Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 2361: Dengxian

Outside the great wilderness, outer space.

Zhang Ziling sits on the top of the Great Wild Continent, and the law of reincarnation manifests around him.

Before the Bronze Gate, Moqing and the remnant soul of the Supreme Immortal experienced a desperate fight, and in the end Moqing won.

The remnant soul of the Supreme Immortal was also stripped of the reincarnation by the demonic sentiment after the demonic sentiment was passed on, and completely dissipated.

After Zhang Ziling received the inheritance, he carefully searched twice and confirmed that there were no remnants of the Supreme Immortal or forbidden traps hidden in the inheritance, and the inheritance was completely inspired.

The power of the Great Dao in the inheritance diffuses out, and its strong power of reincarnation is condensed into a big river around it, surging and tumbling.

Zhang Ziling only paused for a moment in the river of avenues, and immediately entered a state of epiphany, and the whole person's mastery of the law of reincarnation became more thorough!

The avenue river traverses the great wilderness continent, and the creatures of the entire continent can see the avenue river rushing in the sky, the scene is extremely spectacular.

At the same time that the law of reincarnation became apparent, the spiritual power contained in the Supreme Immortal's inheritance also began to pour into Zhang Ziling's body, causing qualitative changes in Zhang Ziling's shrine.

Originally, after Zhang Ziling conquered the Seed of Chaos, the spiritual power in the temple was always in a disadvantageous state. Although Zhang Ziling could manipulate the breath of chaos, he was often blocked by the breath of chaos when he used his spiritual power.

In a short period of time, this kind of breath of chaos blocking spiritual power has no effect on Zhang Ziling's strength. After all, the breath of chaos is far stronger than the highest-level spiritual power. Even if Zhang Ziling uses spiritual blocking, it will not affect the breath of chaos at all. power.

But if things go on like this, once Zhang Ziling stops using spiritual power, the shrine in his body will continue to wither, and eventually the path of cultivation will be broken.

In this way, Zhang Ziling could only go farther and farther on the path of chaos.

Zhang Ziling was also aware of this situation before, and only when he was fighting against Moqing, he deliberately suppressed his own strength and did not use the breath of chaos.

The purpose is to prevent oneself from relying too much on chaos.

Although Emperor Lingjue used runes, he could still use spiritual power to spur him.

But the breath of chaos used by Emperor Tianxu couldn't match the spiritual power!

Although Zhang Ziling controlled the Seed of Chaos, Zhang Ziling itself was not the Chaos Clan, and Zhang Ziling didn't want to leave the identity of the Human Clan. Naturally, he didn't want to lose his practice together and chase the Chaos.

But now, after Zhang Ziling had absorbed the inheritance of the Supreme Immortal, in addition to his deeper comprehension along the cycle of reincarnation, the level of spiritual power in his body has also begun to sublimate, gradually being comparable to the breath of chaos.

The power level of spiritual power and the breath of chaos became equal, and a delicate balance began to appear between the two powers. Zhang Ziling found that the spiritual power running in the meridians became smooth again, and he controlled the spiritual power. To perfect again!

The two completely different power systems, Supreme Immortal and Tianxu Emperor, have formed a delicate balance in Zhang Ziling's body!

"I don't know whether the spirit power and the breath of chaos can be merged... can the merged power be able to simulate runes..."

Zhang Ziling suddenly came up with the idea of ​​fusing three completely different forces together. He wanted to see what would be derived from the combination of three powerful forces?

However, Zhang Ziling wanted to return. He has not yet fully absorbed the inheritance of the Supreme Immortal, and the unconstrained ideas in his heart can only be practiced in the future.

Now, it is important to climb the fairy!

The spiritual power contained in the inheritance kept pouring into Zhang Ziling's body, causing Zhang Ziling's aura to rise at an extremely terrifying speed.

As Zhang Ziling deepened his avenue of reincarnation, he understood the horror of reincarnation!

If you fully grasp reincarnation...

"Fortunately, when Moqing absorbed this inheritance, he didn't have time to digest the core of this inheritance. He just used this inheritance to manipulate the power of reincarnation. Otherwise, I wouldn't be so easy in the previous battle..."

Zhang Ziling sighed, if demon emotion is given a period of time so that demon emotion can completely master the law of reincarnation, then it will be even more difficult to kill demon emotion!

