Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 2397: Mysterious village chief

Haji Village, the border of the upper kingdom of Tianxu Prefecture, Chaos Continent.

This is a village where people gather. The villagers are forbidden to practice and can only rely on a small amount of spiritual power to assist farm work or artisans, and barely maintain their lives.

Zhang Ziling and Qing'er walked to the entrance of the village, passing many farmland along the way.

All villagers, without exception, saw Zhang Ziling and Qing'er appear, and they left their farm tools and fled for fear of being caught by Zhang Ziling.

Since Haji Village is a village where the lower people gather, outsiders will not visit on weekdays. Unless it is a city where the upper people are short of slaves, they will go to Haji Village such as the village where the lower people gather to get a few good qualifications, or A good figure used to be a slave.

"It seems that normal activities in this Haji Village are not so easy."

Standing at the entrance of the village, Zhang Ziling couldn't help shaking his head and smiling when he saw that the houses inside were closed tightly.

Obviously, the villagers had received the news in advance, and they could not go out behind closed doors.

"Emperor, that child."

Qing'er pointed to the huge rock next to the village, and Zhang Ziling looked along, and only saw the blond boy standing on the rock holding a wooden stick, staring at them fiercely.

The black-haired boy did not come out, but Zhang Ziling could sense that he was hiding behind the stone.

Zhang Ziling looked at the blond boy standing on the stone and asked, "The villagers hide, are you reporting the letter?"

The blond boy glared at Zhang Ziling, holding a wooden stick in both hands, suddenly jumped off the boulder and struck Zhang Ziling.

"Big villain, get out of Haji Village!"

However, before the blond boy touched Zhang Ziling, he was grabbed by the magical energy that appeared out of thin air, and was hung in the air like a chicken.


Seeing that Youss had been arrested, the black-haired boy quickly jumped out from behind the boulder and rushed towards Zhang Ziling.

Seeing the black-haired boy rushing, Zhang Ziling couldn't help but chuckle, and behind the black-haired boy condensed a cloud of magic energy, and shot at the black-haired boy.

However, to Zhang Ziling's surprise, the black-haired boy twisted his body and jumped flexibly, avoiding the impact of the devilish energy. At the same time, the black-haired boy grabbed a stone from the ground and threw it at Youss.


The stone pierced the air and passed through the magical energy that had grasped Yus.

Youss was still hung in the air.

"Damn it!"

Seeing that the black-haired boy could not save Youss, his whole body bowed like a cheetah and ejected towards Zhang Ziling!

"This kid..."

Seeing the black-haired boy using his natural spiritual power to amplify his limbs, Zhang Ziling was also a little surprised. He gently waved, and Yus, who was hanging in the air, hit the black-haired boy and pressed the black-haired boy to the ground. .

Yous got away, quickly moved away from Ye Jie, and said with concern: "Ye Jie, are you okay?"

"No, nothing..."

Ye Jie climbed up from the ground with difficulty and stared at Zhang Ziling. Although his body was still trembling, his fighting spirit was not diminished.

’It’s a good seed. ‘

Seeing Ye Jie's appearance, Zhang Ziling gave birth to the love of talent again.

The performance of Ye Jie just now has fully demonstrated his fighting talent.

Moreover, Ye Jie has not undergone any systematic practice, but he can regulate the spiritual power around him to increase his limbs.

Looking at the entire universe, this kind of talent belongs to a genius in a million.

What's more commendable is that Ye Jie is not like Ye Zilin Qingshan and the others, his muscles and bones have not been finalized, and he has not yet passed the optimal training period.

Once cultivated, Zhang Ziling has the confidence to let him suppress the thousands of arrogances of the Chaos Continent!

"Two adults, these two children are stupid and stubborn, and ask the two adults to spare their lives."

At this moment, a rickety old man in a white robe tremblingly walked out of the village and said to Zhang Ziling.


Seeing the old man coming, Qinger's eyes changed slightly, and she quickly blocked Zhang Ziling's back, with the spirit blade condensed in her hand!

Before the old man came out, she didn't notice anything!

Although the old man looked weak and could not help himself, he could quietly approach Qinger within ten meters.

This means that the strength of this old man is above Qinger!

"Put away the weapon, the other party is not malicious."

Zhang Ziling motioned Qinger to put away his weapons, and calmly looked at the white-robed old man at the entrance of the village.

Zhang Ziling could feel that although the white-robed old man seemed to be weak, he was sealed with extremely powerful power.

Once it bursts out, strength is not below the highest!

Zhang Ziling was also quite surprised that such a powerful person could be encountered in every village.

This Chaos Continent gave him a surprise from the very beginning.

"Grandpa Hong!"

Seeing the white-robed old man appeared, Yous quickly pulled Ye Jie to hide behind him.

The white-robed old man smiled and touched the heads of the two children, then looked at Zhang Ziling and said, "I think the two adults are also kind. It's not like coming to Haji village to catch slaves. I wonder what's the matter here?"

The white-robed old man kept his gaze on Zhang Ziling, and he could feel from the beginning that there was an extremely dangerous power hidden in Zhang Ziling.

Zhang Ziling did not answer the question of the white-robed old man, and smiled: "Should we not invite us in and sit?"

"Look, I'm so confused. I actually neglected the two adults. Let's go in with me first." The white-robed old man knocked his head and invited Zhang Ziling and Qinger.

"Grandpa Hong, the two of them are bad guys, how can you let them into the village?" Youss looked at the white-robed old man with a puzzled look.

"You two bear kids, hurry back to me!"

The white-robed old man drove Yous and Ye Jie into the village, and then looked at Zhang Ziling and Qing'er with a smile on his face, and made a gesture of "please".

"Two adults, please."

Qinger looked at Zhang Ziling, and after seeing Zhang Ziling first, then followed Zhang Ziling into the village.

"The old man's name is Tai Hongbo. He is the head of this village and the only sacrifice in the church."

Uncle Tai Hong and Zhang Ziling walked in front, and introduced Zhang Ziling as they walked.

"The two children just now were orphans adopted by Lao Fu. One is called Youss and the other is called Ye Jie. They are stubborn by nature and accidentally offended the adults. Lao Fu will pay the adults again."

"No problem, I am more interested in you now than those two children."

Zhang Ziling looked at Uncle Tai Hong and smiled deeply.

Uncle Taihong, like the villagers in this village, did not have the blood of the Chaos Protoss in his body, and was a subordinate.

However, Uncle Tai Hong's hidden strength can rival the supreme.

What makes Zhang Ziling even more concerned is that Taihong Bo obviously possesses decent strength, but his body is the same as an ordinary old man.

With strong power, but a weak body that can't bear that power, these two points appear in one person at the same time, which is really strange.

Uncle Tai Hong seemed to have not understood Zhang Ziling's meaning, and smiled at Zhang Ziling: "My lord is joking. The old man is a dead man who is going to die."

Seeing Uncle Taihong pretending to be stupid, Zhang Ziling didn't expose it, and moved forward with him.

The smile on Zhang Ziling's face grew stronger.

Whether it's this uncle Taihong, the two children, or even the skeleton of the giant beast outside the village...

The secret hidden in this fringe village...

Too attractive.

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