Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 2425: Unbearable power

"You want to give me strength?"

When Tai Ming heard Zhang Ziling's words, the smile on his face grew thicker.

He looked at Zhang Ziling mockingly: "Then I would be disrespectful."

Tai Ming is very clear, Zhang Ziling wants to use that majestic energy and blood to hold him to death!

However, this sorcery practiced by Tai Ming was one of the forbidden techniques of the Chaos Demon Race. In the early years, he had already cultivated his physical capacity to an extremely large extent through continuous sacrifices to the lives of the people.

His body is strong enough to withstand the power of a few supreme qi and blood!

Moreover, Tai Ming will continue to absorb and digest the energy and blood he has seized, and the stupid thing of being crushed to death by a huge force is impossible for him!

Seeing Tai Ming's confident look, Zhang Ziling also smiled slightly. The chaotic breath clinging to the chains had already touched Tai Ming's skin.

Almost instantly, the smile on Tai Ming's face was frozen, and then his expression became full of horror.

Taiming trembled: "This, this power...impossible...impossible to be so strong!"

"Stop! I'm enough! I'm enough!"

Under everyone's puzzled eyes, Tai Ming yelled in a panic, and his whole body suddenly swelled like a balloon, bursting at any time!

Tai Ming's momentum is still soaring, but the smug smile on Tai Ming's face has been completely replaced by fear!

It was the knights around who had been robbed of vitality by Taiming, because Taiming couldn't handle Zhang Ziling's power, so he had to return everyone's vitality back to relieve the pressure on the body.

But compared to the breath of chaos instilled by Zhang Ziling, the power of those knights is nothing but a drop in the bucket!

To no avail!

"Damn! Damn! Damn!"

Tai Ming wanted to cut off the connection between his own chains, but found that the chains condensed by magic power seemed to be born on him, and they kept pulling them anyway!

Tai Ming's body was getting bigger and bigger. Seeing Tai Ming's current appearance, Taya also subconsciously stepped back for fear that Tai Ming would explode.

"I was wrong! Forgive me! Get all your power back!"

Unbearable, Tai Ming began to cry out to Zhang Ziling for mercy, and even ignored the dignity of his city lord!

In any case, he could not think that he would provoke a monster beyond the highest!

How can anyone master the breath of chaos?

Taiming is also considered to be an ancient Chaos God in the Chaos Continent. He has lived for a long time. In addition, he has taken refuge in the Chaos Demon Clan secretly. Therefore, he has a better understanding of the secrets of the three Chaos Races than others. .

The power that Zhang Ziling injected into his body just now is too famous to be sure, that is the breath of chaos!

Looking at the entire Chaos Continent, even the Supreme God has few who can touch the power of Chaos... But Zhang Ziling can inject the breath of Chaos into his body!

This enough to show the power of Zhang Ziling!

Hearing Taiming's begging for mercy, Zhang Ziling also smiled slightly and took the breath of chaos back.

After all, he came here to investigate the matter of the lower people, and now he is involved in the Chaos Demon Race, and Tai Ming is the only clue Zhang Ziling can grasp now, and naturally he cannot easily kill it.

Destroy Taiming’s body meridians with the breath of chaos, recover the energy of the blood and blood that he had been sucked, and then bring Taiming’s ruined godhead back...

This series of measures has been accomplished by Zhang Ziling.

Tai Ming directly became a useless person.

Tai Ming Ruan fell to the ground, still with undecided fear on his face, and his whole body was already wet with sweat.

There was dead silence all around, and everyone looked at Tai Ming and Zhang Ziling in silence, not knowing how to describe their current mood.

So many things happened just now, and everyone's brains simply can't be turned!

First, Zhang Ziling was rude to Taiming, then Taiming did it in public, and then Taiming used the sorcery of the Chaos Demon Race to seize the power of vitality and blood from those present...

After that, Taiming and inexplicably surrendered, easily defeated by Zhang Ziling...

Everything that happened at the scene was like riding a roller coaster, the situation was changing too fast!

"Big, my lord..."

Taya looked at Zhang Ziling in a daze, opened her mouth, but found that she didn't know what to say.

Long Xing reacted quickly, poking Taya's arm with his elbow, raising his eyebrows and said, "Big sister, the boyfriend you are looking for is powerful enough. I have found all the agents of the Chaos Demon Race!"

"Now you are going to be promoted!"

City Lord Yaoguang is actually an agent of the Chaos Demon Race... If this kind of news is released, it will definitely shake the entire Tianxu State!

The City Lord of Yaoguang must be changed, and there is no qualified Chaos God to succeed him in a short time, so he will definitely temporarily select one of the leaders of the major knights in the City of Yaoguang as the acting city owner.

In Yaoguang City, only Moss is qualified to compete with Taya for City Lord, and Moss offends Zhang Ziling...

In the face of Zhang Ziling showing such a powerful force, if Moss still dared to fight for the position of city lord with Taya, he would really be impatient!

In this way, only Taya can become the acting City Lord.

Their glorious knights will also become the most beautiful knights in the city!

"shut up!"

When Taya saw Longxing running the train again with her mouth full, she couldn't help but glared at Longxing.

But Taya remembered that Zhang Ziling didn't want the trouble here, and quickly ordered Long Xing: "Let the brethren block the City Lord's Mansion, and don't let anyone in or out."

"I know that, catch the demons remaining party!"

Long Xing misunderstood Taya's meaning, and hurriedly greeted the knights of the Yaoguang Knights, and blocked all the exits of the City Lord's Mansion!

The knights in the mansion saw the action of the Bright Light Knights, and did not dare to mess around, so they had to stay where they were, waiting for the development of the situation.

Now for everyone present, self-protection is the top priority, otherwise it is very likely that they will be labeled as a demons remnant party.

But Moss was sweating profusely, stepped back cautiously, trying to hide himself in the crowd, for fear that Zhang Ziling would notice him!

"Master Moss, where are you hiding?"

Long Xing suddenly blocked behind Moss, pushed his hands on Moss' back, and directly pushed Moss from the crowd to the center of the hall, exposing Zhang Ziling's sight.

Moss looked at Tai Ming lying in front of him, then glanced at Zhang Ziling not far away, he could only smile awkwardly, not feeling well all over.

Zhang Ziling went to Moss, so scared that Moss' legs softened, he knelt down!

Moss smiled bitterly: "My lord, my lord... that... before, it was all misunderstanding!"

Zhang Ziling glanced at Moss, did not take him to heart, and walked directly to Tai Ming.

At the same time, in Taiming's retreat, the space began to twist.

The scene at the other end of the teleportation array was also shown in front of everyone.

Altars, magic circles, corpses, blood...

A picture comparable to **** caught everyone's eyes.

The strong smell of blood immediately stimulated the nerves of everyone present!

In everyone's hearts, there is a terrible storm!

Zhang Ziling walked to Tai Ming and motioned to two knights of the Bright Light Knights to stand him up.

Zhang Ziling asked: "Explain well, Taiming City Lord."

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