Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 2381: Vassal clothing

A person has three powers beyond the supreme at the same time?

how can that be?

Taiyin was completely confused, and the brain basically lost its thinking.

Even if she is the supreme **** of the Chaos Protoss, she has lived for nearly 100 million years and has seen countless geniuses and evildoers, and even the existence above the supreme has not been seen.

But a monster like Zhang Ziling, not to mention that she had seen it, she hadn't even heard of it!

Unheard of, never seen before!

Seeing the current state of Taiyin, Zhang Ziling also felt almost shocked. He took back all of his power, walked up to Taiyin and asked, "How are you thinking about it now?"


Hearing Zhang Ziling's voice, Taiyin recovered, and quickly knelt down to Zhang Ziling and said, "I, I am willing to follow the emperor."

"Very good." The corner of Zhang Ziling's mouth slightly raised, and he drew a rune in the air and engraved it on Lunar forehead.

The golden rune slowly disappeared on the lunar forehead.

Lunar felt only a scorching power sinking into his head, as if to be carved into his soul.

Lunar began to subconsciously resist that force.

"Don't reject it, accept it all."

Zhang Ziling's voice rang in Taiyin's mind, causing Taiyin to tremble.

Not daring to resist Zhang Ziling's rune anymore, Taiyin gritted his teeth, letting the rune merge with his own soul.

After Zhang Ziling's runes were integrated into his soul, Taiyin only felt a warm current flowing to his body, flooding his meridians.

It's like... I am soaking in a comfortable hot spring, my body is extremely*.

However, the comfort of the lunar yin did not last long, and it disappeared.

"It's over?" Taiyin returned to his senses, and looked at his unchanged body, still a little nostalgic for the feeling just now.

Zhang Ziling clapped his hands and asked Taiyin: "It's almost done. Do you want to go out and breathe, or stay in this portable cave. When I finish dealing with the matter of the Heavenly Mystery Domain, you will take me to the Chaos Continent?"

"If I want to go out and breathe, would you let me out?" Taiyin looked at Zhang Ziling suspiciously, not believing what Zhang Ziling said.

Not afraid of her running away?

"As long as you don't leave the Great Desolate Continent, you can go anywhere." Zhang Ziling chuckled lightly, as if he was not afraid of escaping from Tai Yin.

Lunar tentatively asked: "If I go anywhere, you are not afraid of me hiding and reporting to the clan?"

"Once I get in touch with the clan, your plan to hold me down will fail."

Zhang Ziling smiled and said, "You can try it."

"You..." Seeing Zhang Ziling's appearance, Taiyin's heart became more and more suspicious.

Zhang Ziling's smile disturbed her and made her eager to verify what Zhang Ziling said.

Without hesitating too much, she took out a communication stone and began to try to contact her palace headquarters, hoping to inform the **** king about the Great Wild Continent through her palace.

"Master, is there something urgent?"

A crisp female voice sounded in the transmission stone, and Lunar looked at Zhang Ziling again and found that Zhang Ziling didn't mean to stop him in the slightest.


Taiyin sneered in his heart, and quickly told the person on the other side of the transmission stone: "You hurry up to contact the Great God King and say everything is well in this palace."


A puzzled voice came from the other side of the transmission stone, not understanding what Tai Yin wanted to express.

Why did you suddenly contact the Great God King?


Lunar pupils shrank suddenly and his face changed drastically.

What she wanted to say was not this sentence at all!

With a panic in his heart, Lunar hurriedly said: "Xiaoqing, this palace wants to...make a joke with you. You continue to stay at the palace and contact me immediately if anything happens!"

"Don't worry, everything is fine here!"

Although the people on the side of the Stone of Communication didn't know what Taiyin wanted to express, they still chose to cooperate with Taiyin.

This this……

Lunar forehead could not help but a fine cold sweat appeared. She raised her head to look at Zhang Ziling, with infinite fear in her eyes.

Just now she was sure that she had said these words completely according to her own thoughts, and had not been affected by Zhang Ziling in any way!

She found that whenever she wanted to say something unfavorable to Zhang Ziling, the words would subconsciously become irrelevant...

She subconsciously... no longer wants to do anything unfavorable to Zhang Ziling.

Taiyin cut off the communication stone quickly, looked at Zhang Ziling and asked, "What did you do to me? Why did I..."

"Why can't you say what you want to say?" Zhang Ziling smiled.

"Why?" Taiyin stared at Zhang Ziling, clenching his fists tightly.

She did not realize how she was captured by Zhang Ziling!

Zhang Ziling chuckled: "I just slightly changed your deepest thoughts about me and the Chaos Protoss, making you a loyal dog that is absolutely loyal to me, and becomes even more indifferent to the Chaos Protoss."

"But those changes are only on your subconscious level, and you will not notice any impact in a short time."

Taiyin subconsciously stepped back two steps, and asked some inconceivable: "So when I contacted myself just now, I couldn't tell any information about you...because I subconsciously regarded myself as your person, right? ?"

"Auntie, you can understand it the same way." Zhang Ziling said while looking at Taiyin, with a deep smile in his eyes.

"After all, Auntie, you are on the side of the Chaos Protoss. If you want you to help me, I have to use some means, but you can rest assured, Auntie, this change will not have much impact on your own thinking, you can't detect it yourself."

Although Zhang Ziling allowed Nai Qing to seize the Great Yan God and let Nai Qing act in the Chaos Protoss as the Great Yan God, Nai Qing also tried to go to the Chaos Continent and found that the Chaos Continent itself would faintly reject Nai Qing.

In addition, Nai Qing could not imitate all the habits of the God of Great Yan. As long as Nai Qing was with people who were familiar with God of Great Yan, he would easily be exposed.

Therefore, Nai Qing could not go deep into the Chaos Continent to help Zhang Ziling.

There are figures beyond the supreme in the Chaos Protoss. If Nai Qing is caught after being exposed, it will be difficult for Zhang Ziling to rescue him.

Therefore, not wanting Nai Qing to take risks, Zhang Ziling could only subdue another Supreme God of the Chaos Protoss, and use the new Supreme God to help him do things.

Taiyin was not controlled by Zhang Ziling now, and it was still her own consciousness. Even if she returned to the Chaos Continent, she would not be noticed by anyone.

The current Lunar is more suitable for Zhang Ziling's undercover than Nai Qing.

Hearing Zhang Ziling's words, Taiyin deeply felt the horror of Zhang Ziling, coupled with Zhang Ziling's unimaginable strength before, Taiyin no longer dared to defy Zhang Ziling.

Chaos Protoss provokes such an enemy...

It's over.

Feeling desperate for the future of the Chaos Protoss, Taiyin also gave up all resistance, once again knelt down to Zhang Ziling, and said seriously: "I...will follow and serve the emperor for life, never betray!"

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