Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 2639: Destroy the mark

Nine heavens, two heavens, a city without life.

Zhang Ziling returned to the city through the coordinates he left in Wusheng City.

The surrounding space is still being frozen, but Xie Zi Ruo has been enveloped in black energy, and his face is bloodless.

I'm afraid it's a little later, everything is too late.

"Ziling, why did you become like this?"

When Tai Qingling saw Zhang Ziling, who was ragged and faintly breathed, returned, she hurriedly flew to Zhang Ziling with concern.

"It's okay, it's a blessing to be injured only by this little bit of the realm of the royal family of the virtual world."

Zhang Ziling said with a chuckle, then looked at Xie Ziruo and completely wrapped her with her own devilish energy.

"The source of the imprint of the Void Royal Family has been destroyed, but it is still unknown when they will repair it. The disaster here must be resolved as soon as possible."

After Zhang Ziling said, he did not hesitate to burn all the information of the ancient spirit races in Wusheng City into the Samsara Ruins, and erase them all!

The road of reincarnation is surging, a river of avenues is rushing in the sky, and the power of the endless avenue is permeating all around.

Xie Ziruo's body continued to reshape, and the black energy surrounding him gradually disappeared.

Seeing that if the evil son got rid of the mark, Xuan Yu couldn't help showing excitement on his face, and was extremely happy, "Master! If the evil son gets better!"

"Master, you really saved her!"

"Yeah." Zhang Ziling breathed a sigh of relief, with a relieved smile on the corner of his mouth, resurrecting all the other members of the ancient spirit race to get them out of the mark.

After doing all this, Zhang Ziling withdrew from Time and Space Avenue to let the time in Wusheng City continue to flow.

"Just... what happened?"

"I'm not dead?"

"Are you dreaming?"

A group of cultivators of the ancient spirit race looked around in confusion, the scene that just happened was still vivid, but in a blink of an eye, the whole world became normal again.

In the minds of all spirit races, the memory fragmentation is extremely serious.

But this is no way.

Zhang Ziling's power was over-exhausted, and he no longer had the energy to revise their memories one by one.

Anyway, the ancient spirit races are not weak, and they themselves will soon adapt to this sense of division.

What's more, Zhang Ziling has no responsibility or obligation to help them so thoroughly.


Above the tower.

Zhang Ziling sat cross-legged to adjust his breath, Tai Qingling was guarding the law, and Xuan Yu was taking care of Xie Ziruo with all his heart.

Perhaps it was because Xuan Yu was tortured by the imprint for too long, Zhang Ziling did not wake up after reshaping her.

Xuan Yu checked Xie Zi's body and soul several times, and found no problems, the physical and soul conditions could not be better.

However, Xie Ziruo could never wake up.

"what is this?"

Xuan Yu was puzzled, and the joy in his heart faded a lot, and a little uneasy arose.

After adjusting her breath, Zhang Ziling opened her eyes slightly, looking at the sleeping Xie Ziruo, frowned slightly, and said: "Her consciousness is still asleep, she can wake up obviously, but she is still reluctant to wake up... "

Xuan Yu's expression was incredible, "Master meant, what if the evil son doesn't want to wake up?"

"Well, that's the only situation. When she can wake up, it's all up to her. No one else can help her."

Zhang Ziling got up, his breath returned to its peak, "Xuan Yu, take care of her here, I have other things to deal with."

Xuan Yu nodded, "Yeah."

Zhang Ziling glanced at Xuan Yu and Xie Zi Ruo again, then looked at Tai Qing Ling and nodded, entering the tower.

Although there were some accidents after coming to this inner city, Zhang Ziling even went to the royal family of the virtual world for this!

But the purpose of their visit this time was to find the whereabouts of Tianxuan and Tianyu.

Helping the ancient spirit tribe to solve the crisis can also be a bargaining chip for Zhang Ziling to negotiate with the ancient spirit tribe.

In the library, the old man who committed suicide in front of Zhang Ziling was also resurrected by Zhang Ziling's road of reincarnation.

He is still sitting in the library in confusion, not knowing what happened just now.

"Am I... dead?"

The old man looked at the undried blood on the ground, and the doubt in his eyes grew thicker.

He clearly remembered that he pierced his throat with a knife and was completely killed!

Why are you alive now?

"I saved you."

At this time, Zhang Ziling's voice rang behind the old man, causing the old man to tremble.


The old man turned around and asked sternly, only to see Zhang Ziling and Tai Qingling standing in front of the library.

Seeing an outsider entering the inner city, the old man's eyes changed slightly, and the whole person's momentum began to rise, reaching the highest peak!


There are rune enchantments around the inner city, and it is impossible for anyone to break in silently.

Unless someone from within the spirit race leads the way!

Coupled with the series of weird things that happened above, the old man has an extremely strong sense of division in this world!

It is still unclear about the situation, his guard against Zhang Ziling has reached the limit!

Seeing the old man looking like an enemy, Zhang Ziling shook his head and smiled, and said, "Old man, you don't need to be so hostile to us."

"If we want to kill you, you won't even see us in person."

When the voice fell, Zhang Ziling's momentum was crushed on the old man!

"Tian Xu Emperor?"

Feeling the coercion of Zhang Ziling, the old man's heart was full of turbulent waves, his face extremely pale.

After a while, Zhang Ziling gathered his breath, but the old man was already wet with sweat.

"How is it?" Zhang Ziling asked with a smile.

The old man knew that he was not Zhang Ziling's opponent, and he suppressed his momentum as much as possible to avoid adding jokes.

Sinking down, the old man looked at Zhang Ziling and asked, "Who are you anyway? What is the purpose of coming to my clan territory?"

"Don't panic, I said there is no malice, everyone can sit down and talk slowly."

Zhang Ziling smiled at the old man, and found a place to sit down openly, "You should also know that because of the mark of the Void Royal Family, your clan has suffered a lot, and a lot of people have died."

The old man was silent, not understanding what Zhang Ziling was doing.

"I have helped you lift the mark of the Void Royal Family, and all the dead are resurrected. What do you think of this great gift I gave you?"

"The mark has been lifted?"

Hearing Zhang Ziling's words, the old man's face changed again, and the first reaction in his mind did not believe him!

The imprint of the Void Royal Family in their bodies is linked to the source of the imprint in the domain of the Void Royal Family, and it is impossible to destroy it!

However, the old man checked his soul immediately and found that the mark of the imaginary royal family had really disappeared!

"This this……"

The old man couldn't believe it, but what happened to him was real!

If all this is true...

The old man trembled violently, looked at Zhang Ziling, his eyes flushed.

The curse that tortured them for endless years has finally been solved!


Suddenly, the old man knelt down to Zhang Ziling and kowtowed in gratitude: "My lord is grateful for the kindness of my spirit race!"

"The villain Xie Mo, I would like to offer everything to the adults!"

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