Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 2423: Wan Zai Lei Yin

As Taiming's momentum erupted, the entire City Lord's Mansion began to vibrate, and even the surrounding walls cracked under Taiming's momentum, showing spider web-like cracks.

Zhang Ziling looked at Tai Ming with interest, and the smile in his eyes became stronger.

Although Taiming's current explosive momentum has reached the highest point, Zhang Ziling has discovered that there is still some power hidden in Taiming's body.

A power completely different from divine power.

Zhang Ziling looked at Tai Ming chuckles, and said meaningfully: "What else are you hiding? Why don't you use them all?"

Taiming's eyes changed slightly, and then he looked at Zhang Ziling and said coldly: "A kid from an unknown source, still wanting this city lord to use his full strength?"

"It's already your honor to catch this city lord's trick."

Taiming said, the godhead flew out of his chest.

The thunder of "crackling" resounded through the lobby.

"This is a new trick I have created in recent years. No one has ever seen it...Today, let's try it with you."

Tai Ming looked at Zhang Ziling indifferently, and the sky above the city lord's mansion suddenly became clouded, blood-red thunder began to roar in the air, and the deafening thunder made countless people in Yaoguang City had to cover their ears!

"Wan Zai Lei Yin!"

A scarlet lightning struck down from the sky, violently penetrated into the city lord's mansion, and roared towards Zhang Ziling.

The huge lobby was illuminated by red light, and the dazzling thunder light and harsh thunder blocked everyone's vision and hearing.

In an instant, Zhang Ziling was flooded by scarlet lightning!

Under such thunder light, it is enough to wipe out any Dao Extreme cultivation base!

Looking at Zhang Ziling, who was flooded by lightning ahead, Taiming sneered: "Even if you can manipulate the space, the thunder I can summon is endless and will block your audiovisual sense. How can you absorb the rebound?"

"A Venerable Citizen without Godhead, who dares to come to me with a few tricks...too self-defeating!"

"But... he seems to know my secret, which link has gone wrong?"

In the harsh thunder, no one could hear Taiming's murmur.

All the knights on the scene only felt that they were in a world full of scarlet thunder, and they could not perceive anything other than Thunder!

Tai Ming thought for a moment, secretly thinking that everything he did was perfect.

Moreover, the cities that had private transactions with him were all under his watch, and none of the cities recently reported that there was a problem.

I really can’t figure out where the problem is, Tai Ming shook his head, throwing his doubts aside, and muttered to himself: “Fine, after solving this guy, I’ll check it again. Everyone who knows my secret It's time to clean up..."

"After all, if those things are exposed, they will kill me."

Taiming grinned and began to increase his output of supernatural power, and two scarlet thunders smashed from the sky, directly penetrated the top of the city lord's mansion, and smashed at the location of Zhang Ziling!

No one in the city lord's mansion could open his eyes, and his ears were also filled with harsh thunder, which was extremely difficult to receive.

Taiming glanced at the surrounding knights who were covering their eyes and ears, and then placed his gaze on Taya, narrowing his eyes slightly.

A scarlet thunder fell from the sky and struck Taya.

In Taiming's opinion, Zhang Ziling was the person Taya had brought, no matter what role Taya played in this matter, whether she already knew his secret...

Killing Taya will reduce the great risk for him!

Under the thunder light, no one knew what happened in the city lord's mansion, being too famous could completely evaporate Taya from this world.

At that time, it will be planted to Zhang Ziling again.

But to Tai Ming's surprise, before the scarlet thunder light hit Taya, a large amount of black mist gushed out around Taya, swallowing all the thunder light that struck Taya!

"this is?"

Seeing the black air surging around Taya, Tai Ming's pupils shrank suddenly.

"City Lord?"

Taya looked at Tai Ming with a puzzled look, and didn't understand why Tai Ming had murdered her!

With the help of Zhang Ziling's power, Taya can see everything in the mansion through the black air, and even hear Tai Ming's self-talk.


Tai Ming swallowed fiercely, and fine cold sweat began to appear on his forehead.

He never expected that Taya could not only block his attack, but also see what he did.

This completely disrupted all his plans!

For a while, Taiming didn't know how to explain his behavior, so he had to increase his attack, and several scarlet thunders smashed from the sky and roared at Taya.

However, as before, Tai Ming's attack had no effect on Taya, and even the black energy around Taya began to surge around, allowing many people to restore their vision and hearing.

"no no……"

Tai Ming was a little panicked, and subconsciously stepped back.

Once his secret is revealed, as long as one of the people present today is alive, he cannot have a way to survive!

And he, as the City Lord of Yaoguang, if everyone in the City Lord's mansion except him were silenced, this matter would surely lead to an investigation from above.

At that time, he still can't live!

"Why, are you planning to kill people now?"

Suddenly, Zhang Ziling's voice rang behind Taiming, making Taiming suddenly startled and turned around to look at it.

Zhang Ziling was leaning against the door of his closed house at this time, holding a dark skull in his hand.

"when will you?"

Seeing the skull in Zhang Ziling's hand, Tai Ming suddenly exploded in his mind and was startled in a cold sweat.

He looked back at the scarlet thunder light again, his face full of incredible.

He clearly remembered that he had already hit Zhang Ziling!

Once the lightning hits an enemy, it will immediately condense a lightning cage around the enemy, disturbing all surrounding force fields!

Even if Zhang Ziling mastered the spatial technique, it was impossible to escape from the thunder light cage, and could only accept the baptism of thunder.

Zhang Ziling is now standing in front of him intact, holding things on the other side of his teleportation formation in his hand!

"Have you seen it?"

Taiming's thoughts turned sharply and forced himself to calm down, looking at Zhang Ziling and asked coldly.

"Guess I didn't see it?"

Zhang Ziling chuckled and threw the skull in his hand to Tai Ming, but the skull was burned to ashes by the electric arc when it was in the air!

Tai Ming took a deep breath and clenched his fists to relieve the tension in his heart.

Zhang Ziling was going to search on the other side of the teleportation array, which meant that Zhang Ziling didn't know what the secret he had hidden before.

Now the black fog has not spread to the audience, most people are still in the state of Ban Zai Lei Yin's senses, and don't know what is happening now.

As long as he disposes of Zhang Ziling now, things will turn around!

His mind turned sharply, and Tai Ming's heart suddenly burst out with killing intent, and began to urge the hidden power in his body.

"As long as you kill you now, everything will be as usual."

Too famous shouted coldly, the Godhead in front of him was dyed black suddenly, becoming extremely dilapidated.

"This power?"

Seeing the change of Taiming's divine personality, Taya's pupils shrank suddenly, and a shocked expression suddenly appeared on her face!

A gray mist full of decayed aura diffused from Taiming's godhead, and then the gray mist turned into chains and shot away at Zhang Ziling.

"Magic Skill·Life Forbidden!"

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