Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 2444: Two or five boys?

The unintentional **** suddenly moved his hand, and suddenly the surrounding atmosphere became extremely strange.

Everyone in Yaoguang City didn't know how to stand in line for a while, becoming overwhelmed and stuck in place.

"This, what happened to this?"

"The city lord committed a crime?"

"what should I do now……"

Everyone whispered, panic appeared on their faces.

Taya is the Lord of Yaoguang City, but the unintentional God is a big figure from the state capital. Others can only say that they have a small position in the Yaoguang City, and they can say something on the border of the Western District.

Whether it is to Taya or the unintentional god, they are all ants that can be pinched to death at any time.

The conflict between Wuxinshangshen and Taya is now a real fairy fight for everyone, and it will be broken if you take a wrong step!

The unintentional God didn’t care about other people’s smiles. He looked at the suppressed Taya and said with a smile: "City Lord Taya, I think you have worked hard for Yaoguang City for a year and stabilized the situation on the border of the Western District. Give you a chance."

"If you tell me what I want to know now, I can let you go now, and you won't have to endure some pain that you shouldn't endure."

Taya still refuses to buy the five elements of God's account, and refuses without hesitation: "I don't know what you are talking about. If the unintentional God wants to trouble me this time, I have nothing to say."

"It's a pity, take them to the City Lord's Mansion." Wuxinshen shook his head, turned and walked towards the City Lord's Mansion.

Tairuo and Taizhi completely banned Taya and Longxing's power and pressed them forward.

People from Yaoguang City were constantly coming out to watch. The news that Taya and Long Xing were suppressed, as if they had grown wings, spread quickly throughout Yaoguang City!

Taya and Long Xing have become criminals on the streets!

Wuxinshen smiled faintly at the corner of his mouth, carrying his hands on his back, seeming to enjoy the puzzled and puzzled gaze of the surrounding people, and slowly walked into the city lord's mansion with Taya and Longxing.

Everyone in the house was driven out by Taizhi and Tairuo in the first place.

The huge City Lord's Mansion became empty.

"Eldest sister, if there is any news from the emperor, we are really over now!" Long Xing was pressed into the city lord's mansion, and he couldn't help but transmit to Taya with difficulty, his tone has become a little anxious.

Although he didn't intend to betray Zhang Ziling, he didn't want to just die like this.

Everyone was driven away at the moment of entering the mansion, which shows that the unintentional God wants to do something inhumane to them!

Seeing that Long Xing was anxious, Taya also comforted the sound transmission: "I have sent a message to the emperor, and he must have received it."

"Don't worry, if the moment of danger is really reached, I still have some power of Emperor Xu hidden in my body, I should be able to save you out."

"Help me out? What about you, big sister?" Long Xing asked quickly.

Taya smiled bitterly: "I was just forced to take refuge in the emperor before, and doing these things now is not what I want in my heart. It is enough to be able to exchange my life for yours."

"The emperor's grace, you will help me repay it in the future."

Hearing that Taya was about to use his own life in exchange for his life, Long Xing instantly became anxious, and quickly transmitted a voice to persuade: "Big sister, don't do stupid things. Before you find the emperor, the unintentional **** will not want us. Life!"

"The emperor is retreating in the city lord's mansion. If we delay for more time, we may not have an accident!" Long Xingsheng was afraid of Taya's impulse, and kept persuading.

For Long Xing, Taya is his lifesaver.

In the past, he entered the Yaoguang Knights only because of Taya. Now he works for Zhang Ziling. A large part of the reason is that Taya is working for Zhang Ziling.

Now Taya said that he would use his own life for his life, Long Xing couldn't accept it anyway.

What's more, this is their territory, and the emperor is still in retreat here. For them, the situation is not without turning points.

"The emperor you two speak of is in this city lord mansion, right?"

Suddenly, the voice of the unintentional **** rang in the minds of Taya and Long Xing, making their complexions greatly changed.

Wu Xinshen turned around to look at the two of Taya and jokingly said: "Are you guys who look down on the power of this seat so much that they communicate in front of this seat?"

"You can manipulate people's hearts. If you concentrate a little, it won't be difficult to read your voice transmission."


Taya's face is rather ugly, she didn't expect that the unintentional gods would have the means to spy on their voice transmission!

In this way, everything was exposed before they confessed.

Delaying time has become a delusion.


Taya is extremely regretful and hates herself for doing such a stupid thing!

On the contrary, Long Xing had a clue, he looked at Wuxin Shang God and asked: "Dare to ask God, what is the matter with you looking for the emperor?"

"Although the emperor hid in the dark, he also helped to find out the spies of the Demon Race. What he did was beneficial to the Chaos Protoss. Even if he hides his identity, it is not a big deal, right?"

Anyway, it was exposed now, Long Xing did not hide it at all, and directly asked Wuxinshen God to make out his words.

The unintentional **** naturally saw through Longxing's mind at a glance, and said with a chuckle: "I am looking for him, naturally someone is interested in his identity."

"Perhaps you don't know, now that the Chaos Continent has entered into a lot of foreign personnel, hiding in various places in the continent, it is a great threat to the Chaos Protoss."

"Before some people in the prefecture were controlled and exiled Taiming to Youyuan Mountain Stream, but then something happened in Youyuan Mountain Stream."

"Tai Ming came from this Yaoguang City. The emperor in your mouth is 80% inseparable from the matter of Youyuan Mountain Stream."

"I'm looking for him and want to ask something from him."

Long Xing quickly said: "The emperor is retreating in this city lord's mansion. If you want to ask, I can bring the gods to find the emperor."

"We confess now, can God let us go?"


Taya looked at Long Xing with a shocked look, but she didn't expect Long Xing to betray the emperor directly.

However, Long Xing ignored Taya and continued to speak to Wuxin: "I think God can spy on our sound transmission, but he cannot read our thoughts. He can't find the emperor for a while, so we need to lead the way, right?"

The unintentional sneer: "This seat can be found slowly. Before this seat has given you the last chance, you were not sure at the time, and now it is too late to want it."

Wuxinshangshen looked at Long Xing with joking in his eyes, and then said to Tairuo and Taizhi: "Cut off their limbs and abolish their cultivation base, and then find out the emperor."


The two women didn't have any doubts about Wuxinshang's instructions. They took out a big knife and slammed them at Longxing and Taya.

"I know where the emperor got something from Youyuan Mountain Stream and hide it!"

Long Xing roared and raised his hand unintentionally, the two women's swords suddenly stopped!

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