Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 2377: Ask the heavens

Zhang Ziling guarded Zhou Ji's side, and did not immediately **** Wentianxie from Zhou Ji.

Now Zhou Ji's whole spirit is on the verge of collapse, and Wen Tianxie is the only bridge between Zhou Ji's reason and madness.

If Zhang Ziling took away the "bridge" now, even if Zhou Ji returned to normal, it would also plant a seed of madness in Zhou Ji's subconscious.

In time, that seed will evolve into Zhou Ji's heart demon and become a hidden danger!

"I have to think of a way..."

Zhang Ziling used runes to set up barriers to isolate Zhou Ji and Wentianxie from the outside world together, and at the same time used his own power to calm Zhou Ji's emotions.

Wen Tianxie's blood is the culprit who has been stimulating Zhou Ji's madness. After Zhang Ziling burned Wentianxie's blood with the devil flame, Zhou Ji also calmed down a lot.

However, that is only a temporary solution, not a permanent cure.

Zhou Ji was still crazy and didn't even notice Zhang Ziling coming.

While Zhang Ziling was dealing with Zhou Ji and Wen Tianxie's affairs, the monks on the side of the Emperor Palace also slowed down their offensive against Tianxie Palace.

The generals of the Tianxie Palace fleet also took this opportunity to surrender and voluntarily surrender the warships.

Even the palace lord and deputy palace lord were gone, and it was meaningless for others to continue resisting.

In fact, in addition to asking Tianxie and Yun Su, who came from Tianxie Palace this time, there were six and a half steps to the highest.

However, they weren't put in any use, they were suppressed by the aura of the Tianxu official.

After this battle, all of them can be received under the Emperor's Palace.

Although Zhang Ziling could not allow them to enter the upper echelon of the Emperor's Palace, he could also add a lot of combat power to the Emperor's Palace.

Zhang Ziling took the time to take a look at the process of reorganization of the Tianxie Palace fleet. After seeing that everything was proceeding smoothly, he was relieved to step into the barrier of his own construction and try to solve Zhou Ji's situation.

The person who solves the bell still needs to tie the bell. The problems Zhou Ji is facing now are all caused by asking the gods.

Therefore, if you want to solve Zhou Ji's matter, you have to start with Wen Tianxie.

"Wen Tian Xie is supreme. Although Zhou Ji has a body comparable to a half-step supreme immortal, he is still half-step supreme after all. With his current strength, it is more than enough to crush Wen Tian Xie."

"It's basically impossible to kill Wentianxie."

"Wen Tianxie being tortured like this will only make Zhou Ji more and more excited..."

Knowing the key points of Zhou Ji's rampage, Zhang Ziling did not hesitate, quietly attaching his own breath of chaos to Zhou Ji's fist.

"This debt of millions of years, I want you to survive today!"

Zhou Ji roared and smashed Wen Tianxie's head that had not regrown, and directly slammed Wen Tianxie's head into the ground, splashing blood.

Zhang Ziling's breath of chaos quietly eroded Wentianxie's soul, engulfing Wentianxie's life origin.

Wen Tianxie, who had fainted because of self-protection, discovered that his life origin was damaged, and suddenly awakened, and his soul began to struggle.

'In the end what happened? ’

Wen Tianxie is now embarrassed. He knew that he was not Zhou Ji’s opponent, so he has been using secret techniques to arouse Zhou Ji’s hatred towards him. He wanted Zhou Ji to be swallowed by hatred, and he was lost in Zhou Ji. When you are sane, take the opportunity to escape!

But Wen Tianxie didn't expect that during the period when he was forced to pass into a coma to stop the pain, Zhou Ji's strength suddenly increased, from directly injuring his body to destroying his soul and the origin of his life!

Upon discovering this, Wen Tianxie couldn't sit still.

For the Supreme, no matter how destroyed the physical body is, it can be easily restored, but the origin of life is different.

That is the core of a person's life, and it is also the most powerful foundation!

Once the source of life is damaged, the realm will stagnate, the life span will be damaged, and the worst will be sudden death on the spot!

There are many relics of the supremacy in the universe. The fallen supreme basically burned too much of their own life sources, causing their lifespan to approach infinity to become limited, and eventually died due to the exhaustion of life sources.

