Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 2410: Allegiance

Taya slowly opened her eyes and saw that the spirit of Taibing was swallowed cleanly by Zhang Ziling's breath of chaos!


Taya stared at it, she didn't expect...Zhang Ziling actually killed Taibing!

The sky is falling!

After completely erasing Tai Bing's soul, Zhang Ziling burned Tai Bing's body cleanly. He turned to look at Taya and smiled: "I'm awake."

"You're crazy!" Taya looked at Zhang Ziling and said, knowing that everything is done and nothing can be changed.

She can even imagine how big storms will be set off in Tianxuzhou next!

The death of a chaos **** means the shattering of a godhead, which is a huge loss for the entire chaos **** race!

Zhang Ziling didn't care about this, the assimilated Frost Godhead appeared in his palm, and frost suddenly formed everywhere in the room.

"Too Bing's Godhead? Why is it still there?"

Seeing the godhead surging with powerful divine power in Zhang Ziling's hand, Taya was shocked and her face was incredible!

When the chaos **** dies, its godhead is bound to be broken!

Now that Tai Bing has no bones, his godhead can still exist in this world without any reason!

Zhang Ziling smiled and said: "I fixed it, and even strengthened it specially."

"However, this guy's godhead is useless to me, and it's a waste to put it here."

"What do you mean?" Taya stood up while resisting the pain in her body, and asked Zhang Ziling in a deep voice.

Although she didn't know what method Zhang Ziling used to preserve the Godhead of Ice, but the Godhead of Too Bing is still there, which means that the gods do not know that Too Bing is dead. As long as Zhang Ziling handles it well, they can cross the sea without any knowledge!

In this small city on the edge of Xuzhou, it couldn't be easier to cover the sky with one hand.

No one will know what happened here!

Zhang Ziling said: "Personally, there is no malice towards you, but I appreciate your spirit. Are you interested in doing things for me?"

"Do something for you?" Taya frowned.

"As long as you agree to go under my command, this godhead will be used for you. As a citizen, you should know how much a godhead can bring you."

Zhang Ziling sat on the sofa at will and said: "Even the trash like Taibing can use this godhead to show the strength of the debut. If you use it, your strength will be even higher."

"What if I refuse?" Taya asked in a cold voice without the slightest sign of heartbeat.

"Naturally, I can't let you out. Anyone who witnessed everything happening in the City Lord's Mansion today will have to die."

"After all, before I fully understand this continent, I don't want to make things too much." Zhang Ziling said lazily.

"Are you not a citizen of Chaos Continent?"

"You are a castaway!"

Taya couldn't help exclaiming when she heard Zhang Ziling's words.

She can feel the existence of divine power and godhead from Zhang Ziling, which shows that Zhang Ziling also has the blood of Chaos God Race...

If Zhang Ziling was not a **** from the Chaos Continent, then only the **** abandoned in the universe would remain.

Thinking that most of the parents of Abandoned God were exiled and slaughtered by the Chaos Protoss, Taya suddenly felt that she somewhat understood why Zhang Ziling would do this.

Zhang Ziling came to the Chaos Continent to kill the Chaos God, and he was absolutely hostile to the Chaos God Race.

The Chaos Continent is not without the example of abandoning God and attacking the Chaos God.

"Things are not what you think, but in general...I am considered a castaway." Zhang Ziling explained that Taya's eyes had become a little wrong, and explained with a smile.

"I'm here to give you two choices, either refuse my invitation, you and your companions will have to die here, or you can choose to accept the Godhead of Ice and do things for me."

Seeing Zhang Ziling threatening herself with the people of the Yaoguang Knights, Taya's face also became a little ugly.

She herself disdains for betraying the main city of Yaoguang because of the Frozen Godhead, but she cannot use her own thoughts to determine the fate of her colleagues.

Taya looked at Zhang Ziling and asked in a deep voice, "What do I need to do?"

"Don't worry, I'm not weak enough to use you to go against your will." Zhang Ziling smiled, "I just need to tell you to shut up about today's affairs and help me with a little help, nothing more."

"There are many ways for us to shut up. You don't need to exchange a godhead at all."

Taya didn't believe Zhang Ziling's words. Now Zhang Ziling's power has reached the highest level, and she also has the breath of chaos, and her strength is terrifying.

Even if Zhang Ziling was scrupulous about not killing them, he could still erode their souls and tamper with their memories.

It was completely unnecessary for Zhang Ziling to exchange her loyalty with a precious godhead.

"You overestimated the importance of the Godhead to me, and you thought me too bad."

Zhang Ziling smiled and shook his head, and patiently explained to Taya: "I just admire you better."

"If you don't want to accept this godhead, I have to kill you here in order not to destroy the overall situation. Although there are some troubles in the follow-up, it is not impossible to deal with it."

"Like this..."

In front of Taya, Zhang Ziling quickly wrapped the fainted fellow beside Tai Bing with devilish energy, and at the same time used runes to transform the spirit aura of that fellow, making his spirit aura extremely similar to Tai Bing!

The devilish energy dissipated, and a person who looked exactly like Tai Bing lay on the ground.

Zhang Ziling chuckled: "It's not easy to make an identical you to replace your position in the Knights of Light."

"this is?"

Seeing Zhang Ziling "created" a piece of too much ice, Taya was completely shocked, and there was a terrible storm in her heart!

Zhang Ziling's endless methods only made Taya feel endless fear.

"Creating" Tai Bing, Zhang Ziling looked at Taya again with a smile and asked: "You choose your own... do you want to give your life meaninglessly here, or go to my command and save your colleague's life?"

Taya fell silent, gritted her teeth, her heart tangled to the extreme.

The colleagues of the Outer Lightning Knights are innocent. If they lose their lives because of their beliefs, it would be extremely unfair to them!

Moreover, if a fake she is returned to the main city of Yaoguang, the damage to the entire city is even more unimaginable!

But if you agree to Zhang Ziling, this obviously goes against your belief!

Zhang Ziling was surprisingly patient with Taya's choice.

He just stared at Taya, waiting for Taya to make up his mind.

For Zhang Ziling, Taya is the leader of the Yaoguang Knights and has a not low position in the main city of Yaoguang.

To subdue Taya will make his next actions much easier.

On the other hand, Taya is a person with a bottom line that Zhang Ziling rarely meets in the Chaos Protoss. Coupled with the comparison of Taibing's series of people, Zhang Ziling's favor with Taya is also rising.

Zhang Ziling did not want to take her life.

After struggling again and again, Taya sighed slightly, knelt down on one knee towards Zhang Ziling, and said, "Knight Taya, choose to be loyal to your lord.

Seeing Taya's allegiance, the corner of Zhang Ziling's mouth rose slightly.

"From now on you will know that this is your life..."

"The most perfect decision."

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