Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 2357: Bet everything

"Want to escape?"

Seeing Moqing escape, a joking flashed in Zhang Ziling's eyes, directly urging the rune engraved in Moqing's body.

Moqing found that his blood vessels had become extremely hot and dry, and then he felt a huge force coming from his blood, and pulled him back abruptly!

Devil love back to the original place!

"Damn it!"

Moqing realized that it was the rune in her body that caused the ghost, and her face became extremely ugly, and she looked at Zhang Ziling viciously.

Zhang Ziling easily blocked Moqing’s attack with runes, and said with a smile on his face to the Moqing who was pulled back: "Don’t be in vain. After you **** my blood, those runes will be carved into yours. In the bone marrow."

"Those runes can't kill you, but as long as I don't detonate them, even if you escape by chance and hide in the corners of the world, I can still find you."

"Today, you can't leave."

Moqing had a sullen face, staring at Zhang Ziling and asked in a deep voice: "Zhang Ziling, you and I must be divided into life and death?"

Zhang Ziling chuckled: "What do you mean?"

"This seat didn't kill Zhang Moyun, and delivered him completely to your hands." Moqing said in a deep voice, "and now this seat is the Supreme Immortal, even if you engraved those runes in this seat, But this does not mean that this seat will be caught with nothing!"

"Once this seat burns the origin of life and decides to fight to the death, the only ending between you and me will be the same."

"Now you are also Ling Jue Emperor, and you will eventually reach the pinnacle of this universe in the future. Why do you grab that little bit of grievances between you and me so that we have to ruin our great future?"

Moqing asked sternly. Now Zhang Ziling is staring at him. He wants to erase the runes in his body with peace of mind. It is basically impossible!

If you really want to fight, Moqing has no confidence to survive.

From Moqing's point of view, their best ending is to die together.

However, Moqing had just received the inheritance of the Supreme Immortal, and he hadn't figured out those powers yet, he didn't want to exchange his life for Zhang Ziling's life.

It's not worth it!

"To die together?" Zhang Ziling laughed, "Do you really think you can do it?"

"Zhang Ziling!"

Moqing saw Zhang Ziling's mocking look, and his heart rose with anger: "You really want to force this seat?"

"Do you want to die that?"

Zhang Ziling said indifferently: "Not to mention that you imprisoned my father for hundreds of thousands of years and harmed thousands of creatures in the Great Wild Continent. Just relying on the inheritance of the Supreme Immortal in your hand, do you really think I will let you go?"

Hearing Zhang Ziling's words, the demon feeling stagnated at first, and then laughed out: "Hahaha...that's it!"

"This seat almost forgot. You and I had a dispute over the inheritance of the Supreme Immortal. Now that this seat has the inheritance, how can you let this seat leave with this inheritance so easily?"

The devil's aura rose again, and black energy surged around.

"Zhang Ziling, you are too greedy! You are not satisfied to become the emperor of Ling Jue, but you still want the supreme immortal of this seat!" Moqing yelled.

Zhang Ziling's tone is still flat: "Who said this inheritance is yours?"

"The battle is not over yet, this inheritance belongs to only the one who survives can have it."

Moqing was very angry and smiled: "It seems that today, there is no death between you and me. This matter cannot be ended."

"Well, if you kill you, the emperor of the spirit, can this seat dominate the universe with confidence!"


The devilish sentiment burned the origin of his life, and the whole momentum suddenly swelled to an incredible level, and even Zhang Ziling could not breathe.

‘This guy, really intends to do his best! ’

Seeing the current state of Moqing, Zhang Ziling also became serious, and the surrounding runes manifested, isolating the momentum of Moqing.

"Today, I want to see whether it is the ancient Spirit Race's Ling Jue Emperor, or the fierce Supreme Immortal of these three thousand worlds!"

Devilishly yelled, flapping the wings behind him, and the whole person instantly came in front of Zhang Ziling. The speed was dozens of times faster than before. Zhang Ziling could only see a series of afterimages!

‘I can’t see the movement anymore...’ Zhang Ziling's thoughts turned sharply, and he instantly gave up the movement of catching the evil emotion with his eyes, and instead sensed the runes in the evil emotion.

"If you want the inheritance of this seat, you have to trade your life!"

Demon feeling appeared on the right side of Zhang Ziling, and his palms surged with terrifying spiritual power, enough to shred any supreme!

Zhang Ziling drank softly: "Bound!"

The golden runes condensed around Moqing's palms and quickly turned into two chains, binding Moqing's hands.

But this time, Zhang Ziling's rune did not work.

Those runes were directly shaken away by the powerful spiritual power of the evil spirit, and they couldn't stop the attack of the evil spirit at all!

