Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 2433: Long time?

Qinger woke up and found that she was still standing on the spot, surrounded by the breath of chaos, and in front of Zhang Ziling, two groups of shadows were suppressed on the ground.

"Just... are all illusions?"

Qing'er stared at Zhang Ziling in front of her in a daze, with two levels of illusions connected, making her a little bit unclear whether it was the real world or not.

Zhang Ziling also held the broken branch in his hand, and there was still black air on it.

Qinger looked at Zhang Ziling's back and asked cautiously: "Are you... a real emperor?"

Zhang Ziling turned around and said: "You have been hit by this evil branch. These shadows seem to be creatures in this secluded mountain stream. They can shuttle between reality and illusion, and they are extremely concealed."

"The trickier thing is... the flow of time in the illusion is different from the outside world. Only then did it control your time for a moment. You should have been in the illusion for more than ten minutes..."

"If the time stretches a little longer, I am afraid you will be killed directly by those shadows in the illusion. I can't save you in time."

"This..." Qing'er was shocked when she heard Zhang Ziling's words, and only felt afraid for a while.

She had no idea when she was recruited!

Moreover, the illusion is too real, she still doesn't know how to distinguish the illusion from the real world!

Just as Qing'er was thinking about the phantom, Zhang Ziling suddenly took Qing'er's hand, causing Qing'er's mind to buzz and explode, leaving her brain blank.

Am I still in the illusion?

"Emperor, Emperor?"

Qing'er's previous fears and worries disappeared in an instant. She stared at Zhang Ziling in a daze, only the panic of being held by Zhang Ziling in her heart.

Zhang Ziling said calmly: "These shadows seem to penetrate the breath of chaos. In order to prevent you from being drawn into the illusion again, you need to maintain physical contact with me all the time."


Qing'er's pretty face suddenly turned red, and she didn't know where to put herself.

In Qinger's eyes, Zhang Ziling is already a nearly perfect figure.

Not only is the appearance outstanding, the temperament is amazing, but also the strength is unparalleled, and there are almost no shortcomings...

Faced with such a character, Qinger will naturally be moved.

However, Qing'er also knew in her heart that the emperor was a great figure to her, and their status was too far apart.

Dijun is definitely not what she can imagine!

Therefore, Qing'er did not dare to have the slightest distracting thoughts about Zhang Ziling.

But when Zhang Ziling held her hand... the thoughts in Qing'er's heart suddenly became complicated.

However, Zhang Ziling didn't think so much. In the current situation, the breath of chaos can't protect Qing'er, and only holding Qing'er's hand is the safest.

In this way, if Qing'er falls into the illusion again, Zhang Ziling can also follow Qing'er in the first time to prevent accidents.

Can clearly feel Qing'er's body temperature rising, Zhang Ziling could not help but comforted: "Don't be nervous, then follow my rhythm."

Qinger nodded subconsciously: "Oh, oh..."

After holding Qing'er's hand, Zhang Ziling also withdrew the breath of chaos around Qing'er, holding Qing'er and walking to the two groups of dark shadows.

Zhang Ziling threw out the branches in his hand, and the two groups of suppressed shadows were immediately sucked into the branches.

"Emperor, do these'creatures' live in this branch?" Qing'er couldn't help but wonder when seeing your two black shadows flying into the branches.

She has never seen such a magical creature!

"These dark shadows seem to be "creatures" living in the Youyuan Mountain Stream, but there is no trace of these "creatures" in the documents that record the Youyuan Mountain Stream."

"We should have entered the other side of Youyuan Mountain Stream."

"It is recorded in the document that there is a place of great terror."

"Big, big horror?" Qing'er was taken aback.

Zhang Ziling grabbed the branch again and said, "It is still unclear what exactly this branch is, and the time in the Youyuan Mountain Stream is still still. The attack on us just now is probably just the beginning."

"Unfortunately, the force field in the Youyuan Mountain Stream is too chaotic. I can't find the'creature' hiding here for a while."

"Dijun, do you think this place is related to the law of time and space?"

Qing'er suddenly asked such a question, which caused Zhang Ziling to be taken aback, and asked, "Why do you say that?"

"Look at the emperor..." Qing'er took Zhang Ziling to the stream, "If Youyuan Mountain Stream is regarded as a complete world, and this stream is a long river of time, the upstream is the future, and the downstream is the past."

"For the law of time and space, the future can be changed, there is no specific visibility, so where we stand now, the stream is a mess."

"The past is something that has already happened, and what happened has been determined. Therefore, where we walked before, the stream was clear and clear, without any impurities."

"On the bank of the long river of time, time is meaningless, so the surrounding time and space are still..."

Hearing Qing'er's explanation, Zhang Ziling nodded thoughtfully, feeling that Qing'er said something reasonable.

Zhang Ziling has never seen the long river of time in the universe, but Zhang Ziling has seen the long river of time in three thousand universes.

The future is in chaos, the past is clearly visible, and time has no meaning on both sides of the river.

However, for long rivers, the upstream is the past and the downstream is the future. The streams in this secluded mountain stream are completely opposite.

What's the meaning of this?

Zhang Ziling looked upstream along the stream. Although the Breath of Chaos had opened a path, there was still no end in sight.

If I go on like this, I don't know when it will end.

At this moment, Zhang Ziling and Qing'er had entered the other side of Youyuan Mountain Stream, and there was a dead silence around them, except for the two black shadows that resembled living creatures just now.

The Demon God of the Chaos Demon Clan asked him to come to Youyuan Mountain Stream, which must have his deep meaning.

If it were a trap, Zhang Ziling had already reached this level, and the trap should have been triggered long ago.

Zhang Ziling glanced at the still world. Although this place was weird, Zhang Ziling could easily get out if he wanted to.

If it was only a trap of this degree, it would not be worthy of the devil's game.

"If it's not a trap..." Zhang Ziling muttered, looking at the stopped flowing stream, his eyes gradually became deep.

Qing'er didn't dare to disturb Zhang Ziling, so she stood on the shore with Zhang Ziling, waiting quietly.

Zhang Ziling looked at the stream that stopped flowing, and muttered: "The past becomes the future, and the future becomes the past...the dark shadows on the banks of the river with long existence and time... Is there any deep meaning in this?"

"What do those poisonous mists mean?"

If this stream is regarded as a long river, Zhang Ziling finds that there are too many problems that cannot be explained.

Several hours passed, Zhang Ziling did not think of the answer for a long time.

Qinger saw that Zhang Ziling's assumptions made him fall into deep thought. He couldn't extricate himself for a long time, and he couldn't help but mutter: "Emperor...This is just me talking nonsense. The long river of time has existed in this place. It's too nonsense. Maybe it's different. Meaningful."

Zhang Ziling said: "Is it a long river? Just jump down and you will know."

When the words fell, Zhang Ziling suddenly clenched Qing'er's hand: "In the long river of time, each segment represents the cut-off point of an era. If this stream can really simulate the long river of time, then under this stream, there must be some future in the future. The world of the times."

Seeing Zhang Ziling about to jump into the stream, Qing'er suddenly panicked, and hurriedly said: "Emperor, this is too messy!"

The stream is dark, and the things thrown in will be corroded. Jumping in hastily is too dangerous!

"Hold your breath and concentrate!"

However, Zhang Ziling did not give Qing'er a chance to dissuade him. After he finished speaking, he directly pulled Qing'er into it!


Qinger was pulled into the stream and screamed.

And the stream, whose depth was only lower than the legs, was miraculous after Zhang Ziling took Qing'er into it...

Inhaled Zhang Ziling and Qinger together!

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