"His Royal Highness Tianxuan, His Highness Tianyu...what are you trying to do?"

An elder of the spirit clan saw Tianxuan and Tianyu rush out of the tower, his expression was extremely ugly, and his eyes were obviously panicked.

The patriarch strictly prohibited Tianxuan and Tianyu from releasing them, and at the same time not allowing them to be injured, so all they could do was to continuously strengthen the tower's defenses and prevent Tianxuan and Tianyu from escaping.

But now that Tianxuan and Tianyu broke through the barrier of the tower and escaped, the powerhouses of the spirit race didn't know what to do for a while.

You can't let them go when you walk, and you can't hurt them. The current situation is extremely difficult for everyone in the Spirit Race.

Tian Xuan said: "Tian Yu and I want to leave the spirit race. For many years we have been taking care of you. Tian Xuan is grateful, so I don't want to do anything to you."

"Please also get out of yourselves."

Tianxuan's voice fell, and a large number of runes condensed around her.

Any one of the runes was surging with unimaginable power, causing the spirits of the monks to change their expressions and subconsciously retreat.

The power held by the Profound Sky has now surpassed most people in the Spirit Race.

I am afraid that Xie Wushuang is the only one who can suppress Tianxuan in the spirit race.


Sensing the power of the Profound Sky, the elder of the spirit race became more ugly.

If they want to stop Tianxuan and Tianyu now, it is not impossible, after all, this is the base camp of the spirit race, and they have many methods to trap people.

However, Tianxuan is too powerful, and if they want to stop Tianxuan and Tianyu, they have to stop at all means.

At that time, the two sides would definitely be unable to hold back the fight, and Tianxuan Tianyu and their spirit race would be greatly injured.

"Elder Xiewei, the two guests are tired of staying in the Spirit Race. If they want to leave, let them go."

At this time, Xie Wushang walked out of the twisted space on the side and said to the elder of the spirit clan.

"Wu Shang?"

Xie Wei saw Xie Wushang coming over, and there was a glimmer of doubt in his eyes. He couldn't help but ask Xie Wushang: "This is what the patriarch meant?"

Xie Wushang inherited the mantle of Xie Wushuang, and there was a faint tendency to be regarded as the young patriarch among the spirit race.

What he said basically meant Xie Wushuang.

But this matter was too much involved, Xie Wei couldn't believe that Xie Wushuang simply let Tianxuan and Tianyu go.

In this way, isn't their previous efforts completely wasted?

"This is what the master meant."

Xie Wushang said to Xie Wei, and then glanced at the strong spiritual races surrounded by Tianxuan and Tianyu, and said, "Everyone, get out of here, there is nothing wrong here."

Xie Wushang came out too abruptly, causing the surrounding Spirit Race powerhouses to be unable to respond, staring at each other and hesitating very much.

Even Tianyu was puzzled, and he didn't understand what Xie Wushang was wrong, so he was willing to let them go!

You know, when she used to work for Xie Wushuang, Xie Wushang couldn't wait to stare at her all day, for fear that she would make some small moves to escape from the spirit race!

Xie Wei hesitated for a moment, but after all he didn't question Xie Wushang, and said: "Everyone withdraw, here is the responsibility of me and Wushang."

When the great elder spoke, the spirit clan powerhouses stopped insisting, and they withdrew the runes and returned to the clan.

Soon, there were only four people left in the air.

Tian Xuan took a deep look at Xie Wushang, and then thanked him: "Thanks for breaking the siege."

Xie Wushang bowed his hands and said, "No, as long as the two magistrates remember, it is enough that Xie Wushuang, the patriarch, once saved you."


Tianyu put his head aside, and muttered: "I have been doing nothing for you for so many years, and the kindness has long been over."


Tian Xuan whispered, Tian Yu was silent for a moment, and then said: "Alright, alright! I know! This kindness will be returned later!"

At the beginning, the Profound Sky was eroded by the Void Realm, and relying on the runes of the Spirit Race to hang their lives, if Xie Wushuang later gave it to the Ancient Spirit Book, so that the Sky Profound had enough strength to resist the erosion of the Void Realm, they would not survive the present.

It is not an exaggeration to say that they owe the Spirit Race a life.

Seeing Tianyu this way, Xie Wushang also smiled, and deliberately opened a space portal for Tianxuan and Tianyu, "This is the passage to the first heaven specially opened by the patriarch for the two. If you don’t mind, you can Go through this door and enter the first heaven."

After Tianyu felt the breath of a heavy sky from the other side of the portal, he was relieved and hummed coldly to Xie Wushang: "You won't do any tricks this time, right?"

After all, Xie Wushang tried his best to prevent them from leaving the spirit race, but now he took the initiative to help. This sudden change made Tianyu feel very strange.

But what was wrong, she couldn't tell.

"If you two want to be a guest with my spirit race, we are also very welcome." Xie Wushang smiled, "but there is no permanent banquet in the world. If we force them to stay, it would be too unreasonable. , So the patriarch plans to let the two go away."

"Of course, if you two don't trust me, you can also go out there." Xie Wushang pointed to a hole in the sky that was blasted out by the Profound Sky, and said.

The portable world is not dependent on the world of the nine heavens, but an independent plane in the void. Its true location may be unusually far away from the nine heavens.

If there is no space channel built with the specific coordinates of the two worlds, if you go out of this portable world to find the Nine Heavens Realm, both Tianxuan and Tianyu may get lost in the void, and it will take hundreds of millions of years to find the way to the Nine Heavens Realm.

By then, the day lilies are cold.

Tianyu often goes out to perform tasks, and he is quite clear about this. He said to Tianxuan: "Sister, we don't have the coordinates of the Nine Heavens Realm. If we go out of the Cargo Realm, we may get lost in the void, or should we go through this portal? "

Tianxuan carefully scanned the world behind the portal, and after confirming that there were no traps there, he nodded and said, "Well, this is the only way to go to the Nine Heavens Realm faster, let's go."


Seeing Tianxuan's promise, Tianyu nodded happily, and led Tianxuan into the portal.

Seeing Tianxuan and Tianyu entering the portal, Xie Wushang also had an inexplicable smile in his eyes and closed the portal.

At this time Xie Wei flew forward and asked, "Wu Shang, why do you want to let Tianxuan and Tianyu go? Is this really what the patriarch meant?"

"of course not."

Xie Wushang smiled at Xie Wei: "The Devil Emperor has found the whereabouts of this portable world, and the Devil Emperor has also helped our Spirit Race destroy the source of the Imprint of the Void Realm Royal Family."

"Our spirit race owes great favor to the Devil Emperor."

"Master asked me to come to let me inform you, to be ready to meet the Devil Emperor, so that he can smoothly pick up Tianxuan and Tianyu."

Hearing Xie Wushang's words, Xie Wushang's expression suddenly changed, "Then Wushang, how could you..."


Halfway through, Xie Wei only felt a sharp pain in his chest.

Xie Wushang pierced Xiewei's chest and pulled out his heart!


Xie Wei stared at Xie Wushuang with an unbelievable look, his whole body's breath quickly fell, and his pupils began to diminish.

At the last moment when his consciousness died...

Seeing the corner of Xie Wushang's mouth, he evoked a strange smile.

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