moqing did, the prohibition on Zhang Moyun's body cannot be faked.

The most important thing for Zhang Ziling right now is to rescue Zhang Moyun first!

Everything else should be placed on the other side.

Zhang Ziling followed the golden thread to leap over the endless sea, and even across four major states, finally found the place where Zhang Moyun was imprisoned.

Central China, Shengji City!

Tripolar League headquarters!

Central China is the first of the 13 states in the Great Wilderness Continent, with the strongest strength, among which there are countless strong ones.

Among the few Daoji on the bright side of the Great Wild Continent, the Central China accounted for three!

The Tri-polar Alliance is an alliance led by those three Daoji and formed by their subordinate forces.

The Three-Pole League is in charge of all major events on the Great Wildland, and the rules of the spiritual world are basically determined by the Three-Pole League.

Who is the right way, who is the evil way, the Three-Pole Alliance can tell the truth!

If there is no Emperor Palace and monsters, the Three Extreme Alliance should be the number one power on the Great Wild Continent!

And Holy City...

It is also the most magnificent city on the Great Wasteland!

"This devilish feeling... can really choose a place."

Standing in the sky above Shengji City, Zhang Ziling stopped watching the hundreds of Taoist gods flying out of the city and the huge dragon entrenched in the clouds.

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