Zhou Ji's punch just now made Wen Tianxie go from "immortality" to the end of his life.

If you take a few more punches...

Asking Tianxie did not dare to imagine, the fear of death suddenly surged in his heart.

He even burned the origin of his life in an attempt to fight Zhou Ji.

However, as soon as Wentianxie had stimulated his potential, he felt that his whole body was wrapped in a deep and icy power, instantly extinguishing his burning life origin!

An aura strong enough to suffocate him, filled his whole body.

This force... is completely different from Zhou Ji's!

This is hundreds of times stronger than Zhou Ji, thousands of times or more!

"Just stay there and let Zhou Ji beat him to death, otherwise I don't guarantee how miserable your future will be."

Zhang Ziling's voice rang in Wentianxie's mind, causing Wentianxie's pupils to shrink suddenly.

"Zhang Ziling?"

Asking Tianxie trembled all over, and hurriedly shouted: "Everyone is the highest. You should know how difficult it is to step into the highest. Don't do things too far!"


"You deserve to say this too?" Zhou Ji punched Wentianxie's face and smashed Wentianxie's newly healed skull again. The breath of chaos attached to Zhou Ji's hand grabbed some of Wentianxie again. The origin of life.

"Zhang Ziling! We have no grievances and no grudges, so you have to kill you?" Wen Tianxie found Zhang Ziling on the side and hurriedly transmitted the voice, "Now the Chaos God Race is looking for you all over the universe, and they already know your location. If the people of the Chaos Protoss know that I am dead here, they will never let you go!"

After Wen Tianxie met someone who could truly threaten his life, he was completely afraid.

He even moved out the unreliable backing of the Chaos Protoss in order to deter Zhang Ziling.

It's a pity that if you ask Tianxie for threats, it will have no effect on Zhang Ziling.

"Poor are just a **** sent by Taiyin to test my strength. She threw it away when she ran out, and still wanted her to avenge you?"

Zhang Ziling ridiculed Wen Tianxie mercilessly. After Wen Tianxie led an army to attack the Wild Continent, his ending was doomed.

In this world, no one can save him.

God is not good either.


Hearing what Zhang Ziling said, Wen Tianxie was even more frightened, and at the same time endless despair surged in his heart.

Regardless of whether what Zhang Ziling said was true or not, as long as Zhang Ziling said this, asking Tianxie would know that Zhang Ziling didn't care about the revenge of the Chaos God Race.

At this time, I asked Tianxie to remember...

The Zhang Ziling he faced seemed to be the Supreme Immortal.

That... the legendary realm.

He is here today, if there is no miracle, he will be dead.

At this time, Zhou Ji felt Wen Tianxie's breath weaker, and his scarlet eyes gradually became clear, but endless madness was still surging in it.

Zhou Ji grinned and said, "Ask the evil, do you have today?"

boom! boom! boom!

Counting punches again, Zhou Ji directly beat Wen Tianxie's upper body into meat sauce, and scarlet blood continued to flow on the ground, making the scene extremely terrifying.

Wentianxie's life origin has begun to become dim under the erosion of the breath of chaos, he can't even restore his body, and the soul becomes weaker and weaker.

"Spare, spare me..."

There was no way, Wen Tianxie began to beg Zhou Ji and Zhang Ziling for mercy, trying to win his life.

"Zhou Ji...I also let you go back then. You want to spare my life under our old love!"

"From now on, the grievances between us will be wiped out. I promise not to appear in front of you again!"

Asking Tianxie's broken soul sat up from a pot of meat sauce and begged Zhou Ji for mercy: "I will give you the entire Tianxie Palace, and I will return the ancient spirit book to you!"

"Ancient Spirit Book?"

Hearing Wentianxie's words, Zhang Ziling suddenly became interested, but Zhou Ji couldn't listen to Wentianxie's begging for mercy. The violent power gathered in his fist and suddenly rushed towards Wentianxie's spirit.

Zhou Ji yelled: "Go to your mother and ask the evil!"


The earth shattered, asking the gods of the evil spirits and the origin of life...

In an instant disappear!

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