The devil's palms came out, and the dark spiritual power roared at Zhang Ziling, tearing apart all obstacles in front of him!

After the demon feeling burned the life source, it directly stimulated the remaining power of the supreme immortal inheritance he absorbed.

The strength demonstrated by Moqing is already a realm of supreme fairyland!

Zhang Ziling's hastily condensed runes could not stop this blow!


The devil's palms slapped Zhang Ziling's chest fiercely, and Zhang Ziling's ribs broke!


Zhang Ziling spit out a mouthful of blood, and then the whole person was swallowed by the massive spiritual power of Moqing!

"This seat will completely wipe you out of reincarnation!"

With a hit, Moqing did not intend to stop. He took advantage of Zhang Ziling's severe damage and exploded a large amount of the power of reincarnation, intending to completely wipe Zhang Ziling from the reincarnation!

Zhang Ziling's devilish sentiment has now been forced to burn the origin of life. If he is still worried about the runes in his body and dare not use the law of reincarnation, sooner or later he will be consumed by Zhang Ziling!

In addition to this, Moqing also made up his mind, intending to gamble on everything, here to kill Zhang Ziling.

Unsuccessful, benevolence!


Zhang Ziling's voice rang around Moqing, and then Moqing felt that the runes in his body began to agitate, and an extremely powerful force was growing in him!

The rune is about to explode!

Moqing subconsciously wanted to take back the power of the law, but he thought that Zhang Ziling would die, forcibly suppressed the urge to save his life, and burned his life source again.

Spiritual power, the power of the law, come out!

"Die to me!!!"

Demon feeling roared, his face distorted, he poured all his power on Zhang Ziling!

And his body also shined with dazzling golden light.


Two rays of gold and one black light up, entangled in this shattered void, unimaginable energy swept all around, turning everything into nothingness!

Even broke the barriers between the big world and the universe!

The bronze door was also turned into powder during this explosion.

The rune barrier that Zhang Ziling condensed on the periphery began to crack, and the chaotic power only leaked out a little, and it directly shattered the great defense formation of Diyuan City, and the huge city began to collapse!

The entire celestial mystery domain felt this powerful force, and countless powerful people in the depths of the universe were awakened!

"All cheer up and defend with all your strength!"

Han Qianyin couldn't care about the situation inside the barrier, she quickly ordered the Supreme Taoist monks to maintain the Diyuan City, in case the city collapsed and caused a lot of casualties!

Diyuan City has completely collapsed!

The fight between Zhang Ziling and Moqing has begun to affect the outside world.

Once Zhang Ziling's rune barrier is broken, the Great Wild Continent will be annihilated in an instant.

Fortunately, Zhang Ziling's rune barrier supported...

The Great Wasteland is still there.

I don't know how long it took, at the center of the explosion, a small piece of meat was floating in the void.

There was nothingness all around, Zhang Ziling and Moqing had disappeared, only the piece of ground meat was left.

Suddenly, the piece of minced meat began to twist and grew.

In the end, the minced meat grew into a demon feeling.


Moqing was panting heavily, and a lot of sweat slipped off his cheeks.

His eyes widened, and there was still endless fear in his eyes.

In this explosion, he only left this small piece of minced meat...

If it hadn't been for his arm to explode once, the power of the rune explosion would have been reduced a lot.

Otherwise, the explosive power just now is enough to kill him!

Moqing glanced around and saw nothing but Zhang Ziling.

Everything disappeared.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Suddenly, Moqing laughed loudly, and excited laughter echoed in this space.

The excitement made him tremble!

"Zhang are dead!"

"What about Emperor Ling Jue? In the end, this seat survived!"

"After all... this seat won!"

Moqing laughed, although his breath was weak, his face was full of ecstasy!

After crossing the threshold of Zhang Ziling, what awaits him in the future...will be a bright future!

"Oh... the power of runes alone cannot solve the supreme immortal in the end."

Suddenly, Zhang Ziling's voice resounded in this void space, making the laughter of Demon Qing stagnant!

The smile on Moqing's face solidified, and she looked forward blankly.

There, a chaos emerged.

Zhang Ziling stepped out of the chaos unscathed.

"you you……"

Moqing looked at Zhang Ziling blankly, and his body began to tremble violently.

Fear clung to his face.

Moqing swallowed fiercely, staring at Zhang Ziling with an unbelievable look: "How could you..."

Golden runes manifested around Zhang Ziling, and at the same time, the breath of chaos diffused out of Zhang Ziling and spread to the surroundings.

Zhang Ziling chuckled: "I forgot to tell you..."

"Besides Ling Jue Emperor, this emperor is Tianxu Emperor."

Demon feeling trembled all over!

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