The law of reincarnation is originally the avenue that controls life and death among the four laws. A person who has come to the supreme immortal after comprehending reincarnation is basically equal to immortality, and the vitality is the most tenacious of all kinds of supreme immortals.

Just now, Zhang Ziling thought of more than a hundred ways to resurrect by borrowing the law of reincarnation!

It's a pity that the devil's life is not good. After he got the inheritance, he was snatched by Zhang Ziling before he could digest and absorb him. He also ended up in a dead end.

Zhang Ziling was bathed in the river where the law of reincarnation evolved, and gradually mastered the cycle of reincarnation.

Unknowingly, the spiritual power in Zhang Ziling's body has completely transformed, and the aura of the whole person has been sublimated qualitatively!

The light of the Supreme Immortal's inheritance became dimmed, and all the surrounding rivers and avenues were irrigated to Zhang Ziling.


Zhang Ziling exploded with a strong aura, and the dazzling light all over his body even covered all the light sources on the Great Wild Continent!

Countless cultivators in the Great Wild Continent can see the light cluster that is even more dazzling than the sun when they look up, and they can only feel the endless powerful aura from it.

When all beings see it, they just want to worship.

The spiritual power of the Great Desolate Continent became extremely rich, and many monks showed signs of a breakthrough just by taking a breath.

Even Zhou Ji and Shao Sijun, who cleaned up the mess in the Great Wild Continent, felt some kind of throbbing in their hearts after feeling the power of the law of reincarnation in the sky, and suddenly fell into a state of epiphany, with a tendency to break through to the highest!

One person becomes immortal!

Fuze the entire wilderness continent!

The Great Wasteland is shrouded by Zhang Ziling's momentum!

At this time, it was 100,000 light-years away from the Great Wasteland.

The fleet of the Heavenly Evil Palace appeared from the void, constantly moving through the universe!

"Report to the captain that a super-standard force response was detected near the Great Wasteland 100,000 light-years away, and there is suspected of high activity!"

Among the leading battleship, a member of the imperial rank reported to the battleship captain that the entire control cabin flashed red, as if warning.

The fleet of the Heavenly Evil Palace is the crystallization of science and technology at the top of the celestial domain. Its battleship radar system can detect power fluctuations hundreds of thousands of light years away through space jump technology.

Zhang Ziling broke through the power fluctuations of the Supreme Immortal outside the Great Desolate Continent, and was caught by the Tianxie Palace fleet.

"Order to go down, hide everything, stop advancing, and build a line of defense right here!"

The captain with Dao Extreme cultivation base issued an order, and the battleship group of Tianxie Palace stopped one after another, hiding their breath.

"Monitor the power fluctuations of the Great Desolate Continent at all times and report it every three minutes." The captain said in a cold voice, calmly watching the string of complex data displayed on the screen, his eyes fluctuating.


A group of crew quickly replied, their fingers all flying on the densely packed buttons.

The Tianxie Palace battleship group is a magic weapon created by the top technological civilization of the Secret Domain. It can evade most of the highest searches from a hundred thousand light-years away, and its defense is extremely strong, able to withstand the highest blow!

This battleship group is an excellent scout used by the Heavenly Evil Palace to monitor the major and highest levels in the Heavenly Mystery Domain!

There are countless powerful civilized worlds in the vast celestial domain.

Many of these civilizations are the supremacy of force, and the strong have emerged in large numbers, but a considerable number of them climb the technological tree. The mechanical magic weapons and artificial intelligence they created are also not inferior to the cultivation civilization.

The most powerful science and technology civilization in the celestial mystery realm has even created weapons that can kill Dao Ji, which should not be underestimated!

The Great Wild Continent itself is a cultivation civilization with the supremacy of force.

Since the Great Wild Continent is on the edge of the Heavenly Mystery Domain, although it is a quasi-T1 world, the Great Wild Continent has not had much contact with other civilizations in the Heavenly Mystery Domain.

It can be said that the Great Desolate Continent is a rare planet in the celestial mystery domain that is free.

Now because of Zhang Ziling's battle with Demon Qing, Tianxie Palace's sight fell on the Great Wild Continent.

The arrival of the battleship group of Tianxie Palace... also means that the Great Wild Continent has opened the interstellar era!

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