Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 2400: People are like livestock

Qing'er looked at Tai Hong uncle blankly, and couldn't believe what Tai Hong had just said.

She knew that the lower people's status in the Chaos Continent was extremely low, but she had never thought that they would live so miserably.

Even a supreme **** came forward to defend the subordinate people, and eventually had to be abandoned.

This is no longer the level of discrimination and contempt.

This world has been distorted!

Zhang Ziling was also puzzled.

It would be too harsh to say that the lower people were treated like this by the people of the Chaos Protoss just because they failed to inherit the chaotic bloodline.

"Why can the Chaos Protoss do this? What's the secret in it?" Zhang Ziling asked Uncle Tai Hong.

The Supreme God is a figure of the leader level of the Chaos Protoss, but he can't even protect the people, but will be abandoned by the Chaos Protoss...

This is extremely unreasonable to any race and civilization.

Uncle Tai Hong smiled bitterly and shook his head. He didn't answer Zhang Ziling's incident, and said, "The old man has been out for so long, and those little guys should be worried. It's time to go back."

Uncle Tai Hong lit the lantern, got up slowly, and said to Zhang Ziling: "Two adults, although the old man doesn't know how you came to Chaos Continent and what is the purpose, but I have to remind you..."

"It's a taboo in the world to get rid of people. Some people don't want them to change. If adults still want to live, don't try to change these."

"After the adults have done their own things, leave the Chaos Continent as soon as possible."

After all, Uncle Tai Hong was holding the lantern and hobbled away.

"Wait..." Qing'er wanted to stop Tai Hong, but was stopped by Zhang Ziling.

"Let him go."

Zhang Ziling said softly, and then ignored the rest, lying directly on the rock, looking at the stars in the sky through the gap between the skeletons.

’Xiamen... is this a taboo in this world? ‘

Zhang Ziling's eyes deepened, he quietly looked at the starry sky, and slowly closed his eyes.


Seeing Zhang Ziling began to rest, Qing'er didn't know what she should do now. After seeing Uncle Tai Hong disappear into the woods, she hugged her knees and sat at the campfire waiting for Zhang Ziling.

The sky gradually brightened.

In the woods came the calls of insects and birds, and the breeze came.

Zhang Ziling slowly opened his eyes, walked out of his cultivation state, and saw Qing'er dozing off in front of the extinguished fire.

Seeing that Zhang Ziling was awake, Qing'er quickly used her spiritual power to dispel her sleepiness, and stood up and said, "Emperor!"

Zhang Ziling smiled and said, "There is no need to be so cautious with me."


Qing'er nodded, cleansed her maid outfit with spiritual power, and then asked Zhang Ziling: "I still think Uncle Tai Hong is hiding a lot of secrets. Are you going to find him today?"

"No, go to the nearest town and see what the people of Chaos Continent are like."

Zhang Ziling was not in a hurry to dig out secrets from Uncle Tai Hong and told Qing'er.

Qing'er immediately took out the instrument plate, expanding the search range of the instrument plate, and the landform with a radius of thousands of miles quickly formed above the instrument plate.

"Emperor, there is a small city three hundred miles in the northwest corner. Although it is not large in scale, it is the closest to Haji Village."

"It's not far from three hundred miles, so let's go and see the city first."

Zhang Ziling nodded and quickly decided his destination.

For practitioners, three hundred miles is only a distance that can be crossed in the blink of an eye. Haji Village is three hundred miles away from that city, which means that Haji Village is a subsidiary village of that city.

There must be many slaves in that city.

Since Uncle Tai Hong said that it is a taboo to ban the people, Zhang Ziling must touch it!

Without staying too much, Zhang Ziling tore through the space and walked in with Qinger.

Northwest of Haji Village, 300 miles away, Yit City.

The border of Tianxu Prefecture has always been a sparsely populated place. Although Yite City is far less than the magnificent cities close to Tianxu Prefecture, it is also a rare town on the border.

Coupled with the fact that most of the slaves gathered on the border to live, Yite City became one of the slave trade centers for the slaves.

Merchants in Yite City would go to major villages to arrest people every once in a while, and then slave traders from all over Tianxu Prefecture would go to Yi Te City to select slaves and sell them everywhere.

In the Chaos Continent, although the status of the subordinates is low, but the quality of the subordinates can also be sold at very high prices from the pure-blooded superiors.

Zhang Ziling and Qing'er entered the city easily without encountering any obstacles.

In this city of Yit, people can be seen everywhere in shackles and placed on both sides of the street like livestock.

It is hard to imagine that such a barbaric scene could be seen in the continent where the Chaos Protoss, the overlord of the universe, is located.

Even though Qing'er had sufficient psychological preparation for the situation of the immigrants, when he saw the situation of the immigrants in Yite City, he still couldn't restrain the anger in his heart.

She even saw someone selling it for the people!

"Obviously they are all alive people, but they have failed to inherit the chaotic bloodline, and they are treated like livestock..."

Qing'er clenched her hands tightly, resisted the anger in her heart, and tried not to let her anger show on her face.

Zhang Ziling's expression was always indifferent, his eyes were deep, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Little beast, stop for me!"

At this moment, an extremely rough roar broke into Zhang Ziling and Qing'er's ears. They heard their reputation and saw a strong man wearing a white feather coat, but a five-and-three-thirty man holding a thick-fingered iron rod, chasing after him. A five-year-old girl covered in wounds.

The girl was dressed in ragged clothes and was bruised all over, apparently drawn by the iron rod.

The brawny man chased and cursed, his face full of viciousness.

Although the little girl was full of horror and kept running away, the people around him turned a blind eye to the girl's situation.

That little girl was a citizen, even if she was beaten to death in the street, in the eyes of others, it was just a dead dog, and it was not worth paying attention.

Such things happen every day.

The little girl ran towards Zhang Ziling and saw Zhang Ziling and Qing'er standing in front of her. Fear also appeared on her small dusty face, slowing down.

"You dare to run, see if I won't kill you!"

The strong man caught up with the little girl, raised the iron rod in his hand, and smashed the little girl's head severely.

Some of the slave traders around looked at the brawny man and girl with interest, as if they were watching a play.

The little girl seemed to feel the breaking wind above her head, and the fear on her face turned into despair.

clang! ! !

The sound of fine iron collision sounded, and the iron rod flew into the air.

The world seems to be still.

The little girl froze.

Zhang Ziling held the little girl in his arms, pinched the brawny man's wrist with one hand, his eyes were extremely indifferent.

The brawny man glared at Zhang Ziling and yelled, "Who the **** are you? Dare to take care of me?"

"Something worse than pigs and dogs!"

Zhang Ziling said coldly, with five fingers violently hard!


The brawny man's wrist was directly crushed by Zhang Ziling, and the screams of pig killing echoed in the streets!

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