Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 2367: Another way

Zhang Ziling walked in front of Zhai Tang, kicked Zhai Tang's head with his feet, and called out, "Hey, wake up..."

At this moment, Zhai Tang's body is still in pain, his eyes are still blank, his head is in chaos, and he can't hear what Zhang Ziling said.

But soon, Zhang Ziling's devilish energy invaded Zhai Tang's soul again, greatly stimulating Zhai Tang's nerves and senses, allowing him to regain consciousness.


The first thing Zhai Tang woke up was to vomit a mouthful of blood, his muscles cramped, and his face was full of pain.

Although Zhang Ziling has recovered the devilish energy that tortured Zhai Tang’s soul, the pain is deeply in Zhai Tang’s memory. As long as Zhai Tang thinks of the dark experience just now, he feels that he has fallen into an endless abyss, and only left fear!

Zhang Ziling waited for Zhai Tang for a while, and then asked him, "Have you come back?"

"Don't, don't torture me anymore!"

As soon as Zhai Tang heard Zhang Ziling's voice, he was like a frightened rabbit, he almost didn't jump from the ground!

At this moment, Zhai Tang didn't even dare to look into Zhang Ziling's eyes!

Seeing Zhai Tang's current appearance, the corner of Zhang Ziling's mouth rose slightly, and said, "As long as you cooperate well, I will naturally not move you."

Zhai Tang is also the highest in half a step anyway, and he still has a high position in the Heavenly Evil Palace. It would be a pity if such a person were killed directly.

Once Zhai Tang is used properly and Zhang Ziling wants to annex Tianxie Palace, it will save half of the trouble!

If you want to annex a force, you cannot do it by force alone.

As the General Marshal of the Heavenly Evil Palace, Zhai Tang represented that he held the power of the Heavenly Evil Palace. Once Zhai Tang was taken, the Emperor Palace would be able to annex the troops of the Heavenly Evil Palace without a single soldier.

Zhai Tang has been completely frightened by Zhang Ziling. For fear that he would return to the **** he had just now, he hurriedly said to Zhang Ziling: "I will cooperate with everything! Just beg you not to torture me again!"

"You are willing to do anything you want me!"


Hearing Zhai Tang’s words, Zhang Ziling’s smile became more intense, saying: "Since you decide to surrender, you have to show sincerity."

"This time the fleet of the Great Wild Continent, the detailed lists and information of all the warships and crews, will be given to me."

"No, no problem..."

Zhai Tang didn't dare to hesitate, and quickly took out a dark ball from his space ring and handed it to Zhang Ziling tremblingly.

"This is the light brain created by the Star Civilization under the Heavenly Xie Palace. It is connected to the host at the Tianxie Palace headquarters. The information you want, my lord, is here..."

"Light brain?"

Hearing Zhai Tang's introduction, Zhang Ziling also scanned the inside of the sphere with his soul, and found that the so-called optical brain is actually composed of countless small electronic components, similar to objects on the earth.

Although the ball is only the size of a ping-pong ball, Zhang Ziling roughly estimated that the internal components of this optical brain are in the hundreds of millions, and the design is extremely delicate!

‘If this kind of technology is acquired by the many times will the earth’s technology leap? ’

Seeing the infinite light brain in his hands, Zhang Ziling could not help but sigh secretly.

After thinking about the future of the earth for a while, Zhang Ziling finally recovered, and asked Zhai Tang, "How should I use this?"

Although Zhang Ziling can analyze the structure of the optical brain in an instant, and even its material composition is clear, Zhang Ziling is extremely lacking in knowledge of the construction mechanism and operating rules of the optical brain.

Technology and practice are completely opposite roads, and the gap is even greater than the gap between spiritual power and chaotic power!

Although Zhang Ziling is now a supreme immortal, his level of technology application is still an ordinary young man on the earth in the 21st century.

"You only need to inject your spiritual power into it, and you can get the information you want from it. It's very simple." Zhai Tang said cautiously from the side, but he was not surprised by Zhang Ziling's reaction.

There are thousands of civilizations in the universe, and each world has its own development trajectory. The highest world civilization is basically based on cultivation.

The world is respected by martial arts, and monks do not need science and technology to fly into the sky and transmit sound for thousands of miles.

In a world where everything can be achieved without the aid of tools, its technological development stays at most in the feudal era.

Like the Heavenly Star Civilization under the Celestial Evil Palace, which has developed technology to the extreme, it belongs to one of the few in the world!

The huge Heavenly Mystery Domain is just a few worlds similar to the Heavenly Star civilization.

When Zhai Tang first used Photobrain, his reaction was even more exaggerated than Zhang Ziling!

Zhang Ziling didn't think much, he followed Zhai Tang's instructions, quickly figured out the usage of the light brain, and obtained the information inside.

In Zhai Tang's optical brain, there is not only the fleet information that Zhang Ziling needs, but even the information on the distribution of the forces of the Heavenly Evil Palace and the deployment of forces in the celestial machine domain.

"Big, sir...I have no small authority in the optical brain host. Before the palace lord finds that I betray and cuts off my authority, you can learn all the information you want to know."

"Information about all the powerhouses in the Heavenly Evil Palace, the distribution of all life-bearing civilizations in the Heavenly Mystery Domain, and even some locations in secret realms that no one has ever entered in this world, adults, you can find it!"

Zhai Tang said cautiously on the side that since he has already surrendered, he urgently needs to make contributions to make up for the impression that he lost in front of Zhang Ziling.

For this reason, Zhai Tang naturally didn't dare to hide it and sell Tianxie Palace transparently.

If you want to sell, sell it thoroughly!

I'm afraid I can't think of asking Tianxie no way. The grand marshal of his own Tianxie Palace, dignified half a step to the top, just arrived in the Great Wild Continent, he could not hold it for an hour and he betrayed the enemy...


With the help of Zhai Tang's permission, Zhang Ziling visited the host of the Tianxie Palace headquarters and saw a lot of interesting news.

such as……

That top technological civilization, Tianxing!

If Zhang Ziling had a black eye on this Heavenly Mystery Domain before, then it would mean that Zhang Ziling had lit up the entire Heavenly Mystery Domain's map.

The harvest is not so big!

Moreover, what Zhang Ziling is currently using is only the first-level function of the optical brain, and more functions of the optical brain remain to be discovered.

‘Xingyu guy should be interested in these things... Find a time to bring him up, throw him to the sky star civilization, and tinker with this light brain. ’

Knowing that science and technology also have a place in the universe, Zhang Ziling also found a shortcut to revitalize the Emperor Palace!

Even if Zhang Ziling took the Emperor Palace all the way to the Chaos Protoss, there would be no way to expand the territory of the Emperor Palace to the same level as before in millions of years, allowing many world civilizations to obey the Emperor Palace.

To rule a universe requires more than personal force.

Moreover, it is also a huge problem for the Emperor Palace to manage the vast territory.

The world in a big universe is more than billions?

The Emperor Palace cannot be managed one by one.

It takes time to settle.

However, if relying on the technology of the Star Civilization... or even a higher civilization, coupled with the ultimate force, it may be possible to easily return the Emperor Palace to its former hegemony!

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