Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 560: Evil spirits

"Nine, nine emperors?" Xingyu was stunned when he heard Yang Fei's warning to him. He hadn't heard these two words yet.

"It's fine if you don't know," Yang Fei saw Xingyu with a puzzled look, and simply waved his hand, not dragging on this topic. "The power of the Nine Emperors, even the adults above, can't provoke you. It’s better to stay as far away as possible."

"Little people like us, just behave well."

"You are all the Jiaolong title holders, you are still a small person?" Xingyu asked with shock in his eyes when he heard Yang Fei's self-deprecating words.

In his cognition, the people of the Dragon Ministry are already outrageous, let alone people with titles?

"The vastness of this world... even if it is a real dragon, what can it be? Those who can turn the river and the sea have always been the real dragons at the top." Yang Fei said, suddenly realized that the focus is not here, quickly Recovered.

"Stop talking, let's do business first. This research base is much larger than I thought. The explosives I brought may not be enough to blow it down, so we can only find the self-destructing device here and activate it."

"Find the self-destructing device... can we do it?" Xingyu stared at Yang Fei blankly, a trace of suspicion flashed in his heart.

"Of course it couldn't be done before, but now the situation is different... The man outside has already turned the manor upside down. The guards of this research base are already very few. This matter has been very easy."

"By the way, do you know computers?"

"Understand a little bit." At this moment, Xingyu was rarely humble.

"It's better to know something than not. I'll teach you how to do it later. You only need to help me. Let's go." Yang Fei beckoned to Xingyu.

"Help you?" Xingyu looked at Yang Fei's back, with a confident smile at the corner of his mouth, "In terms of strength, I may be the fifth scum, but on the Internet... I have never been afraid of anyone!"

"What are you muttering behind?"

"No, nothing, come here!"

When Yang Fei turned and urged, the confident expression on Xingyu's face disappeared in an instant. He shrugged his head and smiled at Yang Fei, and quickly followed Yang Fei's footsteps.

"here is?"

Sakuragi Sanye also rushed into the study room of the deputy leader of the Kuroguchi group. Seeing the blood stains on the wall and the messy bookcase, Sakuragi Sanye narrowed his eyes.

"It's a bit tricky here... Forget it, anyway, I can't stay outside for the time being, just digest it here, it looks stronger anyway." Sakuragi Sanye found a relatively clean corner, and sat down directly, quietly. Jing absorbed the spiritual power in the body, and the breath of Sakuragi Sanye also began to slowly climb at this moment.

The study became quiet again... and the book standing on the bookcase next to Sakuragi Sanye was the mechanism that opened the secret door behind her.


"Boy, fight with me first!" The red-robed man's aura has risen to its limit, his eyes glowing with red, and the surrounding red spiritual power stirred up countless smoke and dust.

Hearing the words of the man in the red robe, Zhang Ziling opened his eyes and yawned, "After waiting for you three minutes, is there only such a little strength in the end?"

"You'd better not fall into my hands." The red-robed man's complexion sank, and the surrounding red spiritual power turned into sharp arrows to shoot at Zhang Ziling quickly, and the earth instantly became a thousand rivers and hundreds of holes.

However, those red spiritual powers had never even touched Zhang Ziling's clothes.

"Is the attack finished?" Zhang Ziling grinned at the red robe man after a wave of attacks.

"Of!" The red-robed man's face was originally ugly, but suddenly his painting style changed and a grin appeared on his face.

Under Zhang Ziling's feet, a huge array rose out of thin air, and two black arms rushed out of the ground, directly grabbing Zhang Ziling's feet.

"My attack just now was just a feint. For someone of your level, I knew that an attack of that level would have no effect on you." The red robe man saw Zhang Ziling grabbing both hands by the black hands, his face His smile grew stronger and stronger, "Even when I crazily improved my breath before, it was a cover-up, you are too arrogant."

"If you are against you, I may be able to defeat you and even kill you! But in this way, even though you are dead, I will definitely suffer a lot of injuries. Killing you will not do me any good, on the contrary my body The damage is irreparable."

"So, the person who really attacked was the old guy Shio Miyamoto! The evil spirit and psychic trick is very uncomfortable!" The red-robed man Jiejie laughed, and the wind demon Cangchuan and the black-robed man beside him had already Disappear.

"It turned out to be the plan." There was no change in the expression on Zhang Ziling's face, as he looked at the man in the red robe and nodded.

"You just want to be hard, and you will know... what is the real hell!" The man in the red robe laughed and quickly retreated. The array at Zhang Ziling's feet became brighter and brighter, with several distorted faces. The monster crawled out from all around, and the hands holding Zhang Ziling's feet became longer and longer, spreading to Zhang Ziling's upper body.

"Where is the caster?" Zhang Ziling didn't care about the monsters with distorted faces around him, but began to look around, "Oh? I found it!"

The corner of Zhang Ziling's mouth was slightly hooked, and he raised his eyes to look at the sky. The black robe man sat cross-legged in the void, surrounded by dark green spiritual power. Feng Mo Cangchuan was now looking up behind the black robe man with his mouth and eyes open. The blue light shot into the sky, then spread out and fell on the four corners of the southeast, northwest, and then formed an array on the ground.

"Do you use the power of two people as the source? This can indeed increase the power of this magic circle, but... In this way, you can't move, right?"

"Is it a living target like this? Still confident that this magic circle will kill me?" Zhang Ziling chuckled lightly, flicking at the sky, and a spiritual force rushed out, but at this time, there was a line above the magic circle. The barrier quickly dissolved that spiritual power, and then the light of the magic circle became brighter! .

"That's it, this circle is very cleverly designed. It can not only summon those monsters, but also absorb the enemy's power and turn it into its own use..."

Zhang Ziling glanced at the monster slowly approaching him, and the arm that had spread to his waist, a red glow flashed in his eyes, "It is indeed a means to drive the enemy into desperation. It seems that the man's plan of pretending to attack did not Wrong, with this level of magic circle, even if I am one level higher than the opponent, I still can't get rid of it."

"Interesting, and more interesting... these monsters are all human, right?" In the circle, Zhang Ziling sucked a monster over, then squeezed the monster's head, splashing blood, dripping on the circle. Go up, the momentum of going to the magic circle rose another point.

"Hahaha! Just struggle as much as you want, now it's just a starter, Shio Miyamoto's shikigami hasn't come out yet... No one has ever been able to break through this evil spirit psychic circle!" In the distance, the man in the red robe saw Zhang Ziling pinched a monster to death, and could not help but laugh loudly.

The words of the man in the red robe reached Zhang Ziling's ears, and Zhang Ziling lowered his head, the corners of his mouth under the shadow...

"Is it?"

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