Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 2418: Escalation

"Knights of the Light, you all have to fight against me?"

Moss stood up from the ruins and saw the knights of the Bright Light Knights coming from behind Zhang Ziling. His face became extremely ugly, and he shouted at them.

"Moss, you, as the leader of the Black Dragon Knights, acted in the street, ignoring the city rules, trampling on the glory of the Knights, and you are very sinful!"

A tall, stubble-faced middle-aged man in the Bright Light Knights shouted to Moss, while holding a golden holy sword in both hands, constantly accumulating strength.

"Holy Prison of Shining Light, Heaven Bound!"

The man shouted loudly, the holy sword in his hand lit up with dazzling light, and a six-pointed star array appeared under Moss' feet, and several beams of light rose from the array, restraining Moss.

"Longxing, you are so bold!"

Seeing that Long Xing dared to shoot himself, Moss shouted, holding a long spear, and thrust it into the ground.

"Queen of Darkness!"

Moss roared, black flames spewed out from the ground, and instantly broke through the six-pointed star formation. The black flames condensed into a giant monster in front of Moss, roaring at Zhang Ziling and the knights of the Bright Light Knights.


Fiery flames spewed out from the mouth of the black flame monster, pouring on the light shield in front of Zhang Ziling, directly melting the light shield!

Seeing the flames hit, Zhang Ziling moved around, easily avoiding the blow.

The flame struck by Zhang Ziling, melting the earth into magma!

"What kind of body is this?"

Seeing that Zhang Ziling had escaped Moss's blow, Long Xing couldn't help but be shocked, and concluded that Zhang Ziling was an unworldly powerhouse!

However, Moss was blocked by his "Pink Queen" at the moment, and did not see how Zhang Ziling had escaped. He only thought that he had missed the shot and accumulated strength again.

"It's enough!"

Taya did not intend to give Moss a second chance to attack, and cut off at Moss with the sword. The long sword in Taya's hand was illuminated with dazzling golden light, a huge lightsaber condensed above the city of Yaoguang, and then suddenly attacked Moss. Si smashed.


The Black Dragon Knights came from a distance and finally arrived. A dozen knights from the Black Dragon Knights threw their spears together, turning them into a roaring black dragon, and smashed the lightsaber that Taya had cut down.

Seeing his knights arrived, Moss grinned, "Don't think you are the only ones!"

"Queen of Darkness!"

Moss roared, the giant black flame monster breathed out again, and the fiery flame swept towards Zhang Ziling!

When Taya saw this, she was trying to help Zhang Ziling block the blow, but was grabbed by the black flame claws rushing out of the ground and couldn't move.

"Damn it!"

Seeing that she was too late, Taya hurriedly shouted to the knights of the Glory Knights: "Help and stop!"

Taya was naturally not afraid that Moss' attack would hurt Zhang Ziling.

Zhang Ziling has already handed it over to her. If Moss can continue to harass Zhang Ziling frequently, Taya is afraid that Zhang Ziling will take action in anger.

Taya still vividly remembers what happened in Yit City.

Hearing Taya's instructions, Long Xing didn't have time to think about it, and quickly accumulated the power of a group of knights, once again condensing a holy shield in front of Zhang Ziling.

The breath of the giant monster poured on the Holy Shield, and hot flames sputtered from the side. The entire street was melted into lava, only the piece behind the Holy Shield was intact.

"As expected of the leader of the Black Dragon Knights... so strong!"

Long Xing and other knights of the Bright Light Knights struggled to maintain the Holy Shield, the divine power in their bodies was rapidly consumed, and they would soon bottom out!

As for Zhang Ziling, he still looked like a okay person. He seemed to be a tourist admiring fireworks, and he even yawned.

"Who is that guy?"

When Long Xing saw Zhang Ziling's leisurely tour, the doubt in his eyes grew thicker.

He is the sub-group of the Glory Knights and knows nothing about what happened here.

He came here only because he heard that Taya and Moss were fighting in the city, so he brought a group of brothers to help out.

After Long Xing arrived, he discovered that Zhang Ziling was the culprit who caused the incident. Moss wanted to kill him, but Taya wanted to protect him!

But what makes Long Xing more puzzled is that Zhang Ziling seems to be indifferent to this matter, and doesn't care if he will be harmed at all!

While Long Xing was staring at Zhang Ziling to guess, Zhang Ziling glanced at Long Xing while yawning, and a smile flashed in his eyes.

"That rascal!"

Intersecting Zhang Ziling's eyes, Long Xing's pupils shrank suddenly.

Intuition is telling him that Zhang Ziling is a dangerous figure!

Not daring to think any more, Long Xing concentrated on gathering his shields to block Moss' attack for Zhang Ziling.

"An interesting guy again."

Zhang Ziling chuckled lightly and set his sight on Moss again.

At this moment, the knights of the Black Dragon Knights also rushed to Moss, constantly sending divine powers to Moss, enhancing the power of the giant monster.

The battle between Moss and Taya has evolved into a confrontation between the two knights!

The other knights who rushed around stopped at the periphery of the battle circle, all of them looked dazed, not understanding what had happened.

The Yaoguang Knights and the Black Dragon Knights are the two strongest knights in Yaoguang City, and Moss and Taya are naturally the two strongest!

Now Yaoguang City's strongest spear and shield are fighting, and the others don't know how to intervene.

The situation is developing in an uncontrollable direction, and the only City Lord Yaoguang who can stop this chaos now seems to be dead, and has not appeared from beginning to end.

Taya did not expect things to become so serious, and her complexion became extremely ugly for a while.

If we continue to fight like this, I am afraid that Zhang Ziling will not have to take a shot, and the two knights will suffer heavy casualties!

Now Moss has been completely dazzled by anger, and he does not have enough power to suppress all this...

Taya looked at Zhang Ziling subconsciously.

Seeing Taya look over, Zhang Ziling also said through a voice transmission: "Why, do you want me to shoot?"

"Sir, can you lend me some strength and let me personally suppress them?" Taya asked Zhang Ziling.

She dared not let Zhang Ziling make a move.

Now that things have become known to the whole city, if Zhang Ziling shows strong power, it will definitely become a target of public criticism.

When all parties investigate, it will be a big trouble for them.

And the relationship between her and Zhang Ziling is even more unclear.

Zhang Ziling chuckled and asked Taya, "You are the one who told me not to interfere, and you are also the one who borrowed my strength... Why should I listen to you?"


Taya didn't know how to answer for a moment.

Indeed, Zhang Ziling is now her master, there is no need to do what she says.

Zhang Ziling's non-intervention is already the biggest concession.

Seeing Taya's bewildered look, Zhang Ziling shook his head and smiled, and said through a voice transmission: "Well, I will lend you the power first... But you owe me a favor."


Taya was stunned, not understanding Zhang Ziling's use of her favor.

Zhang Ziling's eyes grew stronger, and he said quietly, "This favor, you have to do something for me unconditionally."

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